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Posts posted by Matb

  1. Thanks for the replies guys.


    I will just stick to sending them back, then. I am not too sure how the debt collection industry works behind the scenes because I never take credit, finance or other forms of debt anyway, and I rent my house so no mortgage etc. So it has been getting me worried for a while, now. This has eased my mind knowing there is a list out there they are simply using to try and recover debt on a freelance basis or something.


    I do know my rights with bailifs though so it is not that I worry they will take any of my property. I know they have to be allowed in to do this and I would not let them in and just show them my passport and council tax bill for this year at the door and send them away.


    Thanks again.

  2. Hi guys.


    Long story short,


    I have lived i a rented house for three and a half years.

    Since I moved in letters have been coming for the previous tenants so I know their names as such, and sent a few back.


    One company, Npower, wrote back to em as the occupier asking if I knew where they had gone because they owe money so I know they owe debts too.


    For a while nothing came my way until about 2 years ago when the first collection agency wrote to the previous tenant. I sent it all back, of course, but more kept coming.


    I found their website, a company called Bryan Carter Solicitors, and phoned them to explain it. They accepted it and stopped sending letters and said they would inform their client, MBNA.


    About 3-4 month after this I got another letter from another collection agency addressed to the same person.


    I found out who they were and called them to explain it again, they accepted it and letters stopped.


    Then another from another agency, and another from another after that, both about 3-4 month after dealing with the last.


    I suspect these are all working for the same client, likely MBNA, for them to be coming one after another like this.

    I now have one sitting here from Rockwell DCA, who will be hearing from me soon.


    I also give the letters to my letting agent since the second collection agency sent letters here and they too contact them to confirm who I am not etc.

    But I am getting sick of dealing with this as well as having the impending threat of bailifs waking me up early one morning seeking to recover the debts for someone not living here any more.


    Is there anything else I can do?


    Like I said, I suspect this is the same client, MBNA maybe, but I don't want to open any of this mail myself since it is not mine.


    Can I request confirmation of this from the collection agents?


    Should they be making sure the client knows the situation or do they just drop things like this silent and let the client go onto the next agency and try again?


    I have contemplated getting my lawyer to file a cease and desist letter against the client if it is the same one and see if that helps but if there is another way of getting this sorted I would like to know what my options are.


    Thanks in advance.

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