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Posts posted by angel2412

  1. Hi

    I am no expert in this situation but have you been to see a solicitor because from the way the landlord has written this letter it looks like he is trying to frighten you into paying .This cant be right to treat a person like this,as I have said I am no expert but I would go and have a free word with a solicitor or the CAB or even debt advise which can be found online the government one they don't charge.Sorry that's all I can think of,that is what I would do.I was always told when I was in debt if you offer to pay something they cant take you to court because you are not refusing to pay so they have no case.Debt advise will guide you I found them really good .

    Let us all know what happens keep your chin up mate dont let them beat you down.

    Regards Lou

  2. Hi Gorieboy,

    Don't worry they are comet the law is the law and they cant bend it to suit themselves,Trust me I work for a large supermarket chain and the Head office dont like getting letters saying they are breaking the law,just try it and see.Be polite to start with and if you get no joy go to the CAB They will take over for you or the trading standards.

    Louise :-)

  3. Hi

    Write to there head office explaining whats gone on and say the product is not fit for purpose and the store has proven that by sending a repair engineer,also state you are giving them 7 days to reply or you will be seeking legal advise,also say you don't want exchange you want a full refund.Hope this Helps.



  4. Hi I am new here so don't know whether anyone can help.in 2004 I decided to buy my home and was put in touch with a company called Preferred Mortgages LTD,I paid what they told me was a libor rate because I was such a high risk and I also had PPI included in my monthly mortgage payments,in 2007 I managed to get a new mortgage and got rid of there rediculous rates.I have heard alot of talk about claiming your PPI Back but unfornately I dont have Preferred mortgages LTD address anymore or any account numbers,but I did pay my mortgage via my bank.Can anyone advise me what to do or is there nothing I can do. Thank You

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