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Posts posted by seboyle

  1. When i posted this question my court was upposed to be this coming Thurs, until the head judge in Northern ireland decided he wnated ot wait for a test case in England to be heard and all our cases have now been put back until the end of June.


    I am so angry!! I thought i would be quids in this week!!



  2. Hi I have just checked my claim online and my listing has been changed and put back for another month!!!!


    I was due in court on 24th May and now its been changed to 26th June - this is getting beyond a joke!!


    I am claiming in Northern Ireland, there is another guy in eactly the same boat as me and his has been changed as well.


    What are A&L playing at???



  3. Hi,


    Thanks for all your advice guys - I know that I should just hang in there but i never thought it would get this far!!


    i have just send a 'bundle' today to the courts and A&L's solicitors, just to let them know i'm ready!!


    so lets see what happens next.



  4. Hi,


    I seem to be at a stage where most people are with A&L. I have a court date set for 24th May - 2 weeks away.


    I would like to know what is the best way to go with this:


    1) I have prepared a bundle of everything I have had to with this claim and have it ready to send to court & A&L's solicitors.


    2) would it be wise to write a letter to A&L and their solicitor offering to settle for a little less than the claim amount?


    3) or maybe a letter giving them a little nudge


    I really dont want to have to go to court as my hubby and I are both tied to work that day and it would cause problems.


    Please can someone help me - i have been told to sit tight but it is getting a bit ridiculous and I dont want this getting out of hand. I havent heard of anyone recently settling since A&L started sending out these defences.





  5. Yes, I have had a total of 3 offers!! One for half the amount, one for the full amount less interest and court fee and one for the £12 charge difference.


    I was actually gonna accept the offer of full amount if they gave back my court fee, i was even willing to waive the interest! Their loss.


    I am so trying to think positive, it seems that A&L are trying a different approach and are really trying to scare people off big time. it's definately working on my hubby!



  6. hi Jenny,


    I have just been reading through your thread - it makes interesting reading!!


    I am in sort of the same boat as you - i have received A&L's defence from Wragge & Co and have a court date for 24th May.


    I am just about to put together a bundle of all my dealings with this claim to send to Wragge & Co and the courthouse. ie: letters, communcation etc.


    I dont know about u but i'm a bit fidgety about this - do u think A&L will go all the way - your case seems to be quite complicated??


    Anyway i hope you get it resolved soon



  7. Help!

    I have followed the procedures right to the letter regarding a claim with A&L I am now in a confused position. I recveived a letter from A&L telling me they would do nothing more to help so I drafted a letter to them saying I was gonna start court action that day – which I did – that was 1st March. I then got a phonecall last Friday (they left a msg) and when when I phoned back the fella was going home so couldn’t talk to me. During that call I told him (as I had said in my letter) I had started court proceedings. We arranged for him to phone me yesterday morning (which he did) and he offered me £1000 less than my total charges – obviously I told him NO!!!. The thing is I have now got a letter today offering my full charges but no interest or court fee (which I have paid) – what should I do? Accept the offer and lose my fee and interest or phone them and ask for them to be refunded as well? I also have some recent charges pending which have not yet been accounted for, can I ask for them too? I had a slight prob with my online application and it has taken a bit longer to sort out and is only being served now.

    Please help!!!

  8. Hi,


    I was wondering if I coud have some help, I have browsing this website for a while now and am processing claims against 2 banks.


    What i want to know is that I saw someone had sent a letter to the A&L about their account operation in respect of the way they list their transactions - i'm prob not making sense here.


    The A&L always put our account into the red even though money has been credited the same day (they always change the order in which the money goes in) I want to make a complaint about this and take it as far as the Financial Ombusdman etc.


    any help would be appreciated!!





  9. No prob - the Ulsterbank are really easy and the court system is easy to - I did it all online. Get your request out in the post asap! they will prob offer your around £100 as 'goodwill' once you file a claim they pay within 3 weeks!



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