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Posts posted by Tiredandwiery

  1. Morning All


    I have an update for you. After my meeting on weds, I decided to change my union representative and she has made me look at it in a completly different way.


    The whole investigation is evolved around someone refusing to deliver a medical gas cylinder to a dept, (it still wasn't me though) and they believe that I am responsible for that persons actions because, I read our policy on medical gases and it quite clearly tells us that we have to be trained on medical gases every year for Health & Safety purposes and we must have a minimum PPE (it lists what) and we have 1 out of 3, I have been asking for this training for the past 5 years and nothing has materialised, I got some information from our Health & Safety Officer who said "we had the right to refuse for H&S purposes", I relyaed this information onto my fellow colleagues as I believed they deserved to know this, THAT is what this is all about really (in my opinion). My employers have already said that insurance would cover us if there was a problem but what would happen if I was badly injured and could never work again, no insurance can cover that plus are they not saying that they already knew about the problem.


    Health & Safety issues is what they should be looking at here and nothing else, thats how i feel, any thoughts are appreciated

  2. Soss I forgot, ask HR for copies of all the documents that they have on you, its your right... leave nothing to chance. do you have a contract of employment and company policies docs...


    They told me that if they were to take further action I would be given a copy of the relevant statements taken as a managements statement of case, they have interviewed about 30 people to my knowledge but I bet they don't put all the statements in, they have done that to me before, oh yes the same manager has had me up on disciplinary charges before and they were thrown out.

  3. Hi again Scousepie


    The meeting ended with them saying thanks for coming in we will be in touch, didnt say whether I was still suspended or if i could go back to work, so dont know whether to carry on staying at home or to return to work, thurs and fri are my scheduled days off and my duty would start again at 10pm on Sat, I didnt think about asking about that to be fair as I was still shocked about what they have come out with, the meeting was recorded and they told me that the notes would be typed up and sent to me.


    My plans for tomorrow morning are to get intouch with ACAS firstly but then to also get intouch with my union head office and ask for a union official to help me out, we have 3 union reps at work and my usual rep, i would turn to if needed cannot represent me as she has been dragged in to the investigation because i asked her advice.


    Where do you think i should go and what do you think i should do, your comments are always helpful

  4. Hi all


    Back again after my meeting today and i'm starting to get the jist of things, the bottom line is that I feel I am being stitched up, todays meeting was with my manager and HR manager and both have made it abundantly clear that they do not like me(not in as many words).


    They have told me that my supervisor has told them that he gave me a request to delivery something and that I refused to do it, that is not the case as he never asked me to do such thing, so I ask myself,


    1) why did he say this and


    2) Did he really say it.


    This is not the only accusation that they hit me with, they said to me about 3 times the words "well the accusation is that you did or did not do this or that", towards the end the told me that I had said in front of the same HR manager and my manager but also in front of an Associate Director something that was completly out of character for me to say and I am 110% certain that I would not have said, I cannot even recall the meeting that I apparantly said this in, they seemed surprised that i could not remember a great deal of what happened on that day but we are talking about early december 2011, approx 4 months ago.


    I feel that I am being unfairly treated and that my Manager and the HR Manager are set on getting me out of their employment and will stop at nothing to do so, sorry but thats how it feels to me, I would also like to say that my union representative that was with me today, did and said nothing to help me or advice me throughout my whole meeting which dissapointed me to say the least.


    I feel like I should be taking a grieveance out or something but not really sure of where to go from here, sorry I cant give to many details out but I'm that wary that I dont know if my manager or someone would be looking at this forum and pick up on my threads, yes it is that bad and is doing my head in.


    Any help would be appreciated

  5. Hi, I am new to this, my mother told me to read these forums as she is aware of the situation i find myself in.

    Brief background: I work within the NHS and have done so for the last 8 years, I love my job very much but it has been getting harder and harder with all the changes (Staff cuts, Bed closures etc) within the NHS.


    I have been suspended from work since early Jan due to something that happened a month before, I am still not 100% certain what the incident is really about although I have a rough idea, the incident that they are saying i'm suspended for has got nothing to do with me, I cover a specific part of the Hospital I work in and the incident happened somewhere completly seperate. I used to be a union steward and I will always stand up for myself, my manager does not like the fact that I am willing to stand up but more importantly that I know how to follow the policies and procedures that they supply to us where as she does not. This may sound like i am being bitter to my manager, honestly i'm not, she has been in charge of our department for the last 5 years and I along with many others have seen how our morale has gone downhill but also that our service has suffered because of it.


    When I got called in to be suspended, they told me that i would be suspended for a period of 4 weeks on full pay and full enhancements and that it is in no way impling guilt but i am not allowed to speak to anyone that I work with, they then handed me the suspension policy and told me they would be in contact, i noticed when i got home that the policy says they have to write to me within a set time but they over run this by 2 days, when the 4 weeks were up they informed me in writing that it would be extended for a further 3 weeks, that was the last I heard untill the other day when they sent me a letter saying meeting tomorrow.


    I have an investigation meeting tomorrow afternoon and would like some advice if poss.

    Many thanks

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