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Posts posted by Lauren32

  1. oh ok i must of misread somewhere im just getting soo confused with all the different things im reading i should just sit back be quite and wait haha, im probably wrong about mine being front loaded, all this single premiums, front loaded is so confusing haha, although i do know they were wrong it telling us it was essential to take the ppi for us to get the loan in the first place so i know i got one bit right.

    Thanks ims

  2. Yes it has now gone done to the next department, where calculations are conducted. However, this department does not make the final decision, once they have conducted all their assessments, which typically takes 4 weeks your file is sent back to the FSCS, where a final decision is made. You will receive a letter from the FSCS detailing the outcome of your claim.

    Also, I am sorry but I am not authorised to say whether your claim has been successful or not, I merely gather all the information necessary for your claim to be assessed. I am no way involved in that process and am not privy to that knowledge.

    I hope this helps.


    This is the email we got today so still none the wiser haha, i just want to know, but the way i see it is like you say it must be going through if its going to the calculations


    will keep you posted on progress,


    My claim is with picture though and not welcome

  3. Yes it has now gone done to the next department, where calculations are conducted. However, this department does not make the final decision, once they have conducted all their assessments, which typically takes 4 weeks your file is sent back to the FSCS, where a final decision is made. You will receive a letter from the FSCS detailing the outcome of your claim.

    Also, I am sorry but I am not authorised to say whether your claim has been successful or not, I merely gather all the information necessary for your claim to be assessed. I am no way involved in that process and am not privy to that knowledge.

    I hope this helps


    this is what i have been told today so fingers crossed its going in the right direction still a waiting game though

  4. update on mine as of this week we have been told its going to the calculations team this week although they wouldnt say if we have been successful or not but you would think with it going to calculations then it is a successful claim so i guess we will still have to wait and see

  5. Spoke to deloittes today and our claims handler has told us that its going to the calculations department this week does this mean we have been successful or can it still be refused when it goes back to fscs - no idea of how much we could get i just cant figure it out no matter how hard i try lol

  6. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thank you for clarifying that no claims or cash back were ever received by you. I understand that you are eager to hear whether your claim has been successful or not, but I play no part in that decision, I just gather all the data needed for your claim. Furthermore, I am not authorised to say what the likely outcome will be.


    I know it must be frustrating and I apologise for this, but the case will be passed down to the next department soon for the final stage of processing.


    This is what we was told today so STILL no idea

  7. Hi i sent my claim of in september with the fscs, received letter from deloittes on the 21st sept to say my claim was with the data gathering team, wednesday just gone phoned them and they told me that they had recieved all information from insurance companies etc, so now its just a waiting game


    Mine was with Picture though not welcome

  8. Hi ims


    they stated we had to have it although we were 24 in full time work no underlying health issues, we said we never wanted it but they said because it was a loan against the property it was essential that we had to have it, although the breakdown of payments were never explained and also we never knew that it only covered 5 years of the loan rather than the whole 25 years

  9. HIya Ims

    thanks for replying, so no point in me getting excited just yet then haha i assumed because they said all paperwork was in order it meant things were happening in the right direction obviously im wrong.

    The loan was over 25 years but only recently have i noticed that we were actually only covered for the first 5 years hence the claim, the 5 years is now up and they sent me a letter stating that we were no longer covered??/

    Im sooo pleased there are intelligent people out there

    thanks again

  10. Hi everyone,

    I'm hoping someone can help me

    We contacted Deloitte today who said that they had received all of the information they needed form the insurers/picture and had already told us that our paperwork was all in order

    does anyone know what happens now and does this mean that we will be getting a claim and by any chance could anyone tell me roughly how much we will get

    our PPI was for £3025 paid over 5 years, this is now paid although the loan itself is still being paid monthly although they have bnot altered any payments

    I will be grateful for any advice


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