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Posts posted by janetb1968

  1. I know I was shocked to say the least when they rang me up at lunchtime; I very nearly fell over from the shock! It must've been a helluva incorrect balance to go from £6, 666 90 at the end of June 2012 to about £800 and finishes end of August this year. Wish I knew what had gone on at Blackburn, they were always saying the balance and loan terms were correct and I was always challenging them before the branch closed last year.

  2. They are sending me a letter of notification and the statement is coming next month. I won't believe it till I see it in writing and i do know that Welcome are not to be trusted but it is a relief in a way but ill be happier when I see it in writing. Thanks for the advice much appreciated :-)

  3. Well I've just had the best news and I am so thrilled to say that this bloody loan will actually finish at the end of august this year not next year as originally thought. Apparently Blackburn branch have been very naughty and gave me a wrong statement last year and I incorrectly owed far less than Blackburn said. A very nice chap from the Milton Keynes office informed me on the phone that instead of still owing 3k I owe about £800 and it will finish at the end of August :-) I fee like doing a snoopy happy dance! They are sending it to me in writing as I won't believe it till i see it in writing. All I can say is that the Black burn branch deserve all they got and I am speechless and so relieved. Hope everyone is well and I hope nobody minds me posting this :-)

  4. Well that's the address I've been given that my account is now located I would have no other idea about where they have departments and offices especially with the financial mess they are in. All I know is my branch in Blackburn is closed and my account has been moved to this address.

  5. I've also rooted out my statement from June 2012 which states I owed £6624, 44 on 28th June 2012 and the minimum duration of agreement is 120 months which should finish July 2013 but welcome finance said it finishes July 2014. The loan was started 24th July 2003, I still can't get my head around all this :-( it was after all this was sent to me that I got the letter saying there was a mistake on the loan amount and the interest was frozen in Nov 2012, Ive heard nothing about this since despite letters and phone calls. I also sent a CCA request in March along with a £1 postal order - heard nothing :-( I thunk I'm going to have to send a SAR I will be getting another statement in July hopefully this year so we will have to see. I have no idea how to send a SAR but I'll have to look at the templates on here.

  6. The address I have for welcome finance in Milton Keynes is.......143-145 Queensway, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK2 2DY..... This is the letter address I received on 4th October 2012 informing me that the Blackburn branch had closed and my account had moved to them in Milton Keynes.

  7. Just to update on this thread, ive heard nothing from Welcome Finance since I started this thread which is frustrating but unfortunately I've been ill so ive had other things to worry about. Many thanks for trying to help me it was much appreciated if I get any information from Welcome I will report back but im not getting my hopes up. Hope u are all well take care all of u :-)

  8. Hi Iain thanks for replying I think I will send off a SAR, they are absolutely infuriating me with the attitude its nothing for me to worry about and its all beyond my "little brain" that was there attitude in January when I asked about it - they probably think I'm an idiot well I'm not! I will keep you posted about the outcome thanks a lot for helping me in all this and thats for everyone who has replied in this thread :-) And they definitely have not been sending me annual statements either when I got a statement in 2011 that was the first one I had received in a long time, it just doesn't add up and they are just so arrogant and basically quite dismissive of me - well not anymore :mad2:

  9. Hope everyone is well I've sent off the request to Welcome along with the £1 postal order so we will see what happens, I still have'nt recieved anything about the letter from Nov 2012 regarding the "interest error" and my remaining balance so I've given up on that request so will have to see what they have to say about the letter I've sent them. Many thanks for helping me and I'll update you all again soon :-)

  10. That's a comforting thought :-) The thing is I've paid on the dot every month now for a very long time and you still get treated like poo by Welcome :-( I sometimes feel like saying to the head office "Your the company thats lost the majority of your branch offices and I'm the one thats gets spoken to like they are crap!" Anyway whinge over.

