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Posts posted by theninster13

  1. hello there


    We bought a car through Audi last year using a pcp financing deal. We part exchanged a car that was also under a finance deal. Audi claimed it was in negative equity, a fact that we denied but in any event they gave us a good enough deal so we went with it.


    We want to hand the car back but we have been told that notwithstanding the fact that we paid approx £300 per month for a year we still owe them money, around £3,500 due to the depreciation in value of the car against the loan.


    My issue is that i am sure we were advised that we could hand the car back at any time and there would be no problem, and that the days of negative equity in cars as we had with our former agreement are over. Our understanding was that we could hand the car back and walk away. There is nothing wrong with the car, we just don't want to be tied to the agreement any more and would rather buy a second car outright.


    Is it worth taking our case to the FOS on the basis that we were misrepresented at the time we bought the car as to the way the financing worked? Has anyone else had a similar problem?


    Many thanks

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