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Posts posted by MiniM

  1. I just signed off JSA so I now no longer have to go to Ingeus, which has been 10 months of hell. I did have an appointment with them today, so I am looking forward to a phone call from them wherein I can tell them where to go!

  2. My wife has applied for pension credit. The idea being that what she gets will replace what I get in unemployment benefit, thus enabling me to sign off and tell Ingeus where to go! She is also to apply for Support for Mortgage Interest to replace what I normally claim for, which is due to end this December.


    She received a phone call from a woman from the Pension Service and said what we would be entitled to, and asked if we still wanted to go ahead, which we did. She also said we would receive a visit from an officer and she is coming this Friday.


    Is there anything we should be worried about with this visit?

  3. I currently claim JSA as well as visiting that dreadfull place Ingeus! I also get mortgage interest payments from DWP (when I'm not sanctioned).


    My wife is a pensioner and should be able to claim pension credits.


    So, should I be able to sign off JSA, thus dumping Ingeus, and rely on my wife getting pension credits instead? There should not be much difference payment-wise.

  4. I was sanctioned recently for the second time, this time for three months. I was getting help with my mortgage payments from the DWP which they will only pay me until December as my years then up.


    My idea is that I could cancel my claim for mortgage help and my wife could instead apply for pension credit, she will then be able to apply for housing benefit and council tax help.


    Can my claim be cancelled but stay on jobseekers allowance? Not that I get anything at the moment. Not sure what to do, or how to do it?

  5. I have my first appointment at Ingeus in a couple of weeks and I am worried. I am 57 years old and I have been unemployed for just over a year. Prior to this I was on ESA as I was declared unfit to work. I suffer with depression, anxiety and have bouts of panic paranior. It is under control with daily medication but it does make me very nervous at interviews and the thought of working in a environment with lots of people. My condition therefore affects my day to day living.


    I don't know how the staff at Ingeus will view me, or deal with me. I can't accept just any old job, but I fear they will force me to. Any opinions please?

  6. I have my first appointment at Ingeus in a couple of weeks and I am worried. I am 57 years old and I have been unemployed for just over a year. Prior to this I was on ESA as I was declared unfit to work. I suffer with depression, anxiety and have bouts of panic paranior. It is under control with daily medication but it does make me very nervous at interviews and the thought of working in a environment with lots of people. My condition therefore affects my day to day living.


    I don't know how the staff at Ingeus will view me, or deal with me. I can't accept just any old job, but I fear they will force me to. Any opinions please?

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