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Posts posted by AJG101

  1. Hi guys


    This is my first post so I hope I do it right.


    I have recently changed job and my previous employer has deducted nearly a thousand pounds from my wages to cover training that I have had in the last year. I have changed jobs within the last 10 weeks.


    My previous employer has a clause in the contract that they can make deductions for training if I leave within 12months of the training being completed. I completely acknowledge this.


    Here is my question, sort of!


    I have asked my previous employer to pay me back. The reason for this is that I do not believe that my contract was ever valid. The contract was for a specific job title of mobile sales and service technician. In order to hold this, or any other role in the company, new staff must complete a compulsory training course leading to a City and Guilds qualification. The company is set up as a franchise so the franchisee has entered in to a contract with the franchisor which includes clauses to cover the training of staff. My employer refused to send me on this course for 4.5 years. I asked to be sent on the course over 10 times.


    The course that he decided to send me on before I left was completely unrelated to the business model and was something he wanted to venture in to. It produced some results and the course made the company more profit than the course fees.


    Whilst I was with the company, the employers son joined. He was sent on the compulsory course as soon as he started and I was still refused. I was the only employee of this company, out of 750+ in the network, not to have been given this training.


    It was for this reason amongst others that I have changed job. I now have I higher position and a greater scale of pay. I know that I cannot quote constructive dismissal as I found another job before I handed my notice in.


    How can I get the money back?


    Do I need to go to Tribunal?


    Many thanks in advance,



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