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Posts posted by 8889jess

  1. Thank you papasmurf, I can sense that they want to just pay me off and I think that they want to do this quickly and cheaply, they have said that they won't put the grievence forward yet if we can reach a compromise agreement but they are taking their time with this and don't seem to want to say what they are willing to offer in a letter they want to do this verbally, I have exactly one month left until it reaches the 3 month mark...

  2. The fact is that you have put in a grievance about a discrimination matter... is that correct?

    They are refusing to apply their own policy for grievances is that also correct?

    They refuse to put in writing offers to settle this, have you witnesses that this has been offered verbally?


    Yes I do my mother was hiding in the kitchen when HR came out to see me lol I have recently found out that a former colleague who had left the organisation because of the same bullies has also left with a 'payout' in agreement not to take the matter further! I will write another letter stating that any communication that takes place needs to be put in writing :) thanks again for your help with this, its very much appreciated

  3. Yes.


    Also, they should have a grievance policy that they should be following, have they? Are they?


    If they are breaching their own policy then they could be further victimising you, and that could be a further grievance.


    Hi there

    Thank you for getting back to me, I wrote to them to say that I wanted to raise a grievence against them, then they called a meeting with HR who said that they could pay me off without going through the whole process of the grievance, so after the meeting I wrote to them to say can you put this in writing and tell me what you are willing to offer me? Now they are ringing and texting me, I don't think that they want to put this in writing!

  4. One step at a time. Just get it clear what they want to do to sort the problem out.


    Hi there

    Papasmurf if you are there :) hope you are well and thank you for your advice so far regarding this, I have written to my employer stating that I want a written statement concluding what was discussed within the meeting and HR have now text me asking me to give them a ring tomorrow to confirm the details as requested, I do not want to do this verbally! As they already did this at the meeting! Should I not call them and write to them again to say that I wish for them to provide me with information in letter format? They obviously must have some issues doing this! Best wishes

  5. Thank you so much for your reply, I will write to them, I think that they think they can pay me off cheaply, that's the kind of sense I had in the meeting, but at the end of the day I could be out of a job for a long time, I'm applying for jobs with no response which is worrying :( if it did go to an ET how much do you think a case like this could be worth? If they do make me an offer I wouldn't have a clue about what I should be negotiating to, many thanks again

  6. Hi everyone

    An update for you... I put in a grievence against them saying that I feel I have been victimised etc... Then had a phone call straight away asking if I would be able to attend a meeting regarding my letter, I said I didn't feel well enough to go into work so I said that HR could come to my home to discuss what ever it is they need to discuss.

    The HR director came to my home and asked if I was 110% sure I wanted to put in this grievence as things could get very stressful and asked me if I would just prefer a 'clean' break in other words a compromise agreement, in order to have a 'sparking' reference and not to jepodise any working relationships, I said well as my employer you should provide a reference like that any way as I haven't done anything wrong, I was bullied and the grievence against the perpitrators was upheld and then my work performance was brought into the equation when I said that I wouldn't go back into the same room as the bullies, he then said that even if I did take it to a ET I wouldn't get much as I don't have a strong enough case! So it would probably be in my best interest to just make a clean break, he also said that it would cost them £300 to send me to occupational health and would give ne a week to think about wether I wish to proceed with the grievence or just leave with a compromise agreement, he hasn't said how much this would be.

    What do you think that I should do, I'm really confused...

  7. Thank you for your reply, I will start my grievence letter now and say something around the lines of 'due to this I will not be attending any meetings without a legal representative or support due to the stress I am experiencing...' I do not want to meet with them until they have acknowledged the grievance otherwise it will just be counter productive.

    There are so many things I have to raise I don't know where to start!

    From experiance the charity itself normally settles out of court, the word 'tribunal' normally scares the living day lights out of them! Even if there were to make reasonable adjustments for me to move out of that office I still wouldn't want to go back I won't be resigning though, I trust in your advice and will not resign. I have never been through anything like this before so I am unsure of the procedures to take and what I should be aiming for all I know is what they have done isn't right!

