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Posts posted by Lad81

  1. What was meant by when did you first become aware of this, it is meant the circumvention of the proxy. This is because I assume Stu wants to know why you didnt point this out at the time of noticing it


    Thanks for clarification. It was a colleague who installed the circumvention so access to the net could be had. Many people were using the net so a colleague advised Hw it cud b accessed and added it to my account.

  2. Thank you to everyone for your continued help.


    All employee's have their own username/password's to login to computers. The different desk's I have been seated have always been shared with others. There is a possibility and I have done this on many occasions if I forgot to log out this would give access to my specific account.


    I have been working at the company for a year and three months. In terms of evidence of my colleagues using the same process to access the net is me viewing the do this on a daily basis. Apart from that I have no written/documented evidence I could bring to the meeting. However my thoughts are that if my manager does present me with a list of websites that I have been viewing they will have this for other employee's also. Only problem there is the other employee's get on with management. Sorry I am confused about your point about when I first became aware of this. If it is the disciplinary you are referring to I was advised of this on the 30-12-12. My colleagues don't wanna know. Everyone is in it for themselves.



    Sorry I didn't state this previously. In the letter it does state I am able to bring some else to the hearing from within the company only. No one external can be bought.


    I also include the following passage from the letter advising me that I have a disciplinary hearing: " depending on the facts established at the hearing, the outcome could be a written warning, final warning or dismissal but a decision on this will not be made until you have had a full opportunity to put forward your version of events and the hearing has been concluded. I refer you to the company's attached disciplinary rules and procedure (outlined in the employee handbook) and to which I will be making reference".



    Thanks for your help once again.

  3. Deano has apoint, does anyone else use the internet by cirumventing the proxy?



    For others that dont know the proxy will have a white list of websites employees are allowed to visit and block certain sites dependant on content of what they cant view. The list on what is blocked is managed by rules that are downloaded from a 3rd party and also explicit rules the IT team can add. The user here has gone out on the raw connection going round the proxy so that all sites are viewable


    Thank you for your replies. All the equipment is the companies. Other colleagues are also circumventing the proxy. This was installed by a colleague via USB.


    I have never bn given a specific e-mail/internet policy unless this is contained in my contract which I have2 check tomorrow.

  4. Hello to everyone. A friend of mine directed me the consumer action group website and from what I have seen so far it is an excellent site.


    What brings me here is that I have been directed to attend a disciplinary on the 04-12-12 in the morning. I was advised of the disciplinary on the 30-12-12 at around 1600 and was given two copies of a letter advising that a disciplinary has been arranged. As per letter the purpose of the hearing is as follows:


    "will be to discuss an allegation that I have been by-passing the proxy server in order to access websites which have been banned and watching non work related material on the internet during work hours".


    I have also been handed a document by the name of "disciplinary procedures" in which under the title "rules covering gross misconduct" comes the following: "unauthorised use of the email and internet" Also in the employee handbook which I and the majority of colleagues I have asked have never received a copy of but potentially have signed a form claiming that we have viewed it, is contained the following statement under gross misconduct:


    "unauthorised use of the email and internet"



    To the story is itself. I am going to be honest. I have been going on the internet mainly to listen to songs from youtube, also go on a few other websites. But never no adult sites or any other "dodgy" sites. The internet itself has been locked by the company however another device which was already installed on my computer allows access to the internet.



    The issues are the following. I don't have a clue if the correct procedure is being followed by my manager in terms of the disciplinary. I was told on the 30-11-12 in the afternoon that I would be having the disciplinary hearing on the 04-12-12. My first question is should there not be any meetings held prior to the final hearing disciplinary? Also,I have not been provided details of the specific allegation itself or any other evidence that they have against me. I requested this evidence however was told this would be made available on the hearing itself? To me this doesn't seem correct as in a court of law all charges and evidence is made available to the defendant before entering court. The only information that I have been given so far is that another employee has caught me going on the net. They are going all out to ensure I get sacked by not providing me with information that I feel I am entitled to so as to disarm me and put me in a weaker position.



    Another point I have is that many of my colleagues browse the net or listen to music on you tube or even watch video's whilst working however I am the one that has been singled out. I am not sure if records of my internet usage will be put forward by my manager who is conducting the hearing however if this is the case evidence showing usage of my colleagues will also be available.



    A bit about myself and my situation at work. My manager does not like me. To a former colleague of mine on a night out she described me as a d***head and backwards. I'm a reserved character, quiet at work and this is one of the reasons I feel she is coming after me. On the office floor she has told me to shut up and threatened me with a p 45. In addition anytime overtime is offered as my situation makes it very difficult to take this offer up I have had to decline it on the majority of occasions which has not pleased her. I have also in a polite manner questioned genuinely policies/changes/cases of favoritism which again have not please her.



    Apart from the factors above which I feel are genuine I have not had a single day off work, am punctual, work hard and have high productivity. My point is I feel my manager has been searching for something to sack me on and this has put the fear of God into me. I fear If I am sacked I will struggle to ever find work again. I am not married yet and fear no one would want to marry me as I would not be able to support them financially never mind myself.


    Since being told about the disciplinary hearing on the 30-11-12 I have not been able to sleep or eat properly. I am under a lot of stress and am extremely worried. The tag of being sacked is something I didn't ever think that I would have to worry about. This is a terrible situation to be in. I have been at the company for a year and three months and not a single day off sick.


    My final question is that if i give my notice before the hearing, like tomorrow (03-12-12) would they still proceed with the hearing and potential dismissing? If so what If I called in sick and gave my months notice. IS this possible?



    I am sorry for all the questions. I have attempted to complete my own research but there is so much conflicting information out there. All of your help is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you in advance.



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