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Posts posted by JibberJabber

  1. You've all probably heard this a million times before but I'm about to take my head out from the sand and attempt to feel human again.


    Coming from a living-on-the-breadline family I started university in 2006 and whilst my work was soaring my credit score was nose diving. I felt invincible and having access to so many overdrafts seemed like a never ending pot of money that I could dip into only having to pay it back when I was earning over 60k (I couldn't have been further away from the truth!). Like alot of students being lured into shiny banks with their free mp3 players and customer advisors literally begging you to join up to their bank and give you their cash, they always said the same thing..."you just have to pay this off when you finish university".


    I applied and received my first student overdraft which was maxed out and received phone calls and letters that I had to pay the amount off in full as I had not used the account in 2 months as my student loan had not yet been paid into my account. The account was closed and passed off onto debt collectors which harrassed me constantly (which I can understand as it was my fault and no one elses). I managed to pay this off in installments using my student loan and another overdraft which is when the cycle repeated 3 more times (stupidly).


    I moved around a couple of houses throughout the years as students do stupidly thinking my debtors would not be able to find me and just write it off. In 2009 I was contacted by a friend of a friend saying that he knew someone who had been bombarded with visits and letters from debt collection agencies from a previous address of mine, I have never been so embarassed. Knowing that I had messed up my financial status was one thing (a huge thing) but bringing in other people to my situation was something worse. Eventually I was given a CCJ due to my lack of communication and I haven't contacted them out of fear if I let them know where I am they will come and take all my belongings due to me not being able to pay the full amount.


    My two other overdraft accounts have been closed and I am called regularly to contact them. One of these is Halifax who I also hold a current account with where my wage is paid into, every time I check my account I'm absolutely terrified that they would have closed my account and used any money I had left to pay towards the arrears of my overdraft. I don't know whether to open a current account with no overdraft and have my wages paid into there whilst my debts are sorted out.


    I've recently moved to a new city where I have a full time job but I'm living hand to mouth, I would usually have £200 spare at the end of every month and wanted to contact my debtors but my girlfriend has recently become unemployed and I am having to pay 2 peoples rent leaving me with hardly any spare cash even after major budgeting. I haven't even updated my details with my bank out of fear.


    I don't know where to start, I've felt so guilty and irresponsilble for too long. I just want to be normal and not forever in fear or hiding my mobile phone from friends when a 08XX XXX XXXX number rings.


    Here are my list of debts:


    £1,400 - Wescot. CCJ

    £2,500 - Barclays. Closed account

    £1,000 - Halifax. Closed account (current account is still active)



    I want to clean the slate (as best as possible) and start my life with a breath of fresh air, no guilt and some money in the bank. At the moment I can't even get credit for a bar of Dairy Milk.


    Looking back I can't understand how I was such and idiot, so young and now marked with a terrible credit rating. What makes it worse is that all the other posts on this forum are from families struggling to make ends meet and getting into trouble through no other option but mine was due to not using any common sense.


    I hope someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. Apologies for the essay-long post, but I've never told anyone the whole story and thought the least I could do was to post it on here.


    Thanks for any advice in advance.

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