  8. Then start with new grievance saying things have not got better. Really you should not be in the same work environment with them!


    Is the meeting about your performance? What documentation have you been sent relating to the meeting?


    All I have been sent is a letter saying they want to hold a meeting about my absence from work and what they can do to help, i can bring a unison representative but I can't bring a legal representative, normally they would do a home visit but for some reason they have chosen not to. My manager rang me two weeks ago to say that they will need to do a home visit and then I asked her about my work performance but she wouldn't tell me what I had done wrong, she said she would explain at the meeting, but in the letter it doesn't state anything about my work performance just a meeting to discuss my sickness absence, I really do not want to attend this meeting...

  9. Is it not the fact that you are being victimised for making the complaint. By the way I am off sick with workplace stress, and have said I will never go back to that office, and I have brought a grievance, but it is a very slow moving procedure. Do you belong to a union? You shouldn't have to be in the same office, another office should be found for you.


    Hi there

    Yes I do feel victimised for making a complaint, as now they are trying to say that my work performance is not up to scratch, i have asked why this is and they wont tell me! I have only just had a shining annual appraisal and the same manager who said this said in my supervision meeting with her that I have slot of potential and I am in line for a promotion when one arises!?!

    The meeting is a meeting to discuss what they can do so I can return to work even though they have already said that they can't move me out of the office away from the bullies, my doctor has signed me off with work related stress, so am I still permitted to go to this meeting? My manager said that they were going to do a home visit but now all of a sudden it has turned in to a meeting based at the office?

    I have not raised a grievence yet regarding my manager and how I have been made to feel raising my complaints, I have been unsure about doing this just yet in case I then have to escalate it into a CD claim which would then mean that I can't claim any sick pay as I would have to resign, I can't afford to do this at the moment but at the same time I can't return back to work either as it is effecting my mental health.

    I was told by the HR manager that he thinks the bullies have a form of autism which effects how they are with people, the bullies havnt admitted this they think they have done nothing wrong!? So my argument is, if they have autism then they won't be able to see the error of their ways so why are you still putting me into a position where I have to work in the same room as them?

    Unison have just about been as usefull as a chocolate teapot... My representative is best friends with my manager and any advice I have received has been a conflict of interest so I cancelled my subscription with them as she wasn't helping me at all.

    Apparently my manager has a very good business case for keeping me in that room i.e. Working alongside the bullies and transferring of telephone calls, but I was in a different room for 5 months and there were no problems! Also one of the bullies caused such a problem for staff that they actually moved her into an office on her own for three years! Until they needed the space and then they decided to put her back in the same room as the other staff members that's when the bullying got worse and my colleague left and then it happened to me, previously to this another woman had to leave because the bullying caused her mental breakdown, this is a historical problem and bad management.

    I have a 30 page diary of all the incidents that have happened and could get witnesses, do you think I have a good case, what steps do you think I should take next?

    Would you believe this is actually a children's charity! You don't even want to know about how they treat the children!!

    Many thanks for your comments, and I am sorry to gear that you are going through the same thing, it's a terrible situation to have to be in especially with the way the job Market is at the moment x

  10. Hello

    Please would it be possible for some advice as I am at a lose end and don't really know what to do or where to turn :(

    I have worked for my employer for 2 and a half years, for those years I have been bullied by two colleagues, people have left their jobs due to these two bullies, I was advised to raise a grievence by my manager, I did so and it was upheld, whilst the grievence was taking place I was allowed to work in another office which was great and for the first time of being at this organisation I was left alone to get on with my work.

    After the grievence was upheld I was told that I would have to go back in the room where the bullies were, I was told by my manager that it would be safe to do so and they had both been disciplined, I went back into the room and I was bullied again not only by one of the original perpetrators but by someone else! I told my manager that for my own mental health I was not willing to go back in there and then my managerbrought up my work performance?! Even though this has never been an issue, so for the past month I have been sick with work related stress, now they want me to go into work for a meeting, they have sent me a letter stating that I can't bring a legal representative but I can bring a union rep or a work colleague, where do I stand with this? I feel panicy even thinking about going there for a meeting, please help. Many thanks

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