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Posts posted by Oscar71

  1. Most smartphones today have a blocking feature, quite simple to set up and once done the calls from blocked numbersdo not get answered even for a split second.


    Set up properly block all numbers beginning 08, 09, 070 and international calls both in and out


    Okay hassle if you expevt a call but i would rather block a call than get caught


    for outgoing calls to 08 numbers search saynoo0870.com for the land line number


    when i was living in the UK I blocked all these numbers with the exception of my wife calling from her home land



    I receive calls from my bank (0845) with regards to fraud use of cards so blanket blocking 08 numbers isn't an answer for some.

  2. I am getting sporadic calls & texts on my mobile from these idiots.

    The last was

    "Hello is that Mr Newman"


    "Can you confirm your address please and reference number"

    "Who is this?"


    "Who or what are LCS"

    "We are calling about a BT debt, we have written 3 letters to you that have been ignored,can you confirm your address please and reference number"

    "I have no BT debt, I have not received any letters from you and I will not give my address and I don't have a reference number"

    "Oh why not?"

    "Because I don't want to and I don't deal with debt collectors over the phone"

    "I need to confirm your address so that I can discuss this debt with you"

    "Write to me then"

    "The address we have is xxxxx"

    "That's not my address and never has been, if that is where you have sent the letter to then obviously they have been ignored, I live here and that address is not here "

    "I need to deal with this now!"

    "I don't and it appears that we have a stalemate, write to me and I may be able to help you"

    "Well if you wont give me your address then we can't write to you"

    "Exactly" So does that mean this call is now over then?"

    "Ummm what do you mean, I want to resolve this issue and you are being obstructive"

    I stayed silent from this point and the caller kept trying to trap me into giving my address.

    After a further 5 minutes of the charade I said "I am hanging up now as I don't recognise LCS as someone who requires my address, as far as I am aware this could be a financial [problem]"

    But before I could finish they hung up on me. :lol:


    I love playing these games with these jokers. If they could bother to do any real work, all they have to do is look on the electoral role (they actually have recently) I am on it and I always have been, they would see that I have no connection to the address they are talking about.

    I know what it is about but I don't acknowledge any debt as it was created by my ex-wife.


    Heyho it's all fun and entertaining and I love winding them up when they get rude or angry.


    Unless they write to me I ignore them now and I have blocked their number on my phone. I save all text messages just in case I need to take this further and report them for harassment.


    So folks all I say is this, ignore any calls from, if you answer give no information to them.


    Good luck.


    Oscar :-D

  3. This is true, but they are number 3 behind Experian & Equifax no? I had cleared all connections to my ex with the Equifax & Experian and the only connection I had left on file was with Callcredit. Tried to get the connection changed via their postal form to no avail... Did it online with Noodle and bingo it's sorted. Just my personal experiences and they have been positive so far.

  4. Cheers Bazooka Boo


    Not sure I want to get into the hassle of reclaiming.. I just want to get lowells off my case.


    Not sure where to go now, they haven't responded to my "prove it" letter and now threatening to send someone round. Not this bothers or scares me, I just don't need that hassle especially as I work from home and my clients wouldn't really appreciate me telling some debt monkey where to go :wink:

  5. Ok another quick question for you all :roll:


    I am about to send a CCA request letter, but I am not sure if it really applicable and if it is under which section this falls.


    s.77 = fixed sum loan agreements.

    s.78 = running credit (credit cards).


    This debt is supposedly to do with an unsecured overdraft on a standard current account. My (confused) logic tells me that this supposed debt doesn't fit in either so a CCA is futile.


    Any ideas folks?


    Thanks in advance


  6. Hi all


    Just a bit of info, maybe new info maybe not.


    I have just been to Turkey for a holiday :-) Whilst there I made sure I had turned of mobile data roaming (didn't need it on as had wifi).


    But here is the pinch... I have been billed for calls I didn't make ... let me explain.


    I have a call reject list (several DCA numbers). Anyway, when you have call reject on the calls do not show on my phone (Galaxy S2) they go straight to voicemail (vm). This is fine whilst in UK because calls diverted to vm don't get charged, you will only be charged 10p to listen to your vm.


