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Posts posted by dianagr

  1. I am on the maternity leave, worked and lived in uk for 10 years. I have 4 children, one is attending primary school, another one is due to start in September, the other 2 are under 3. I (and my kids) would like to go to Lithuania (EEU) to stay with my mum for a while, so she can help me with the childcare. I was told my CHB will stop if I am away from the country longer than 8 weeks. I have read that I can live in another EEU country and work in UK (which I am as I am on the paid maternity leave) to be entitled to CHB. I asked for my children to be educated at home rather than at school. My husband is staying to work in UK. Will I be entitled to CHB if we choose to stay in Lithuania longer than 8 weeks? Thanks for your advice.

  2. It is now correct, but it was corrected only after the case was stayed, I wrote an email to the court enquiring to update me with the state of the case.


    This is the reply:

    ''The case is stayed as there was no defence to the claim and you did not request judgment within the allowed timescales.


    If you wish to enter judgment you will need to apply on a form N244 with £45 fee to lift the stay and enter judgment.

    Payment should be by cheque or postal order and should be made payable to HMCTS.


    Please note, applications are not automatically granted.

    The outcome of your application would be at the discretion of the District Judge.

    The address details on the claim are as per those originally entered by you online.

    I have now updated them.''


    Just noticed taht I need a district judge...

  3. My van was damaged when it was towed away by removal company, they do not seen to want to pay for the damage, so we went to small claims court. The problem was that the address was filled in wrong, when I enquired about the case, I was infromed that it was stayed. In order to lift the case and enter the judjment I now need to fill in N244 form. I am stuck with a few fields...

    Can anyone help me please...


    sorry for a couple of spelling mistakes...:oops:


    What do I fill in in no3 Box 'What order are you asking the court to make and why'...

    Do I need to attach a draft and what is it...

    What level of Judge do I need....

    What information will you be relying on...

    What do I write in no10 box...

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