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Posts posted by minstercourt

  1. Talk to a no win no fee solicitor. Seems clear to me there was no redundancy before you were pregnant. You need a view on if you have enough evidence.


    Hi , thanks for the reply .*


    Yeah I decided to ask them to do a point based redundancy . I am thinking i am not going to take voluntary redundancy .


    I know I am going to be redundant and I am going to loose 500 and I also need to pay back the holidays I have used .*


    As far I am thinking to say these points as evidence. Please tell me if they are enough . Or if not please tell me what type of evidence I can show .


    1. We are 3 members, working under the manager. Three of us do the programming .

    * *Two of us do programming and one of us do more programming and extra few other works as well .

    They said me and the other person( who does the extra work )only involved in redundancy not other person. Why is not included ??


    2. The person who is not involved in this redundancy process recently came back after 4 months ( he had surgery). And the company paid full pay for 4 months and now he is now he is working for only 3 days Without any payloss and with extra payrise . If the company got problems why he got payrise and why we are in redundancy, he is not ???The person said to me all this about pay rise etc.. I would like to tell this as an evidence. But Please tell me how can I show this..*


    Here one small thing whenever I was sick , they always used to say either you can take this sick as a holiday.. Otherwise he will get pay cut.. I used to do like that taking sick as a holiday , even i got a sick note from doctor. But the other person got 4 months full pay .why???. I don't know whether I can rise this point this time or not ..*


    3. They saying thy are not recruiting anyone any dept. And they told me they will look for other jobs in the company for u. After that Without even trying they said you don't have any other jobs to do it .*. But after they said one person recruited in admin dept. I don't know whether i can rise this or not .and they also recruited one other person( I know I can't do this persons job ) but if they loss their work how they are recruiting other people.*


    4. Before I went for a holiday they never said there will be redundancy and U can use extra holidays . After I came back they gave me work . I used to do that. Everything fine for 2 weeks . After two weeks I said to my line manager, I am pregnant , that's it..he not even said congratulations.. Or anything .

    the MD was on holiday when i told them i am pregnant. so, they didn't say anything until MD come back from holiday and they started all this after 5 days of my MD come back from holiday*all these things happend in 20 days of me telling that i am pregnant.They stopped giving me work . And why they never said anything before that ???. After I said pregnant everything started happened.*


    5. Other frustrating thing is , they are stopped giving work to me. And i am coming eating and leaving.And other person he is getting all works. And my line manger and the other person doing work together. He is not at all asking anything . And after they said redundancy the other persom went for the holiday for 2 days as well.*


    At the most important thing I am nearly 24 weeks pregnant now,*

    I can't even sleep properly Becoz of this pressure. *Sometimes I feel like voluntary is better , but the way they are treating me makes me very very sad.*That's why I decided not to take voluntary redundancy . :-(


    At the moment these are the points I got ...please tell me are they helpful..


    Small question , if they do point bases redundancy , what points they can show pls?:-(


    Thanks for the all the support.








  2. hi,

    today I asked my line manager, that I would like to have a word with my boss. And my manager said tell me what u want to talk so that I will tell whether he will agree or not. At last after he forcing me a lot, i said regarding bonus and I want to discuss your few other personal problems. And my line manager said he won't agree with any of your words.he is giving this money 500 for you to just to save time to go for next step. But I will have a word with him before you talk to boss. I and they chatted long time and my line manager said boss will see u later. After that they said boss is in meeting etc.. So I never met him. So before I left I asked my manager I need few more days to decide either voluntary redundancy or not. When I was asking for extra period., I asked what the other person (we both are in redundancy list) saying , and is he decided anything, or is he asking any extra time to decide.

    My line manager said no he is saying just fingers crossed. And he read that procedure. I am watching my line manager and him,they both are happy. The other person not at all bothered. He is just working himself. And everything going on me. They are waiting for my decision.


    talking to my line manager, I got a clear point they are not going I to pay penny extra. It is clear . And if the process will go next time I am going to be redundant.


    I am really angry, becoz the way they are behaving.


    I don't know whether to go for voluntary redudancy( i will get a 500 plus I don't need to pay for holiday)


    Shall I go for next process (definitely in am going to be redudant_ I will loose nearly 800)


    If I go tribunal, is there any possibility to win the case, if I get redundant...

    I don't know how much it costs etc..


    Please help me

  3. Hi Becky,


    Thank you so much for the reply. I will ask my boss for few more days time to take my decision. meanwhile I ask about some hike in bonus(which is £500 at the moment). will see what happens.

    One small question.. can I ask them how they will do the point system between a more experienced person and average experienced person. Because obviously he will gain more poins. if they compare between me and the person who is in the department and not been included in this process will be more relevant. Is it worth asking at this stage do you think? Thank you.

  4. Hi everyone ,


    Hope someone can help me. I am 23 weeks pregnant and i am really frustrated.


    I am working in a company from last 5 years.

    I went recently to a long holiday . Before i am going to

    holiday i know i am pregnant. but i informed them that i am pregnant after coming from holiday, when i was nearly*

    20 weeks. Before i went to holiday, they never said anything about redundancy, after coming from holiday and after telling me that I'm pregnant,*within 2 weeks they started an informal meeting, saying.. they got drop in their work, so they need to reduce the

    cost of employment...


    we got 3 members working under the manager..*


    we 3 of us do very similar work...


    one person does little bit less programming and he works 3 days per week..*

    and two of us do more programming..


    My manager said becoz he does little bit, the redundancy will go between 2 of us..


    I don't know whether it is fair or not between 2 of us. i don't know why he is not included. In that meeting they said they will find some other job*

    in the company, and if not we will go for points procedure.


    Today after 1 week informal meeting,they asked us, before going to all the process, anyone interested in voluntary redundancy,

    They offered 2 things, if any one of us take voluntary redundancy


    1. they don't need to pay back for extra holidays they used.

    2. and they will give £500,


    plus 5 weeks redudancy pay(i worked 5 years) plus 5 weeks lieu notice.(it will come either of the process *voluntary redundany or normal redudancy)


    and they also said there are no other vacancies at the moment. so if no one takes any voluntary redundancy, they will go for points procedure.

    and decide one of them is going to be redudant.


    from past 5 years, in two of us, he is doing more work than me i definitely know , he will gain more points. But it is like that from years.*

    He is always doing more work, becoz he is working past 10 years i think.*


    The main point is , they always focusing me. They are not giving any information (how much redudancy he will get etc..)to other person.

    *And he is not asking anything at all.*He is behaving as he knows he is not going.


    I am not feeling it is fair at all. i don't know whether to take the voluntary redudancy or shall i accept points procedure and go for tribunal.I am taking

    so much pressure which is not good at all, at this stage


    anyone please tell me whether it is good to go tribunal.


    Before they said , they can't pay smp. but later they said they will. becoz i am so far with the pregnancy.


    they said they can give £500 money if i go for voluntary redudancy+ no holiday due pay


    I am not at all happy with £500 . They are doing redundancy and they like to pay £500.


    My friends saying ask more money £500 is not good at all. Is it legal asking for more money.:-(


    I need to decide this within 1 day. Becoz they gave me the time by thursday



    Any advice on this will be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for reading and my long story and your help.

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