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Posts posted by tinkerbell65

  1. Thank you for your advice, i have sent the email off to Liverpool city council and also to Equita.


    I paid Equita the sum that i owed at the time, i think was £146 and i still owe more to the council but i have reached an agreement whereby i pay £10 a week to pay it off. However I now have this fee. Can the bailliff take goods for these fee's even if they are not legal (albeit not for that amount?)

  2. Hello


    I am a single mum to 4 kids and recently two of them turned 18 (twins) and as such i was waiting for my new council tax benefit to be processed. In the meantime i was being billed the full amount by the council while my claim was being processed. I could not pay it, and i really did try to pay it, i sold all my jewelery and some of the kids games.

    Now my claim has gone through and that is ok but i am still being chased for the debt.


    I have agreed with the council to pay the outstanding debt at a rate of £10 per week but the baillifs Equita are still chasing me. When i spoke to them and explained that i now have an agreement to pay off the debt they said the fee's were for there time, which totalled £196!!! They have never called out to my house and all i have received from them is threatening letters about them coming out to take my goods.


    Where do i go from here? There is now way i can afford to pay this amount and they will not leave me alone. Whenever i contact the council they say it is out of there hands now and that i owe the baillifs the money so i should pay them the fee's. I am at my wits end and feel like i am going to have a mental breakdown.

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