  11. Well I hope so but I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to confrontation :-( the thought of facing them in court fills me with horror so baby steps at the moment so bear with me but thanks for listening and I'll do what I can :-) I still have'nt heard from them regarding the frozen interest letter they sent me last November, it was very weird coming so soon after the Blackburn branch closed. I cannot get a straight answer from them regarding the "technical error" regarding my final amount I owe them but they seem to think its "nothing for me to worry about" - yeah right amd I'm the Queen of England :-)

  12. Hi MrZ


    Thanks for replying very kind of you, I'll look at the templates on the site on Monday that's when I'm off :-) I'm doing overtime all weekend I'm a staff nurse at my local hospital, so won't have much time till then to look. I'll send off the letter to Welcome and send the £1 aswell and wait for there reply. I will keep you posted, thanks for the advice I really do appreciate it :-)

  13. Hi MrZ thanks for replying, I have not been squeaky clean the entire 10 years with Welcome I was late about twice but I always made up what I owed to them. I got 2 visits from an awful girl from my local branch a long time ago who made me feel like I was the biggest s..t in the world for being a day late and also kept ringing me up all day on the hour every hour, I just could'nt stand the harrasment and the abuse you got from them I think thats why I've never missed a payment since. I had a bit of a cock-up with the direct debit last month whick resulted in an horrendous phone call from head office demanding what I was playing at and they would'nt listen to me explaining it was my bank's fault, they charged me £12 default fee which I felt bullied into paying. My bank wrote to them stating it was the banks fault not mine but I got no apology from them but I know the bank wrote to them to explain what happened. I'm sorry I'm just rambling but I really cannot abide them I have never got into the situation where I've been chased for money by them or debt collectors but paying them over the years has not been easy. I've just got the statement I got from them in 2011 from the now closed Blackburn branch, it states loan was commenced on 24th July 2003 and was for 120 months and at 28th June 2012 my remaining balance was £6624.44 and I have since learnt it will finish July 2014. What I do not understand is if its for 10 years then as u say it should finish this year but the guy I spoke to at the head office was adamant its next year. I am really confused with all this and I have read other threads about Welcome and I have'nt got the first clue how to try to get any charges back. I did get some PPI back in 2011 which went onto a better car but in hindsight I should've put it on the loan but hey-ho you live and learn. On the statement the amount I owed on 6th July 2011 was £10089.08 to say I was a bit gobsmacked was an understatement and its was the first statement I'd had from them for a long time. Thanks for listening and for the rambling post but I've just carried on paying basically for a quiet life and the less I have to do with them the better. Take care hope you have a good day and a good weekend :-)

  14. Hello just thought I'd update on this if anyone is interested :-) I've since found out that my loan with Welcome will finish at the end of July 2014 which is a relief in a way but still odd for a 10 year loan which started in 2003 but that's Welcome Finance for you. I still have not heard anything about the letter they sent to me in Nov last year, I've written to them and have rung head office on numerous occasions, the only reply I got was " it was not for me to worry about and it's a technical error on there part regarding the interest on my loan". Well if its not for me to worry about then why contact me in the first place :-( its all very odd but nevermind I'll be well rid of them in July 2014 cannot wait :-D Hope everyone is well.

  15. Hi Iain thanks for replying I'll take your advice and sit tight then hopefully when some info comes back from Welcome I'll sit and scrutinize the letter. The loan was for £10,000 and for 10 years, I got the loan in 2003 but it just seems to be dragging on and on, I did'nt miss a lot of payments was perhaps late with a couple but always made up what I owed and have never missed a payment now for a good few years. I will be very interested in what the letter will tell me but I'm not getting my hopes up I know I will need to pay it off very soon, I got some PPI back last year which was good that went onto paying for a better car. Thank you once again for replying I do think the CAG forum is excellent and I do find a lot of information on here which has been very helpful :-) The last statement I got from the Blackburn branch before it closed earlier this year stated I still owed about £ 6,000 which seems a bit odd :???:

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