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Posts posted by jodie_louise2001

  1. Aww thanks ever so much Bill - you've been so fantastic!! I shall amend that letter if thats ok and get it sent ASAP!! :D:D:D


    Don't suppose you live within travelling distance to Bromley, Kent?! Should definitely buy you that drink I owe you!!!


    Myself and bump are fine thanks! Had my scan a few weeks back and everything's wonderful!!


    If you fancy a chat or wanna see the little one - feel free to drop me and email - i'm almost always around!!!




    Love n baby hugs :p


  2. Hello!! Can't believe it's been so long since i last wrote - but its been a bit chaotic with the move and getting everything prepared for the baby!

    But everything's calmed down now so wiling to fight again! Wahey!


    Bill recommended i wrote a letter to Abbey (thanks Bill!) as they hadn't included all the info (Over a yr's missing) I never managed to write the letter, and being outta the swing of things, does anyone have a rough template i can use? Its been ages and well over the 40 days, so not sure where i stand on this one!


    Sorry!!! And thanks again in advance!

    Lots of love and baby hugs

    *J* xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Hello!

    Just a quick update, and a request for advice (as always seems the case these days!)

    I received my duplicate statements last week, as promised, and today got the microfiche printouts. However, i'm sure there's stuff missing (Over a years worth of statements) If i sent my first SAR in Nov 06 - i can request statements back to Nov 00 surely!? But they only go back to Jan 02.


    I had a look in the templates bit for the letter, but it didn't seem appropriate as, in all honesty, i'm not sure about the 40 days, with the change of address thing - i just want the info now - as i'm moving house tomorrow and want to get this sorted.


    Any help would be great!! Thanks, as always xxxxxxx

  4. From what i can gather you put all your charges into a spreadsheet (look on the templates i think - vampiress (SP?!) has some apparently, although i'll be using google i think!) and send the bank the prelim letter requesting money back with a copy of the spreadsheet, to the address you've used to correspond in the past!! (Does that make sense?!)


    HTH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Aw thanks! Was taken a year ago but it's the only one i had a work!!

    It is good to be able to put a face to the name (not that king kong wasn't a good look for you!!! Haha!!!)

    Just told my bosses that i'm leaving in 2 weeks - they were so adorable, i almost don't wanna go now!


  6. Hey Bill ! Thanks for your advice again!! One of these days i'm gonna buy you a drink!!! (though it'll be orange for me!!!!)

    Also - i saw your profile pic - so thought i'd add mine!!! I know who i'm talking to now!!!

    I will hang fire on the complaint and see if they're true to their word - if not, they'll have a strongly worded letter from me!! Wahey!


  7. Hello!

    Quick update again!

    Was just getting ready to make a complaint when i received a letter.

    As far as i can tell, it's just the standard letter, but seeing as there was confusion with the 40 days due to Changes of address etc what do you suggest?! Proceed with the complaint and send them the data protection non compliance letter?!


    Letter says (paraphrased)

    Thanks for you letter. Acknowledge £10. Arrangements been made to send info to you. last 14 months on system will be sent in duplicate statements (due to be received in 5-7 days from letter) and previous transactions on microfiche will be sent as a list under seperate cover.


    Tra la la! Also - this is gonne be fun - i'm moving back to London, so will have to do ANOTHER change of address - will do that before sending pre lim though!


  8. Aaahh - i don't have t'internet at home at the moment - only at work!

    Moving into my partners parents in March and then to my mums in June (full internet access!!!!) Woooh!

    But until then - only at work!!


    Wish i could find a swimming class or something! Will have to have a look!

    All i wanna eat recently is salt n vinegar crisps or pickled onions etc!! Madness!!

    (Wooh - welcome to the materntiy thread!!!)


  9. Hehehe!!

    Fair enough - one banana coming up!!

    (Couldn't do your scales - it wouldn't let me - have to "love" other ppl first!!!)


    The soup wasn't that bad actually - never had it before - was ok!!!


    I don't even know what Skype is - if i have to d/l it - i won't be allowed!


  10. Thank you so so so SO much Bill - you really are a star - shall have to click on them scale things again methinks!!

    I will do all of that when i've finished this yummy and nutritous lentil soup!!! Hehehe!!!


    Nutty - afraid i can't get msn at work - so can only email!!! Damn managers!!!!

  11. Awww Nutty - Congratulations to you too hon!!!!!!!!!

    How great is that - i totally empathise about the tiredness tho - i'm waiting on my dating scan - but estimated at 12 weeks!!

    Are you on any forums etc?! I'm on babyworld.co.uk


    How's your claim getting on!? Any luck!?


    If you wanna email - feel free and we can have a moan/natter about both bank charges and the joys of pregnancy!! Hehe!! ([email protected])


  12. Thanks Bill - i'll have to get on to them at some point - or i'll be waiting forever!!

    Will have to browse the templates for the letter to send....this having a baby lark is far more tiring than i ever thought possible!!!!! Just can't seem to concentrate half the time!!!

    Also - how should i word the complaint?!?! Just that they haven't complied etc?!


    Sorry for all the questions - i'm honestly not as useless as i sound these days!!!



  13. Hi guys!!


    Sorry it's been so long - everythin'g sbeen a bit mad over xmas, and found out a few weeks ago that i'm expecting my first baby (Didn't realise Santa bought babies!!!?! Lol)


    Anyway - don't mean to sound like a pain - but they received the letter mentioned above on 21 Dec....and so technically, i should've received *something* by today?! But i haven't, not anything!


