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Posts posted by workingscorpion

  1. Same thing happened to me. BTW the agency is not based in N London is it? I demanded my money as soon as I found out. They had taken money for a CRB check and not sent off for one. I contacted CRB company and checked. In the end I threatened to tell the employer. In the end the agency caved in but I left and rejoined another agency. I called the agency daily and eventually got my money. Later found out they had done this before and had to wind the company down (other employees lost out).

  2. I'm writing on behalf of a friend who is very streesed out. Recently she asked for more help with the job as she has been working 50+ hours a week and not getting paid for it. She asked for help and threatened to leave if this was not given. Since then she has had a number of meetings with management and HR saying there are issues with her work. Then she was given a letter saying due to the fact she is unhappy at work she will leave at the end of August, She had 7 days to contest this, which she didn't (instead buried her head in the sand). Now she is worried she has lost her job and is being pushed out. Should she take this to court? Would she have a case or have HR covered themselves? Thanks in advance

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