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Posts posted by Pickle73

  1. Thank you for the replies ....Very helpful. I am filling in the form as we speak and will enclose copies of anything he has . Thanks that has put my mind at rest somewhat. I was thrown by the

    "you must say why you think the decision is wrong part on the form. Thinking do they want me to detail the reasons? I would be here all day writing a book lol

    Thanks again , much appreciated

  2. Hi, I am new to the forum so please forgive me if I post in the incorrect place etc.


    My brother who is 53 Yrs old and has been on incapacity benefit for the last 20 years has been informed that he his has been refused ESA after his ATOS assessment. He scored ZERP points :(


    I know that he should appeal and I have got the GL24 form to complete but my question is is this sufficient? or should I compose a letter to accompany it? he has been to his GP who has given him a sick note for 4 weeks..do I include this in with the GL24?


    I have taken a look at honeybees letter (thank you) but should I complete this now or wait until I know it's going to tribunal?


    Sorry I am complete newbie to dealing with anything like this and I have read so much conflicting information over the last day my head is in a muddle. I would really appreciate all the help I can get.


    Thank you in advance


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