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Posts posted by Chrissy79

  1. Having sent letter stating deny no liability now I have a letter stating that they have considered all the issues raised and have attatched a Defence to civil claim form. and that if I reject all the alternatives that their client will be entititled to issue a Claim in the county court. Worried now . I can not afford to pay £87.50 and the goods were returned straight away.

  2. HI There,


    I am a single mum and so scared I was out shopping with my daughter in Primark and she was playing up and got a phonecall on my mobile I had a pack of vests and socks which I forgot about had the money for them but because I was not thinking walkked out then security approached me and took my datails I told them this was my first and last time doing this but was not thinking. Now I have recieved a letter saying I have to pay £87.50 which I can not afford to pay now I am worried I will have to go to court so scared .

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