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Posts posted by Sultanam

  1. Hi all, I need some advice with regards to a misfortune that happened to me and my husband. About 2 months ago we went to view a Taylor Wimpey development in Bathgate, Edinburgh. We really liked the show home a 4 bedroom house. So we decided to see if they had a similar house to sell. We sat down with the sales person to discuss price and options. The initial price which by the way is not posted on the website just on a price list in the sales office, was 228k. The house was due to be finished end of December so they were keen to get a buyer as soon as possible. The sales lady said she could get the price down to 202k, which we thought it was great. We then discussed with the sales lady that we could get from the bank a mortgage of no more than 150,000 and our deposit was just 40k so we were short about 10-12k. She then said that they could do a 5% builders deposit which applied to the sales price of 202k would be the difference we were missing. Based on this information my husband and I put the reservation fee of £500 to secure the house feeling happy we made a great deal.

    We managed to obtain the mortgage and the solicitors started the sales process. With two weeks till the date of entry in the house, we get a letter from the solicitor detailing wether amount due by us, with no mention of the 5% builder's deposit so we found ourselves in a position where we just don't have the extra 10k which we were told is going to be covered as a builders deposit.

    We have confronted the sales lady which has no recollection of the discussion before we decided to sign the reservation agreement.


    We are now in a position where we paid 500 reservation fee, £3,200 to the solicitors for their fees, dues and stamp duty, paid for carpets and ordered furniture. We need now to get out of the deal and we will loose a lot of money, money for which like other people we spent saving for the last 7-8 years working really hard, no help from family or friends.....

    We are thinking of submitting complaints to Taylor Wimpey and the Consumer Code and even to the FSA for missi-selling and misleading.

    Please anyone if you can help with any advice or ideas that would be great, we are ally heartbroken and we have been loosing sleep for the past couple of nights.


    Thank you


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