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Posts posted by zigzag41

  1. Great information I wish I had known this earlier; a year and a half ago my bill with EDF went from £50/month on a direct debit to £60 and then £80.

    By March 2014 they wanted to change it to £164 a month despite my constant complaints that something must be wrong!!!


    I asked for a second meter to be fitted and they told me my meter was fine and it would cost me £1000 for them to check my meter and fit a second one.


    They told me that an average bungalow would use £1,500 electricity a year, despite the fact I have solid fuel heating.


    The only way I got the meter changed was to refuse to pay and they fitted a key meter.


    Surprise surprise every week since has been £14.50-£15.00 with no fluctuations and thats on a higher tariff than I was before.


    Any ideas how i can now challenge them for a refund??


    An electrician who used to fit meters told me that some of the digital ones are 10-20% out on accuracy - this is all wrong, yet I was made out to be the person at fault.

  2. Hi, new to this forum and I hope this is in the right place. I have just had a statutory demand served on the 3 december for a £130,000. I signed a guarantee on an advanced payment bond. This has been in dispute for over five years. The bond was to cover an advanced payment on a piece of equipment that a company I worked for was going to deliver and commision. We delivered it and after many contractual hastles that the other company were supposed to provide they banned us from the site and refused to allow its commisioning. A solicitor wrote to them stating the contract had been breached and they did not remedy the situation within the agreed timescales of the contract.

    I informed the Bond company that they had breached the contract and gave them evidence of the plant being delivered. Somehow five years later this company have made a claim on the Bond and won.

    I wrote to their collection agents before the deadline asking for information and gave them a list of reasons why I felt the personal guarantee was nul and void.

    They served the demand before the timescale was up and without any communication, despite giving them 14 reasons why i dispute the validity of the guarantee.

    Any thoughts/ help PLEASE.

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