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Posts posted by Sade_k

  1. Well they have added on a £25 charge and then today they have added another £55?! I've been sent a default notice in an email. I've asked them to reply with a method of paying the original amount as I am not giving them my new card details so they can raid my account I've had no response!i can pay the original amount but it's getting higher

  2. I'm wondering if someone could give me some advice? I'm new to this so unsure of how to start my own thread so sorry to add to another. I'm 24 and stupidly took out a loan with mini credit. I applied for £100 and only got £80 and my loan was due for repayment 3 days ago (1st jan) and I originally owed £121. Me being the idiot i am thought my repayment date was much later and in the mean time I had to cancel my card for other reasons. It's only reading other posts on this site I've realised how difficult and horrible these people are! After emailing them to ask how I can make payment of the original amount I've had no reply. I'm scared and worried this is going to escalate to a ridiculous amount of money as it has with a lot of people. What do i do now? Any advice would be great thank you.

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