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Posts posted by des86

  1. Hello Sean,


    Hope you read this! I felt compelled to reply as my TV is also faulty, 15 months old, and from Dixons!


    I have just sent my tv to them and have let them carry out a report without having my own done first. I thought I would put my trust in them.


    The good news is they have found a defect, are replacing the screen, and refunding me my £95....however...it wasn't easy!


    My tv had a really feint line down the middle of the screen which they claimed their engineers couldn't see. So I had a phonecall telling me that there was nothing wrong with the TV and that they would be returning it and my £95 was down the drain.


    I refuted this and sent them picture evidence of the line, and insisted the engineers take a closer look. I got my way and they saw the line in the end. It took many emails, phonecalls, and bombarding their facebook over the course of a few days but it was worth it.


    Your problem certainly sounds easier to spot than mine though. So I would go for it and get them to do the report. I suggest taking a video of the fault before you send it off.


    To summarise though, I found their customer service was (mostly) helpful. It wasn't their fault the engineer had rubbish eyes.


    Good luck with it. :-)

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