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Posts posted by wangdoodle

  1. Hi guys,


    I had to register and reply to this thread.


    Please be informed there is no legal way that a debt from a Middle Eastern country can recoup its money (There is no Hague convention signed nor finance agreements in place).


    Before obviously replying here.... I sort advice from friends of mine that work for 3 main magic circle solicitors in London.


    Please be careful when replying to these Letters. there purely scare tactics to make you think that you need to pay.


    No County court nor Credit Reference agency would register such a case against foreign debt (You can call Experian, Equifax and Call Credit for reference)


    The only thing I would say is that Some countries like the Philippines, Pakistan, India (Don't travel here if you have UAE Debt) have bilateral finance law agreements with the UAE and Saudi to detain you and extradite you back to face trial (Many citizens of these countries do the same hence why a law is in place)..


    In any case a lot of Expats change there passports when running away the UAE has no legal right to request new Identity documents from the UK Government


    I hope I have been helpful..




    Hi, seeing recent posts what are your views?....I agree with you to be honest but there are other people on here posting differing outcomes...

  2. Thanks for your reply,"maybe" these people have bought all these debts from UAE banks,and are chasing those with assets first.its all a bit bizarre it seems.


    Don't think that they have bought the debts, I

    think they have been engaged as recovery agent,



    baffles me how they can get UAE laws applied in UK courts as they seem to be able to claim that UAE statute barred time limits apply in UK.



    Hopefully some of the more experienced members will shed some light,cheers

  3. Excellent, thank you. I am just trying to think of things the "experts" might need to know.


    no worries, I've been told that even if an attempt to secure a judgement in the UK is made it will be thrown out and effectively there is no real legal recourse to recover in UK, and even less in Scotland.Just need advise on wether to reply to it or not and if so how to contruct the reply,thanks

  4. Morning All

    ,see below text from letter,

    are the threats to recover in UK possible or is it non-enforceable

    - any suggestions on reply to the letter appreciated,

    don't know if it makes a difference but now residing in Scotland,



    Dear Sir


    Indebtedness to First Gulf Bank


    We act on behalf of First Gulf Bank, based in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”).


    We have been instructed by our client to engage with you and to make arrangements for the repayment of your credit card debt to our client.


    We hope that you will engage with us for this purpose. If you do not, then we have instructions to commence legal proceedings against you which, regrettably but inevitably, will result in your liability increasing by reason of the contractual costs indemnity (“the Costs Indemnity”) which was agreed in writing with our client when you applied for (and obtained) your banking facilities.


    In terms of prospective legal proceedings, please note that our client’s position is fully reserved in terms of the choice between:


    (a) Debt recovery proceedings to be issued before Northampton (CCMCC) County Court; or


    (b) Bankruptcy proceedings to be issued before the nearest County Court to your home with insolvency jurisdiction.


    Regardless of the above choice of legal forum (and whilst stressing again that we hope court proceedings can be avoided through engagement and negotiation) we ought to clear up a common misconception which has arisen in the course of our debt recovery work for this client and for numerous other client banks operating within the UAE.


    Whilst the terms under which you are indebted to our client are governed by the laws of the UAE, our client is free to (and does) pursue legal proceedings in numerous jurisdictions around the world.


    An express term within the contractual terms and conditions to which you signed up and agreed states that no single court (whether in the UAE or elsewhere) has “exclusive” jurisdiction to determine these credit card debt claims.


    Based on expert evidence given on the applicable laws of the UAE by Baker & McKenzie Habib Al Mulla (leading lawyers in the UAE) we are currently securing an average of ten judgments each month before Northampton (CCMCC) County Court.


    In relation to your indebtedness, we have satisfied ourselves that your liability to our client is immediately due and owing and, as such, legal proceedings can be commenced in the UK at any time.


    However, as we have stated, we hope that legal proceedings can be avoided and that, instead, you will engage with us and agree to the repayment of your liability.


    To this end, we are able to give you 21 days from the date of this letter to make proposals to repay your debt which currently stands at AED XXXXXX .


    If the above indebtedness is paid in full to our client within 21 days, then no additional liability for our legal costs will arise under the Costs Indemnity.


    However, this concession will only be made available to you on these terms and for this period – so without operating in any way as a waiver to the terms of the Costs Indemnity.


    Assuming a settlement agreement can be reached with you, please note that all settlement monies need to be paid into our client account giving the reference: .




    Joanne Perry has been allocated to your account. Please make written repayment proposals to Miss Perry by no later than close of business on 25 September 2013.


    Miss Perry’s email address is set out above if email communications are more convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you.


    Yours faithfully COYLE WHITE DEVINE

  5. In case you were unaware, you must not enter any GCC state, not just UAE, as they share databases. You would be liable to be arrested. Saudi jails leave rather a lot to be desired. :(

    thanks, aware of that even though i know people who have returned albeit on new passport. I've no intention of returning and just want to be comfortable that nothing can be done.

  6. If they know where you are they can ask politely & that's about it. They would need to seek the permission of a UK court to be able to apply for a judgment & you can contest it on the grounds that a UK court does not have jurisdiction & there are no reciprocal agreements between the UK & Dubai.

    thanks, appreciated, thought as much

  7. Hi,


    without going into details, the why and how etc due circumstances within and without of my control I have recently returned to the UK after living in Dubai for several years.

    I have left behind Mortgage debt, loan and credit card debt as a last resort, anyone who knows about Dubai will understand why.

    What are the legalities with regard to recovery?

    I understand if I return to the UAE I'll be jailed until the debt is cleared but if I don't can any debt incurred in UAE be recovered in UK?

    I'm looking for advice only, please don't judge as I understand my circumstances to be far from unique.

    Comments and advice is appreciated,



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