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Posts posted by queenkerry90

  1. Hey all I was wondering if I could get a little advice about JSA


    Basically I left school and went straight to uni, did well, then got a job straight after uni which was fantastic. I worked there for 2 and a half years none stop full time. But Due to some personal issues I had to leave my job about 2 months ago. I knew that I could claim JSA but I had to wait 6 weeks because I had left my job and not been sacked. So I did which there was no problem with, and I was also hoping to find a new job in that time anyways because I didnt want to claim JSA and I really didnt want to be out of work for that long.

    Unfortunately I have not been successful in find a new job yet which really sucks so about 3 weeks ago I put in a claim for JSA. Because I had worked 2 and a half years I didnt think there would be any problem with me getting it. The letter that I was ment to get to tell me weather I was getting JSA was late so I rung them up and They sent me a text later that day telling me that I was going to get JSA and a letter would follow shortly.

    The letter turned up today tell me the complete opposite, that I was not actually getting JSA. As you can imagen I was really confused so I rung them straight away and they told me that I wasnt getting JSA because I hadnt payed enough National Insurance. But this dosnt make sense to me because I have been working 2 and a half years and my NI and tax have automatically been coming out of my pay and I have the paperwork to prove it.

    Im really annoyed and angry as you can imagine because first they told me I was getting some help and then they told I wasnt and also Ive been working none stop for 2 and a half years and never claimed JSA or any other benefits before in my life so how can I not be eligiblefor it?? Ive talked to the people on the phone a number of times today and there not explaining anything to me properly and they dont seem to have the time of day for me.


    Has anyone else been through anything like this?

    Am I in the right for thinking theres something wrong here??

    any advice would be really helpful. :smile:

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