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Posts posted by Chelsea1605

  1. Me and my partner went to do some xmas shopping at Cheshire Oaks yesterday,


    spent 40 minutes trying to find a car parking space, gave up and parked on a pavement at the side of a row of parking bays.


    NOT causing an obstruction,

    not causing Cheshire Oaks any losses..

    .if anything..

    .gaining them money considering the amount of money i spent and it being free parking anyway.


    This was not a pedestrian pavement.

    (yes, we should have parked in a bay but WE COULD NOT FIND ONE)


    Came back to find a PCN from Care Parking slapped on the window.

    I went directly to the manager who obviously wasn't interested judging from the size of his Tag Heuer watch.


    Then spoke to a lady who works there who told us "not to worry, enjoy your day, go on the internet and research and appeal...or not...if you understand where i'm coming from?"


    Something similar has probably already been posted but I was wondering where we stand with not actually parking in a bay of any sort?

    Do we completely ignore it?

    I understand the law has changed recently?

    Was she actually telling us to do nothing but as she works there she cannot actually directly say that?


    Peace of mind would be nice!

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