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Posts posted by altafica

  1. Thanks.


    1. Periodic

    2. Yes we have an inventory

    3. No Notice 13, she put the rent up last year just by word of mouth too and did not give us any new agreement


    Good news you have an inventory and am I to presume you deposit is registered?

    As for the rent increase could you rent a equal property in the same area for this rent? If you feel the landlord is asking far too much for the property then you can dispute it,

    but because you are in a periodic tenanvy your landlord can give you notice to vacate. you need to weigh up all the for's and against's. Take a look at this:


    If the fixed term of a tenancy has ended and no new agreement has been signed, then the tenancy automatically becomes a periodic tenancy.

    If the tenancy agreement does not provide information on a rent increase, then the landlord can only increase the rent if either :

    • the tenant and landlord agree, or

    • a section 13 notice is issued.

    There is no limit on the rent increase a landlord can propose with periodic tenancies.

    Periodic tenancies make it more difficult for a tenant to oppose rent increases as they have little protection from eviction. The landlord has the right to decide to evict the tenant using the correct procedure rather then accept lower rental payments.



  2. Firstly, until you have been served the correct notice to vacate you do NOT have to leave.

    1..... are you in a fixed term agreement, or is is a periodic agreement, if fixed term can you give the start date as per your tenancy agreement.

    2...... When you moved in did you have a inventory and do you have a copy.

    3...... has the landlord served you the correct rent increase notice S13.


    Dependent on these things a better answer can be given.

  3. Good Morning

    I am hoping you can give me some advice. I have given my notice on my current job and am due to start my new employment on 1/7. I have now been told that I have 7 days of my annual leave remaining plus some hrs owed, and therefore they are happy for me to take this meaning I can leave on 20/6 but be classed as on leave until 1/7. they have said that i legally will not be able to take up my new position any earlier as i am still in contract with them.

    I am also commission based and have been told that commission will only be paid up until 20/6. Is this correct? I usually get paid commission for the month on the last but one day of the month as a cut off point.

    I was hoping to be able to start my new employment before the date. I'm am very confused and want to make sure I am receiving to correct amount at the end of my month. They are being quite difficult.

    When I took the job they offered me a car allowance, i asked if a lease car would be supplied, they agreed to this and paid a deposit and signed for 3yrs, this was 14mths ago, and I have been told they will expect me to contribute to these payment untill the lease ends.

    any help would be appreciated.

  4. My employer is a franchiseowner, he has sold his business back to the franchisor (under duress Imay add). Just a few questions if anybody can help.

    Firstly I have a contract (16hrs per week), when to business is sold, dothe new owners have to take the staff over on their original contracts? or canthey just give us notice? Can they make us sign a new contract?

    I have been told that they do not like partimers, can they terminate mycontract because of that reason?

    I know people are thinking, why not ask, but the owner, has not been givenany information as to the future of the business. And the franchisor has onlybeen in touch with the manager on a few occasions, and says that they will not disclosetheir intentions until the final papers have been signed.

    This is a stressful situation for us all. I enjoy the job I do and the waythese people have conducted themselves is appalling, they are very under handed,I just want to have a idea of my rights.

    Thanks for reading this.

  5. Hi

    Firstly you do not have to let your LL in at all. She should give you 24hrs notice at least. Then just contact her and say that you do not give her permission to enter the property, she then can not enter. And she should ask if she can bring others around. This is not recommended if you were on good terms with your LL, but seeing she is a pain then you have nothing to loose.

    She legally has to have a Gas safety certificate to rent a property. She can not just turf you out, she has to go through the correct procedure-serving you the correct notice, a section 21, this give you 2 months to vacate, if you stay put then she has to go to court, it can end up taking 2/3 months.


    Do you have anything in writing regards her mothers wishes?


    Lastly you can go to environmental health department at the council they will do something about the gas safety, go to your local Citizens Advice they will give you free help. or you can try Shelter, they have a website.

    Good luck, if she does enter after you have told her not to, then you can always change the locks? There are great tutorials on You tube.

  6. Did you have a inventory when moving in? If not then the LL will be unlikely awarded anything in court, due to lack of proof of condition at the start of the tenancy.


    Write to him stating that if he does not return you deposit in full with in 7 days, then you will have no option that to take him to court. Then put something along the lines of " as you are no doubt aware, legally all deposits have to be lodged in a deposit scheme, failure to so gives the tenant the right to sue for 3.5 x the initial deposit. I do not want to be unreasonable but unless my full deposit is returned within 7 days, then I will have no option then to pursue this through the small claims court. I await you response"

    Often once the LL know that you are aware of your rights, its often enough for them to co-operate.

  7. The £300.00 was not for a holding deposit, I checked this before I handed over the money. It was for the following items previously mentioned and nothing else.


    Issues where caused on both sides by the council and the letting agent.


    These were your "Admin Fees" as you mentioned. When these were paid, did you sign a terms and condition? his should explain that if you do not go ahead with the let, then you will lose the fee.

    If however the terms were not on the initial paperwork, or you did not sign, the you may be able to pursue the agent for this, unlikely you will succeed.


    As said if the property has stood empty with no heat then it will be damp and musty.


    I think you are extremely lucky that the property has not been put back on the market. If you are not happy with the property, then get something else a mark the lose down to experience.

  8. Hi

    Hoping somebody can help.

    History........I am on Incapacity Benefit waiting to go over to ESA, fingers crossed due to mental health problems. I am also on a supported Permitted Work scheme, I am allowed to work up to 16hrs pw and earn no more than £99.40 and supervised by someone from a local council or voluntary organisation which I am.

    I work for franchise owner. The company, lets say Bob & Co is taking their franchise back and buying him out. My contract says it is between him and me, not the Bob & Co. There is talk of the Bob & Co keping the staff on, with a new contract. Do I have to sign a new contract with them? If I do, then do they have to offer me the same terms? If they say I have to work more hours, then it will mean I will be over my hours, so can not do it. If this happens whould I have grounds for constructive dissmissal on the basis, that they are discriminating due to the rules of my scheme?

    This is all very worrying as you can imagine. In this climate the chance of me getting another job is minimal, at prescent my employer is very understanding, and if I am to ill to work, he puts no pressure on me, this will not be the case with Bob & Co.

    Hope somebody can give me some advice.


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