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Posts posted by Rachimella92

  1. Looking for some moral support and advice against an awful company called Plumbforce Direct.

    I only wish I'd checked their reviews before booking them.

    If anyone knows what rights I have or has any tips I'd be so appreciative.


    Story and my complaint email posted below:



    It's taken me a while to get to sending this email as we have only just found the source of our plumbing problem and following it being resolved I now understand just how unhelpful your company was in this process.
    I called plumbforce a few weeks back when water appeared on our floor.
    The guys who came seemed nice enough and suggested the source of it was the leaking sink waste under my kitchen sink.
    They said that cleaning the pipes or 'snaking them' as well as replacing the waste exit should resolve the issue.
    They said it would be £350 +VAT.
    Being new to owning my own home and sadly entirely naive of what plumbing should cost I said yes to this and they proceeded to clean already clean pipes and provide me with a new plughole for £420.
    This of course didn't solve the problem and when I called a different, reliable plumber he was outraged on my behalf and said it was a £70 to £100 job maximum. 
    I never received the invoice I was promised for the work completed which I find telling in itself.
    Please send this as soon as possible. 
    I am also looking to get either entirely refunded for this work or the difference in overcharging.
    I find it unfair and completely exploitative of my clear lack of experience that you've overcharged me by 5x what it should have cost. 
    Having now read your overwhelmingly negative reviews and many other complaints I can see you have made the decision that your company will operate in this way and I only wish I'd done this before booking you. 
    Please let me know if there are any additional steps I should take with regard to your complaint handling process. 
  2. Hi


    I've got a very old and very much slowing down Samsung Galaxy S3 on monthly contract from Vodafone. It lags, it freezes (sometimes for ten minutes plus) it doesn't run certain apps that newer phones do and the battery life is now so bad I have to charge it all night and then again on my lunch break to make it last until I get home- and I'm paying £32 a month for the privilege. Most days I have to stop myself from throwing it across the room.


    All of this I could just about deal with until last week when it refused to connect to the internet, no data and no wireless. At all. So it is near useless. I got the phone in December 2012 so it is just over 2 years old and as I switched the contract from my Dad's name into my name some way into 2013, Vodafone helpfully extended the contract by an extra 6 months (I don't know why!) I have tried speaking to Vodafone but all they can tell me is that I will have to wait for an upgrade if I am unhappy with the device in general and, as for the internet, I can send it for repair but the most likely solution will apparently be a factory reset. About the only positive thing about my two year old Samsung is all of the contacts, photos, videos and texts I have stored on it.


    So two questions for you forum visitors out there -


    Number 1 - does anyone know how to get a crappy old Samsung to decide to start accepting the internet again?


    Number 2 - any tips on how to get Vodafone to co-operate and give me a new phone that is actually fit for purpose as I've already owned this one over two years!!?


    Any suggestions/help would be really appreciated.


    Many thanks,



  3. I am currently having a pretty terrible experience with Vodafone.


    I'm a horribly overdrawn student and my dad pays for my phone, making it impossible to try and sort out myself. Its a Nokia N8.


    The N8 has been a constant source of annoyance for about a year out of the year and a half I’ve had it.

    It froze all the time, shut down on its own and stopped recognising its sim card whenever it felt like it.

    So I wouldn’t be able to receive calls or texts and would be none the wiser until I’d suddenly have a barrage of them once it found its ability to acknowledge its sim card again.


    Last week my terrible little handset finally gave up the ghost on me completely and refused to turn on at all despite a full day of charging.


    I went to my local Vodafone store to see If they could help me.

    They said they’d do a software update in the store which would mean losing all of my contacts and data on the phone

    and to come back in an hour even though I had insisted it wouldn’t turn on.


    After an hour I returned to be told I was right, it wouldn’t turn on.


    I was then assured the trusted Vodafone repair centre could put the handset right.


    I signed over my phone and received a highly unfashionable but practical loan phone while they supposedly fixed my own.


    I had a text come through a few days later telling me that if I wanted to have my phone repaired a charge of £100 would be issued.

    I could buy a phone 10 times better than the one I was struggling by with for that money


    I did not call the repair centre and instead went back to the shop.


    The manager looked up what had been noted down on the system and to my absolute astonishment he explained that the HDMI cover on the top of the handset was split.


    I knew about the tiny bit of plastic being broken and it had been for quite some time.


    The manager explained to me that the repair technicians would not even have attempted to repair the internal system of the phone

    because of this ridiculous tiny physical fault with its exterior and this was apparently what was going to cost me £100 to repair.


    as the situation stands my dad is paying £30 a month for a sim card, a plastic (toy) loan phone which I’m guessing has to go back soon

    and a faulty phone which Vodafone are refusing to repair due a bit of torn plastic.


    I was told my options are to pay the £100 and receive my two year old handset wiped of all its contacts

    and memories despite it being faulty in the first place


    to pay £210 in order to buy myself out and upgrade.


    Both of these options seem absolutely unfair especially when my dad would be paying the £30 a month for a sim card

    and a dead handset until July 2013!


    My family have been customers at Vodafone for over 8 years and between us we have 3 different contracts with you.


    Surely any reasonable person can see that this situation is not right and there must be something further they can do for me to sort it out!?

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