    What should i do now?! Should i have started the 40 days again? Surely thats a waste of time?!


    Any help gratefully received!!! Hope you all had a great xmas and new year!!!


  14. Random question (again!)


    When replying to Pam Speed - should i use the original address, or the address on the correspondence?! I've put it to the address at the top of the letter i received from her (PO Box 1109, Bradford) That'll be ok will it not?!


  15. Thanks Bill!

    And no worries about the click - wanted to say thanks for helping out!!

    Hope you're having a good day!

    Just finalised the letter and sending it via work later (possibly tomorrow now though!!) I'd normally panic, but the 40 days are still running, and if they're in no rush, why should i be!! lol!!


    Take care, and thanks again!


  16. Amended it again slightly!! (shown in red)


    Dear Pam

    Thanks for your letter dated 7th December 2006, which I received on 11th December 2006, requesting verification of my identity.

    I would, however, like it noted, that I filled out a change of address form in the Leeds branch, in person, with valid identification on 22nd November 2006, for this purpose, and was assured this would be actioned immediately.

    I understand your need for security, however as the form has already been completed, the mistake is within your Company, and not with myself, and a request for my identity should have been made earlier. To this end, I am willing to add an extra 7 days the 40 day deadline, allowing you time to confirm my identity, yet giving you just 29 days from the date of this letter, during which to supply the requested information.

    To proceed with this in a timely manner, I shall assist you in completing yet another form and enclose a copy of my Driver’s licence, along with the £10 fee as before, however, I expect to have received a comprehensive list of all charges levied on my account since November 2000, as detailed in my previous letter, before 11th January 2007.

    I look forward to your swift response




    Better?!?! x

    Oooh -gotta go! Will talk tomorrow if poss!

    Have a good night and thanks again!

    Really appreciated!


  17. Sorry for getting you outta the pub!!! If i had a choice i'd be there too!!


    Thanks for the comments - i've amended accordingly!

    With regards to the 3 week thing - i filled out a change of address form almost three weeks ago (Wed 22nd Nov to be accurate)

    However they've said they didnt receive the SAR till 27th (But was delivered in 24th) so they have till Thurs 4th Jan as the 40 day deadline. Extending it by the 7 days makes it the Thurs 11th Jan, thus still leaving them 29 days (from tomorrow, when sending letter)


    I only have the one account with them, and the old addresses are on my change of address form and the drivers licence copy.


    I'm going to send it back recorded delivery tomorrow from work. I checked the PO as well - its still valid for 5 months, so no probs there!



  18. Bill, i tried that number, got referred from pillar to post, was told i'd be diverted to my local branch....and was then cut-off. (Nice huh!)


    Have drafted this letter to send back..can you tell me if it looks ok. Will also fill out the 2nd address form and send copies of ID!!


    Dear Pam

    Thanks for your letter dated 7th December 2006, which I received on 11th December 2006, requesting verification of my identity.

    I would, however, like it noted, that I filled out a change of address form in the Leeds branch, in person, with valid identification on 22nd November 2006, for this purpose.

    I understand your need for security, however as the form has already been completed, the mistake is within your Company, and not with myself, and a request for my identity should have been made earlier. To this end, an extra 7 days have been added to the 40 day request, giving you just 30 days from the date of this letter, during which to supply the requested information.

    To proceed with this in a timely manner, I shall complete yet another form and enclose a copy of my Driver’s licence, along with the £10 fee, as before.

    I look forward to your swift response

    Yours sincerely


    Anything i should add/amend/remove?!?!


    Thanks for you help - don't wanna sound like a b!tch! Just don't wanna be messed about

    *J* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  19. Hi Bill, thanks ever so much!


    Still not sure what to do with regards to the £10 fee they sent back - should i send it back with the letter saying they now have until the 11th Jan 07 to complete my request (incl the extra 7 days you suggested for verification)

    I rang that number last night - but they said they had the address on one part of the system but not the other (Damn confusing if you ask me!) Not sure whether calling them again would help!?!

    *sigh* Guess i'll just have to wait a little longer....


  20. Morning guys! Long time no see - hope you're all well!

    I, personally, am absolutely fuming!!


    Received a letter yesterday, from the ever efficient Pam Speed as follows:


    Thanks for your letter dated 22nd November 2006, which we received on 27th November 2006, requesting information on your account.


    I note that the address on your letter differs from that registered on your account. For your own security we are only able to send this information to the registered address. I have therefore enclosed a Change of Details form for you to complete and return to us along with proof of address (blah blah blah). We will not be able to provide your list of transactions until this information has been returned to us.


    I therefore enclose your £10 fee for safe-keeping. Please return this with your proof of identification and a copy of this letter in order that we may proceed with your request.


    If you have any questions please call us on the above number (08459 724724 - standard number methinks?!)


    SOOOO - i'm a little peed off to be honest. Seeing as i went in to my local Abbey the day before to complete the above form, and the girl behind the counter said she'd do it there and then.

    So WHY (almost 3 weeks later) is it not there?!


    My question now being..am i going to have to start again? Seeing as they returned my postal order - i'm b*ggered really, aren't i? Going to call them in a bit.


    GRRRRRRRRR :mad: :mad: :mad::-x :-x :-x


    Any help would be cool - thanks!!


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