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Posts posted by Out_of_work

  1. Whats an election? http://www.justanswer.com/uk-tax/31s93-long-dose-hmrc-keep-income-tax-returns.html


    just going back to this:


    How many years will HM Revenue and Customs go back?


    From April 2010, the time limits are:

    • 4 years in all circumstances where the taxpayer has taken reasonable care to submit a correct return
    • 6 yearslink3.gif in all circumstances where the taxpayer has failed to take reasonable care
    • 20 years where the taxpayer has failed to notify liability, or has deliberately understated a tax liability

    How can they go back 20 years if they only have records for 6 years?


    Sorry if I'm being a nuisance, but I'm really confused by all of this

  2. I don't think fraud is an issue in your case; worst case scenario, you failed to take reasonable care.

    My advice would be to get together as much information as you can... Invoices, bank statements etc.

    As I say, you will have to pay back the tax and NI and interest; you can request a time to pay arrangement if it would cause you financial hardship to pay the amount in full



    An employer has to keep records for up to six years and HMRC will also keep records for 6 years.

    So, neither the employer/HMRC will have any records before 6 April 2006


    Okay, thanks for those :)

    But my friend said it was 9 years after the job when they cam to him. Was this just bad luck on his part that the employer had perhaps kept things too long?

    in this case I'm going to dismiss the 1999 stuff as I'm pretty sure that the tax on that was paid, and rocking the boat wont help, as there wont be any records to say if I already paid it or now. Paying the same tax twice, plus itnerest and a fine doesn't sound good to me, especially if I haven't done anything wrong.


    the 2005-7 I need to deal with in the very near future though. I think that was probably paid as well, but I'm not so sure about it, or if it all was. I don't have bank statements going back that far. All i have is the invoices. I don't know what else they would want to look at, other than my tax records for those years, which they would have anyway.


    Would I be right in assuming that how they do this is that they would look at my tax code and what I paid on that particular year, based on PAYE and anything declared. Add this to the years earnings they already have, and re-calculate the tax. From this they would bill me for the difference, plus the interest?

  3. I'll sort out about the 05-07 tax soon, i've found out an organised all the existing paperwork, and it's all there in detail, but I'm really unsure about what to do about the 1999 stuff. Is there likely to be records from this somewhere? I dont want to contact HMRC and rock the boat about ths if theres no way it can be proved either way if the tax was paid or not. I might end up paying tax that I've already paid all over again, and getting myself into a lot of trouble for nothing.

    I've been reading that companies generally keep tax records 6-10 yrs, is this correct? If this is the case and there's no records from 1999 anymore, all it would do is cause a lot of bother to nobody's benefit if I bought it up with HMRC. I don't want any more trouble than I already have in my life at the moment.

  4. Sorry to bring this topic up yet again. But i contacted the lady who I was mainly directly working for back in 1999 and asked about how it was done. She didn't remember, as she said things were sometime done PAYE and sometimes as a freelancer basis. She wasnt sure how her own pay was done, it was so long ago. But she said that she herself had no financial records anymore from so long ago, as they can be destoryed after 6 or 10 years.

    Does this essentially mean that I'm worrying over nothing, as it's unlikely that there will any records from back then, or is it a different thing? I don't want to get myself into any unnessary trouble if there's no reason too, especially if it turns out that my tax was dealt with. If there are no financial records, then how would I know one way or another?

  5. (sorry if this comes up twice, i thought I posted it already, but its not showing up)


    I just found some records of something from 1999 that may be a similar situation when I did a one-off job for an environmental group. Not sure how the pay was dealt with. But how would the HMRC deal with a record so old? Would it still be limited to back-dated the interest to 4 years when I declare it (after I check it's not already paid)?



  6. so they'd back-date for interest for 4 yrs? thats not too bad I suppose. I've been going through all my old files from my old computer and found out all the old documents. they're more spread out than I expected, between 05-07, and across two interlinked companies, just over a thousand £ more than I expected.

    I'll have to sort out how to inform the HMRC of them. There's a note on my records saying that some of them were declared to the tax already, but I need to be sure of that. I have no recollection of doing it myself.

  7. So based on years passed, it means that that's how they perceive you?

    I need to find all the records of what I've done for this company and see if I can add everything together, and see if there's some no expensive Solicitor or CAB advice I can get to go about this properly.


    Is there an online resource for calculating how much I might have to pay? Doesn't have to be acurate, I just want an estimate to see if I can afford it.


    update: One thing that has just occured to me, before I go offline for the night. I had a big screw-up with my old PC, had to recover a lot of data from it when i got a new one. It's possible that not all information relating to this work was recovered. So if I declare this, and it later turns out that there was something missing, would they treat it as being dishonest, by me not being able to declare it? I also dont have my old email from this time, due to changing ISP, so I'll have no records of working for this company by this way either.

    Looks like this all may well prove to be difficult to sort out :(

  8. Based on some of what I've read, is this meaning that they're looking for accounts that they think you've got hidden away?

