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Posts posted by Firemylpa

  1. Hi Stevethebroker


    I don't think I am in any danger now. I paid up any arrears on another property, which should not have even happened, except various clerical errors, none of which were on my part. But I had dealings with M. ex in the past which was very scary. They rang me ten times a day, they were awful when I rang etc etc. My daughter worked at the call centre in Borehamwood, before they went belly up, and she told me they had been instructed to give anyone who rang and was behind in payments, a very hard time. They were told it would make their jobs safer, the more money they were able to get back! She initially worked in the department the sorted applications but got switched to debts, she hated it.


    When I rang two weeks late with a payment to make, they would tell me I was almost 2 months late, this use to make me worried, as they also said if I became 3 months late they would start repossession hearings against me. I foudn out from my daughter that they said this, as i paid on 28th of each month, which was a month in arrears of my mortgage. But that was the contractual agreement they made with me. They used to try and coerce/bully me into paying in advance, which I could not, as I was already going through a legal hassle with my ex, who claimed he had money in my house, which he didn't, none atall, but that is another story. I found out from Nat debtline I did not have to speak with them by law, but all negotiations could be by the written word, so that is what i did. this was years ago. But I got myself out of arrears, but never got seriously into arrears with htem, but judging by the actions you would think I had.


    I had a difficult year in 2009 approximately, and fell seriously behind with another mortgage with Bank of Ireland, it was like night and day, in regard to how they treated me compared to M. Ex. They were wonderful. I negotiated a pay deal with them, they were wonderful on the phone, no interrogation, they were patient and understanding and I resolved everything, no bullying. The same with TMB, i have 5 mortgages, they again were completely different. So I knwo what M Ex are doing is not permissable.


    I would liek to be part of some sort action, in some way. I totally agree with what you are saying, but where is everybody. Surely there is a case for seeking compensation for those that lost their properties through the terrible mismanagment i have read about, surely there is a case to answer? I cannot believe what I am reading, and yet I knwo it to be true.


    I hope you do well on your case. Keep in touch let me know what is the situation



    Has anyone started a class action ..? If so please forward me detials

  2. L.capo an oral agreement is a contract not a non binding agreement! Especially if you have acted upon this! You could potentially have a case for breach of contract and damages and this will allow you to place an injunction of them selling properties. Contact me via pm if you want to speak with me about it and I will help wherever I can.


    Patrick, good to see you also!


    Mx and wS got so much legal might against me but I'm still fighting them, we have to all get our heads together and take action to stop this nonsense. You have to be clear on what are you going to litigate them against.

    I have a letter from mx stating if I pay my arrears they will remove WS. Is this worth anything in court..?


  3. Hello Everyone, myself and my brother have been through many of the same experiences as those who have posted here. About 3 years ago we managed to open up a dialogue with MEX and as a result of that 11 of our properties, which are in LPA, are being returned to us at the end of this month. I am more than happy to discuss with anyone how we went about it; i dont know how information is supposed to be shared on this forum, and besides would rather communicate directly with people rather than try and post a 'one size fits all' approach, because that wont work.


    We have managed to get our properties back, and if we can do it, then i dont see why other people on here should not be able to also. Please feel free to contact me.

    Please let me know how I can contact you as MX always have referred me to WS stating they are now in control and they can do nothing about that



  4. Having read all the threads I hope someone can help me out.

    I have 3 buy to let's. 1 property has been given back to me by WS as according to MX WS can no longer act as receiver as I am living in the property.. Is this true or are MX telling lies...?

    My second question. WS are seeking possesion of one property as my father resides as a renter and I'm breaking the terms and conditions of the mortgage. There are no arrears on the account though I have told my father to stop paying WS as.

    1 there is not signed tenancy agreemt with WS .

    2 WS have never sent my father a tenacy.

    3. The tenancy agreement is signed with me as landlord

    My father is a 79 year old disabled man who has been harassed by WS to the extent the police had to be called.


    Right now my case is with the FO though from my experiences they are a complete waste of time..!

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