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Posts posted by Flatcoats

  1. What frustrates me is I wasn't given anything from the landlord in terms of statement etc when I left



    he could have put any figure down and



    I've not had the chance to question any of it.



    Like I said I didn't hide under the radar and



    if they have my address for the sheriffs office why not any court papers?



    I know the HCEO are only doing there job but 7 days, 7 weeks, 7 months



    my possessions won't change so there is nothing to take unless they want my clothes.

  2. I know I must owe something but have no idea of the full amount as I was only short by approx 300 per month for 6/7 months.



    I tried noodle again this morning but still couldn't,t get on and



    have limited internet today so will register with experian tomorrow.



    It was a poor time and I am managing all my other debts



    have no credit cards etc



    this amount will just push me over.



    I,m going to look into an Iva and get this included



    my only worry is I don't think my annual salary is high enough.



    Thanks again guys appreciate all your advise.

  3. Thanks Ploddertom I certainly will not be letting anyone in and there is nothing of any value in here that I own.



    The car I have access too (not owned by me) was bought for £500



    even if they tried to take that it wouldn't cover it.



    Crazy thing is I could have moved and reverted back to maiden name and as I was married abroad

    it was never registered here so no way of proving Miss p ? Is now Mrs p ?



    However I had nothing to hide hence on the electoral register etc.



    Think it's harsh I get 7 days notice having received nothing but I suppose life never is.



    Thanks a million though.



    I don't normally answer the door anyway



    just worried if I am confronted on the street etc.



    will search the forum for advise if they do come knocking on the door.

  4. I can't access the noodle report as it won't recognise my card for some reason

    which I find strange as been with the bank for years and card is fine normally.



    Is it worth registering for the free trial with experian although everyone at work had a nightmare trying to get out of before they started charging.



    I'd be more than happy to enter into a payment agreement but could seriously only afford £20 a month max

    which I doubt very much they'd accept.



    Hardly slept last night as 7 days notice to find 4k is scaring the hell out of me and dreading a knock on the door



    current landlord is lovely but doubt he will be so understanding if they attempt to remove things from his house.



    Thanks for the advise so far really really appreciate it.

  5. Thanks WD.



    Not sure how much the shortfall was and



    when I left I met with him and we never discussed repaying monies.



    He even let me stay in the empty house for an extra night till some friends were back from holiday as everything had been put into storage.



    I,m not even sure he had a signed tenancy agreement but suppose he must have if he has taken me to court.



    It was a very stressful time with brothers depression etc.



    will scan the notice in and post it.



    I have received nothing but then as stated I couldn't tell him a new address and he never asked for one.

  6. Rented a private property initially through a lettings agent



    then they closed down



    dealt direct with landlord for 2 yrs.



    Made redundant and couldn't afford full rent



    claimed housing benefit - there was a shortfall.



    Landlord started proceedings to get me evicted



    after 1st official solicitors letter I left the property on what I thought was good terms with landlord.



    Stayed with friends for a while then unfortunately brother committed suicide and father seriously ill

    moved back to town of birth over 100 miles away.



    This was in May 2009.



    Father passed away but still here renting privately again and managing just to keep my ahead above water.



    Yesterday received a notice of enforcement from the sherrifs office giving me 7 days to respond to a debt of nearly 4k I owe this previous landlord.



    I have not heard a thing since I handed his keys back,

    obviously didn't give him a forwarding address as had no clue where I would be living

    but been on the council tax register since 2009 so hardly hiding under the parapet.



    I wouldn't even have a clue and never did where my ex landlord lives

    so cannot contract him direct and very wary of dealing direct with sherrifs office.



    Ironically the 7 days expires on the anniversary of my brothers death

    really not looking forward to that day.



    I am working now but only just earning over minimum wage, rent furnished and don't even own a car

    so baffled as to how they think they can take goods worth 4k.



    Wouldn't be such a shock if I was expecting this however never any indication ,

    paperwork, nothing that landlord was chasing me for this debt.



    What's my next step please any advise would be greatly appreciated.

  7. :|Thanks Guys

    - I returned the paperwork to the court admitting the money I owed detailing all my expenditure and offering to committ to a monthly payment plan

    as I was unable to attend the court hearing.


    I heard nothing back until this now from Marstons so I can only assume they just decided my monthly plan wasn't good enough.


    The 2nd letter from Marstons states '

    It may be the case that the claimants will accept payments by installments if you cannot settle in full with us at once.

    However all offers together with a first payment on accounts must be sent to us and we will then take instructions on any offer you make'


    I have put together a letter to Marstons with a copy of the DVLA log Book and also advising the property is rented fully furnished and again offering to make monthyl payments,


    however I cannot make the first payment until the end of Jan so should I just send the letter anyway.


    I have access to a scanner so I can scan the log book and email it when I get home tonight but that wont be until after 9ish.


    I get the impression that they will not refuse the vhicle without first etsablishing who the legal owner is

    (see comment in my original post) but am I just being niave?

  8. It is important to be aware that with judgments that have been transferred up to the High Court to enforce there regulations provide that the OWNER of the goods levied upon should send a Third Party Claim form to the relevant enforcement company. This form is very simple and I can provide some wording later on this morning.


    Thanks Tom


    is it still worth sending them this letter with a copy of the log book.

    Just don't know what to do if they turn up at the house with a pick up truck lol.


    Don't want an argument in the street with them but oh will go mad if they try to take his car.


    It's my debt and even their letter states

    "where motor vehicles have been seized we require defendants to arrange to it for

    a copy of the vehicle registration document

    so we can satisfy ourselves as to the ownership of the vehicle prior to its removal'.


    So confused.

  9. Unforutnately 18 months ago I ran into debt with a private hospital who have subsequently taken me to court.


    I completed all the paperwork before the hearing admitting to the debt of £900 and offering a monthly repayment.


    I heard nothing until a notice of seizure pushed through my letter box from Marstons Bailiffs.

    They followed this up at the beginning of Dec with a further letter asking me to sign a walking possession agreement.


    My problem is they have listed a vehicle parked outside my house as one of the assetts they will take

    however it's actually my partners car albeit does have a personal plate on it which used to be mine but the vehicle is actually his and registered as so.


    I've not been able to do anything due to having to take time off work to care for a sick relative who unfortunately died between Christmas and New Year

    now have funeral costs to pay and I am starting to panic about Marstons.


    I understand the responsibility is on me to prove I do not own this vehicle etc

    which can easily be dowe as he has his original receipt from the garage and also I have photocopied the log book.


    My other problem is the house is a rented furnished property so I can't agree to them coming in as I do not own the electricals, furniture etc.


    I have drafted a letter to them which I can post today again offering the repayment plan (which they did state I could do)

    and enclosed the copy of the cars log book and also advised it is a rental property therefore I cannot sign thheir 'walking poossession'


    howwever I have heard all manner of horror stories that they can turn up with the police etc, change locks I don't want to involve my landlord


    do I post this letter to Marstons and keep fingers crossed they will finally accept my offer of £50 per month.


    Oh and the car was purchased for £650 so doesn't even go part way to what I now owe.


    They did say it was not too late to offer a repayment plan but to put it in writing along with an initial 1st payment

    however I cannot make a first payment till the end of Jan as I received no salary for December as I had to take unpaid leave.


    Any advise would be really helpful.

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