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Posts posted by SAM_72

  1. I have received a letter from P. W. Mooody LL.M (LOND.) Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths

    advising me that Court action is being taken against me to recover an outstanding balance owed

    by me to South Staffordshire Water and that said action will commence within 5 days.


    I was both shocked and appalled to receive this letter for a number of reasons,

    the first and most important one being that - after struggling to do so

    - my account with the water board is fully paid up .

    .. I DO NOT owe a penny to South Staffordshire Water!!



    when I rang P. W. Mooody LL.M (LOND.) Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths on telephone number 020 8245 2142 taken from their company headed paper

    (as this is the ONLY contact number quoted on the letter)


    I find that I have in fact telephoned a company called Inter-Credit International.


    Inter-Credit International is a debt collection agency and the woman I spoke to said I had been "re-directed" to them

    - funny, no one answered my call up until this point,

    there was no recorded message or odd dialling tone

    one might associate with a call being redirected to another line.


    After explaining to this woman that I don't owe the water board anything

    I was advised that the water company would need to confirm this before they would "take me off their books".


    And when I asked the woman why the Solicitors letter had Inter-Credit International's


    telephone number on its headed paper instead of the Solicitor's telephone number

    I was fobbed off as she skirted around my question!!!


    So I googled P. W. Moody and rang their number and spoke to a woman who told me that P. W. Moody would only "get involved" if I was actually taken to Court.


    I'm sorry, what Solicitor worth his salt sends out letters on company headed paper giving the telephone details of a third party company

    - in this case a debt collection agency?


    A nice little earner I dare say putting the fear of god into people who are vulnerable and struggling to get by as it is.


    I have never in all my days heard of any Solicitor or firm of Solicitors peddling someone else's contact details on their official headed paper.


    As for the water board,

    I cannot summon the words to do justice to the level of disgust I feel at South Staffordshire Water for endorsing a company

    that employs such under hand tactics to try and get money out of people.


    I will be making several formal complaints about this starting with South Staffordshire Water,

    OFWAT, The Law Society, CSA, Financial Ombudsman and the Ministry of Justice!!

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