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Posts posted by annoyed7

  1. Brigadier. Forgot to tell you they are collecting "on the behalf of Ebay". However, Ebay does not know anything about this debt. I spent more than 30 mns with their Fraud department yesterday and they could not find anything.


    ALso they have told me they use another debt collecting agency, other than Transcom.

    They told me they are going to investigate why Transcom is claiming to work on their behalf without their knowledge

  2. Hi Brigadier, I am happy for you to add me on to your list of people. I am also happy to email you the scanned letter from :mad2:Transcom :mad2: .


    Hopefully the Daily Mirror can help. Their email address is [email protected] FAO Nick. Maybe if you were contacting them too and highlight the amounts of complaints you have, it would help. The police seemed to have taken my complaint seriously too.


    How can I email you the letter ? It has got all my personal details and I am not keen on posting it on a public website.



  3. Hi. I am new to this forum and really wind up by Transcom. I received a letter today from them claiming I owe £98.76 to Ebay. I do not have any debts, no credit cards. Nothing. I called the Fraud department of Ebay straight away who confirmed that I do not owe them anything. Ebay also told me that their Debt collecting agency number starts with 0870 not 0845. The name I cannot recall now is also different.

    I then called Citizen Advice Bureau who are making a referral to the Trading Standards in London and Leeds where the company is registered. I called the police, reported Transcom and was issued with a Crime Reference Number. AND I have contacted the Daily Mirror (the Investigation team) who seemed interested when I explained the dreadful practice and the extend of Transcom's practice. I am really fuming as I do not like being ripped off. The letter I received did not make any sense, I was asked to payment at the PO counter (cheque not acceptable). No mention of the FSA (they are supposed to be regulated), no mention of VAT, no logo and no tear up slip to make a payment. The letter looked like a poor photocopy.


    I do hope they will be stopped. Out of curiosity, I looked at their financial statements online and they are making a loss in the UK

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