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Posts posted by Dweezle

  1. All i keep getting told is its in the terms and conditions. Which may be as well, but when goods are not fit for purpose then i dont expect to wait a month...and still be waiting. I agree wholeheartedly with what youa re saying Dweezle, they are shocking. I am a long term customer, i paid off my account last year in full which was just over £1500, and have paid whatever i owe straight away ever since and they treat me like this!

    Why don't you just call it a wash, is it not about time we the consumer really did vote with our feet/wallets/purses/debit/credit cards etc and just go elsewhere.We need to have some way of breaking this cycle of lousy service, i just feel as a country we are too happy with the norm, we seem to quickly forget the treatment we recieve once the goodies turn up, seem to just store it away and say we'll do something about it next time, there shouldn't be a next time, sure there are errors and things do go wrong, but on such a constant level! it's not just the overinflated prices but it's the arrogant attitude with which they charge us and then treat us so badly.

    I would love to speak up for folks like us but sadly to get the thing going we need to have a backbone and real commitment, it just seems that for too many years we have let someone take the lead and then not follow "cos it's easier".

    Remember, when we are being difficult with these organisations they are being exactly the same. As Wolfie Smith said back in the day on Citizen Smith "power to the people" and "come the glorious day". Mind you his band of freedom fighters contained his mate, his girlfriend and his girlfriend's mother!!!! Keep on at them and don't let the ........'s grind you down. Scott.:-x

  2. Still waiting for a refund of £60 after sending in a copy of my phone bill after the number of calls i had to make on this 0844 con phone number, they tell me a cheque is in the post and the usual 14 day business, so still hopeful, it's just been one ridiculous shambles after another, and they just will not accept any responsibility, it's definately a case of we've got the money, sod you.

    So i'm sodding off to somewhere that i can trust a bit more(is there such an organisation in broken britain that isn't solely in it for the money.

    I can honestly say that i have never in all my days dealt with such misplaced arrogance, cheek, misinformation and downright shabby behaviour. But i suppose they'll not change, the women i have dealt with seem not in the slightest bit bothered that i'm closing the account. Couldn't care less as far as i can see. Hey Ho, hope you get some joy though, i'm going to keep at them if the cheque doesn't turn up anytime now.

    One woman laughably said that "i'm happy to call you back in 14 days and offer you 20% off your next order".Oh right then! thjat makes it better eh. Who are these clowns. Regards.

  3. How many people out there have fallen foul to the non existant "customer excellence" department of Littlewoods.com.

    I have recently become an acct holder and since day one it's been a continuing saga of parcels turning up late or not on the paid for next day delivery slot, i've had every excuse from courier problems(tring a new one out) being favourite at the moment, the call centre is appalling and at times i've waited up to 40 mins just to get through, on one occaision i spent a combined total of 5 hours on hold or with no response, this of course is using their 0844 extra rate number, and on this day i had the simplest of enquiries which could have been dealt with in one brief call.

    The request for a call back is always answered with the stock answer that someone will but no one does, i've been told to p... off, "calm down mate", i get absolutely no response to any mails, they always quote the "many satisfied customers", i have asked for money to be refunded to my card, they put it on the available to spend amount, when you call you invariably get a "home worker" who pretty much only take orders.

    Any letters are generic acknowledgements, i have saved about 15 to 20 of these along with my own e-mails,but all i'm told is that it's being investigated by the Directors Office, then nothing.

    I have sent two letters of complaint, one recorded, no response.

    What are the British Customer supposed to do, they will refund the extra delivery charge but that does not help if you want the order on the date they advertise(next day) or (selected day), but this only gets done if you wait on the customer service line for hours to report it.

    Why oh why must we still have to suffer these huge phone bills phoning these numbers for little or no help.

    I think Littlewoods personally are without doubt at the botton of the CS list, it is appalling and i have waited around one month and have had nothing. What advice can anyone give to try and break down this brick wall of indifferance.

  4. Certainly use my name in the correspondance you talk about to the OFT, i sent the drafted letter off to the address given but as i hadn't seen this post until now 6.20 i had sent it to the Woodward person, i suppose that it'll get to the new man in charge nontheless, i hope so, i tweaked it a wee bit but very little as i thought maybe that was ok, but gener do you suggest another one to Neil Petty. its a tad expensive at £1.55 a pop, but hopefully worth it. Dweezle.

  5. Thanks for all that but the last was a bit confusing and i don't really understand all the terms you used and what it means i am doing, maybe a wee simpler idiot guide for this idiot might be easier, but a squillion thanks again.I've done a letter and won't respond to the calls, but what to do when they become nuisance calls at all hours. My partner has Myotonic Dystrophy and as her sople carer i am always around so i cant ignore the phone if it rings, help!! Dweezle.

  6. All of a sudden a letter drops through my door from someone called MMF Doorstep and Legal Collection Specialists,

    who i am told i have to pay £260, due to an outstanding debt which if it ever existed was at least 7-8 years ago in Scotland.


    When i phoned Greenwood who told me they sold the debt and my details to they told me to contact this organisation as it was not their problem.


    I did and had a very unpleasant conversation with an obnoxious young woman who was asking if i had ever had any doorstep loans,

    i refused to confirm as she seemed to be trying to get me to admit something,


    i have had two loans in approx 5 years which i have agreed to set arrangements,

    and one was with Greenwoods but that has been satisfied for some time and i only have one left which is being paid off as agreed.


    This company have now started with the phone calls at all times of the day as i knew they would,

    i have disputed this loan with them but fear this harrassment will now continue.


    They appear uninterested in anything but getting money from me.


    Who are they, if as i think the loan they may refer to was taken out in Scotland

    do they still have the right to threaten doorstep collection or do they still have the right to harrass me with letters and phone calls.


    What should i do,

    i think i saw their name mentioned on here earlier on but as i was not registered

    i lost the thread and when i did register i couldn't get it back,

    sorry if i'm in the wrong place or repeating what's been already covered,

    just a wee bit of advice about these people on what best to deal with them.

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