    However, go abroad outside of EU (Turkey is in band 5 - the highest) and unless you switch of vm and the call reject list before leaving the UK you will be charged, twice usually. Once for the incoming call, even if it is on a reject list and you don't answer and the second charge is for the divert to your mobile. Band 5 = £1.50 for each action.


    I have read that even if you switch your mobile on whilst abroad and your phone registers on the local network and you switch it straight of, the network knows you are there and you will get billed even if you receive a call and don't answer it and it doesn't go to vm. This is wrong because you cannot control people calling. It used to be that you only got billed if you answered the call, which you had the choice to do.


    Now whilst I am aware of this and even though it is a bit of a rip off, what I don't actually like is if you are pay monthly vm is turned on by default (some people may not know how to switch it off, I always forget) and the serious lack of info about this. I have been looking and I struggle to find much about it, it is usually a round about lot of info (typical for big company t&c's).


    Now whilst I say it's a bit of a rip off, I think it is extortionate and I am seriously considering switching networks at end of this contract (are the others any better I wonder). I am seeing some real horror stories on forums. yes I know people should know what they are doing but if the info is buried deep inside contract/t&c's etc it is difficult for people to find it. Call me cynical but that's why there is always so much text in these documents... to confuse the consumer.:-x


    The new EU legislation unfortunately only covers usage within the EU, not companies based in the EU charging for out of EU usage.


    Anyway as I said earlier, just a bit of info I wanted to share and pass on. I hope I explained it clearly enough.


    I would like to hear other peoples views on this regardless of network. Maybe we can get legislation for out of EU usage introduced.





  7. Hi guys

    I am trying to deal with Lowell/Red currently. I have posted about this elsewhere already but I need more specific direction.


    I have sent a "prove it letter" via special delivery, I have proof they received the letter, but it has been ignored. I am getting calls (which I log but ignore), I had a second letter saying they were passing it over the the "special collections team" :bored: these muppets have now written to me threatening to send someone round :der: I have no worries about handling this if it happens, but I want them to prove it's my debt.


    Do I send a CCA request? (Is a bank account that was defaulted in overdraft cover by a CCA?

    Do I send a SAR? (not sure I want to do this as an SAR looks like an acceptance of the debt)

    Or is there something else?


    Many thanks



  8. unclebulgaria67


    No the original creditor could not of had this number, I have only had it for 2 years, and they have had no contact with me for almost 7 years.


    I may of used this number with other companies but that would be confidential between them and me surely? And if they use "companies" to get numbers again surely isn't hat a breach of confidentiality or invasion of privacy?


    As for them phoning me, I have given them no permission to call me as I have never made an agreement with them so it is as bad as the usual nuisance calls in my eyes... hence me being ex directory and on TPS list.


    I will send them another letter for the good it will do.

  9. Hi all


    I sent a denial letter as suggested just before going on holiday. Red have received said letter.


    I have been away for a week and I have not received a reply as yet, I doubt I will :|


    But now I am getting phone calls on my landline from them :-x 3 messages left whilst I was away - the usual robotic recorded message.

    What I am not comfortable with is how they have got my number - ex directory and listed with TPS etc.


    Any ideas how they have gotten my number - toying with a legal threat for harassment now (is this possible?)


    Best wishes



  10. I wonder if there are any contractual breach issues. ie the reason that the original lender sells the debt is because they think its better to write off the "debt" for pence in the pound opposed to the full amount then that original debt is quashed. the original contract was with the original lender.... not some unknown company with whom you have no contractual agreement. this practice needs to be stamped out. and a secondary thought, what does this practice do to inflate the already battered economy. third thought, where does the money come from to buy these debts? hopefully not the money govt is releasing to lenders ??? food for thought?

  11. It is normal for them to suggest using a different phone... all phone providers ask this. You do need to make sure the phone you have is actually working to eliminate this as the cause of the fault. I know it seems daft to have a spare phone floating about at home, but I have a cheap £10 corded phone as a back up, useful if you have cordless (these will not work in a power cut).

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