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Posts posted by billsbillsbills

  1. No luck from anyone they all just keep saying the same thing over and over. I may have to leave my key with concierge so he can let them in to avoid the locks being changed. I have a stage 3 complaint but they just keep repeating themselves, it's ridiculous. They are saying they want the full balance plus fees to reconnect. This is going to be impossible so I guess I will be left with no electric until the week before Christmas. What makes it even worse is that we use electric for everything including our heating and cooking, so in effect we will have nothing, they have no sympathy what so ever. I think I will approach the obundsman next as this is crazy.

  2. I totally agree they have been the same with me. However in my case they plan to cut us off as they believe they can't fit a meter as we live in a large apartment block and we don't have access to the meter. They have also said that they will still need access to our apartment to check they have cut us off properly.


    I also am working and am not able to be here when they plan to break into my apartment. I think it's appalling.


    I plan to speak to the citizens advice bureau tomorrow. I also am going to give Scottish power our correct meter reading as the bills they are trying to claim for our just estimates.


    Please let me know if you get anywhere with them as I think as we are offering large sums of money they should hold action. It is out of order. Practically they are making it harder to get their money, as once cut off this will cost us more making it harder to clear the debt.

  3. Scottish Power are demanding half the balance of £1125.70 that I owe or they will come and fit a prepayment meter in my home, with force aparently.


    I have already paid them £25.70 and offered them £250 today and said I would pay £300 on 07/11/12 however they have turned around and refused unless I pay them £550. Surely as I am willing to clear the debt quite quickly they would just accept that payment and stop their plans.


    They have told me to "be home" on Thursday. But won't tell me what time and we are in work all day.


    I live in an apartment block and don't know where our meter is, it is not within the apartment so if they break in the door they would just be causing damage with no purpose.


    Please help!:???:

  4. Hello,


    I owe Scottish Power £1125.70 and have not been able to pay the bill.


    I didn't hear from them for a while and to be honest forgot all about the debt.


    I then received a letter saying they have a warrant of entry and are coming to fit a prepayment meter, whether I am home or not.


    I called the company and paid them £25.70 and said I would try to get some more money together to which I was told they wanted half the debt or they would still use their warrant.


    I live in a large apartment block and am not even sure where the meters are myself so I don't see them breaking down my door being much use as the meter is not even in there. I also rent and know that my landlord could kick us out if the locks are changed and the meter is installed.


    I called them today to pay them £200-£250 and advise that I could make another payment of around £300 on the 7th November. But basically they refused to stop the meter being fitted unless I pay £550 today or tomorrow which I do not have.


    Basically they have now advised me to be home on Thursday when they plan to visit, but won't give me a time. Both me and my fiance can't be present on the day they are coming as we are both in work, and all they can say to us is "it's in your best interests". Well obviously getting sacked from work for staying home to wait for them is hardly in my best interests is it.


    Just wondered if there is any help out there. As we have offered a payment shouldn't they accept it?


    Also as we live in a large block can they mess with the meters, we have 24 hour concierge and they would have to be let in by calling our apartment number.



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