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Posts posted by Luke1471

  1. Providing that you were on private land and not council owned - the clue should be that you have a Parking Charge Notice, not a Penalty Charge Notice. If this was official it would have been issued under the authority of an official traffic act.


    Just also noticed that Park Solve's website still advertises their Registered Office as being Manchester, yet according to Company data they are based in Borehamwood - naughty naughty naughty!


    " The company has no known group companies. As of their last financial statement, they had £56 in cash reserves. The company's current net worth is £56"


    What a thriving enterprise! I'd say your chances of seeing this go beyond begging letters is between nought and zero. Save your money.



    Imm 100% its private seems as its a cinema will defo check tomorrow though. And yep it was in a yellow pouch saying 'parking notice enclosed' And on the letter it says


    Civil Enforcement Ltd.

    Horton House

    Exchange Flags

    Liverpool L2 3PF


    Thats where they want me to send a cheque!


    How did you find that out ?!?! ... Really do appreciate your help sidewinder !!!!!!!

  2. Take your mate's example and ignore them. It isn't a fine, but a speculative invoice hoping that you will contribute to their Christmas fund!


    The fact that Park solve are advertising their clamping service - now illegal on private property - on their website speaks volumes...


    Nice one for your reply mate! You sure they cant do me though? Because I wasn't in a parking bay I was kind of on the pavement but loads of cars do it because the cinema is rammed! So I need not to worry and this company are just bullys trying to get your money?

  3. Hi guys im new to this forum!


    Basically my problem is my local cinema seems to have some parking enforcements now! I didn't even know this they clock your plate soon as your car comes in and goes out etc the company is called "park solve" I have been fined for "not parked in a marked bay" But im sure I shouldn't pay this because its not the council's property ? I had fines before at a shopping centre and they had the 'parking eye' camera's and my mate didn't pay them, all they done was send him letters threatening him but nothing got said about it eventually..


    Id love your help guys!

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