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Posts posted by sillymoo2

  1. minicredit is the worst!!! but all the other payday lenders llike wonga where quite understanding when i was made redundant..... If they have all been passed to debt companies and you need to sort yourself out and these ppl wont agree to what your willing to pay. call payplan, the are free debt company who will help your sort your financial position and deal with your creditors..... just be a bit more firmer than I was! wish i carried on reading more posts before i jumped the gun and totally hung myself this month.... good luck

  2. I had too really, if I want to set up DMP :( dont think I could of waited for someone knocking on my door :( but they did offer me a long term plan, so there is hope (i think) lol.


    Just a quick note, if anyone wants to try for DMP and your with minicredit, you either have to pay it off first or wait until its sent to a debt collection agency. I dont have time to wait for debt collection agency as my other debt are screaming out at me too pay. :( plus after this month I will have a few pennies left after each month :) never ever again will I go through them again, never going try and rob peter to pay paul again. Its been a nightmare :(

  3. Hi

    I have had the same situation

    £120 loan escalated to £707.


    Do not email them they will fob you off saying the have not received anything (tried that)

    I have just phoned them with blazing guns and told them their fees were extreme.


    I said they could put me on a long term plan if i filled in some forms.


    I didnt want this as I am trying to get a DMP (but I could not get DMP until this was clear)!


    I told them I would pay £120.00 and one months interest, but they refused.


    I asked what they proposed and they offered me £500 to pay.

    As I dont have that kinds of money, i said I could not afford it.

    And suggested if pay £200 now and then £200 at end of month would that be agreeable.

    And to my astonishment they agreed.


    All I can say is phone them and ask to be put on a long term payment plan.


    After all they offered me a long term payment plan so you should be able to get one set up.


    Be firm on phone and tell them you have taken advice from CB and they basically said you could take them too court over the extreme fees.


    Hope you get sorted.... Oh and ps they are not allowed to keep your card details if a one off payment or two like mine.


    I have to phone them back up at end of month too make a final payment.

    Under no circumstances can they clear your bank account as they can get themselves in serious trouble. good luck again.

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