    So if you tell them about all the accounts you've had since you've moved into the house, and they don't find all this 'income' that they think you've been hiding from these student films, what do they do then? Do some kind of check to see if you've got another account overseas or something? How would they even do that?

    It sounds like the biggest problem is related to any money from your Grandmother, and convincing them that it's not from one of these films? Everything else should be clear.

  9. on the website taxaid, it says at the bottom of one of the pages that the :


    How many years will HM Revenue and Customs go back?


    From April 2010, the time limits are:

    • 4 years in all circumstances where the taxpayer has taken reasonable care to submit a correct return
    • 6 years in all circumstances where the taxpayer has failed to take reasonable care
    • 20 years where the taxpayer has failed to notify liability, or has deliberately understated a tax liability

    what does this mean? That if they for some random reason decided to investigate me now, theyd only go back 4 years, or if I declare this backdated money, that they'd go back 4 years from then?

    Until recently, I never had the needs to do a tax return. Everything was PAYE (well, maybe apart from this), so it was all going on without me. I'm rather confused by all of this.

  10. just had a look through my statements for that period Jan-Dec 2007. I know its not the tax year, but I underestimaed above. Forgot I had a couple of other short jobs, which were definately PAYE. Adding them alltogther with the occasional JSA comes to £8057, so that's £11943 approx with what might possibly be undeclared.


    is it possible to speak to HMRC and ask them if my tax was done for the work I'm not sure about? Would they have specific records from then?


    The JSA was income based, yes. I think they kept sending me letters though, every time i signed off, telling me that it counted as taxable income.

  11. Thanks, I was just going to respond based on something found there.

    I wasn't working much at the time. just some part-time work and mainly regretably being on the dole. It was one of my many rough years, other than this. I'm trying to find some information on how much income I had that year. Would that be p45's if I still have them?


    Also, i was reading abut fine and interest by percentages. is this percentage on earnings, or on the tax I'd pay? There's no way to calculate the payment at this point if it's based on tax.


    I'd estimate I'd have about £7000 total oming in that year from the above job, JSA and PT work.

  12. A recent phone conversation with a friend about a few personal problems put some worrying things in my mind, that have been going round in my head at what is already a very stressful time for me.


    He was mentioning that when he was young, he'd done a job for somebody and he'd been paid by cheque, and found out years later that he was suposed to declare the tax himself (as it technically classified as self-employed). After 9 years the tax office found out and called him for an interview under caution and asked him about it all and fined him a massive amount with penalties, what he ended up paying them far outweighed what he earned.


    I did some work for a company back in 2007, and was paid by cheque for £3886.95. I've just been through everything, and found a record of it in my bank details. I thought at the time that they dealt with my tax, but trying to think about it all in hindsight, I dont recall doing one of those forms where you put in your NI details or whatever when I worked for them. I've got a a horrible feeling that I've screwed up badly, and I was supposed to do my tax myself.


    I'd like to put it right, or at least contact the HMRC to check about it, but I am rather scared. I don't want to be labelled as a tax fraud if it turns out that I was suppoed to declare it. But I'm also worried about how much I might have to pay by the way of fine/inflation charges too. is there anyway of finding out in advance? Any way to calculate it all? Money is not a great thing for me at the moment.

    How will the tax people treat me if I contact them after so long about this?


    Thank you. :)

  13. Sorry to bring this up again, but things have taken a bit of a different turn.

    People who I worked with at the Cinema have also been 'blanking me' and de-friending me on Facebook. I didn;t do anything wrong while working at the Cinema, and was on very good speaking terms with everybody.

    It's all very weird and too uniform. I've got a horrible feeling that the Operations Manager who get me removed to make way for a new manager from another Cinema has told them some rather excessive lies to justify the abrupt manner in which I was thrown out. Is this something that's classifiable as Deformation of Character? It's all very unpleasant and upsetting. All i wanted was a job, and I ended up with all this misery. :(

  14. It looks like there is a possible avenue here, in that the dismissal may have broken the law under this: section 10 of the Employment Relations Act provides the right to a representative at a disciplinary meeting. it has been, and can be argued that dismissing someone in such a way that they are unable to get representation (i.e. saying you are sacked get lost) can be argued to breach that right and at least get a few extra weeks pay out of an employer who has acted unreasonably and you might have the tribunal's sympathy.

    And also that I did not receive any kind of warning as to wrongdoing on my part.

  15. Thanks for the advice and help. I've been chatting with a couple of people and the more we put things together, it seems like a planned set-up.

    The way that the 'Trainer' scoured through the computer looking so hard to find something that I'd done wrong. Him getting angry at me for supposedly not getting it right, then being twice as angry when I showed him I'd done it right, as it meant he'd failed in finding a reason to get rid of me. All of this leading up to when the new Manager (who'd been planned for weeks apparently, and kept from us)starts tomorrow. By the end of his 4 weeks here, the trainer seems to have found nothing of any value to get rid of me, so I expect some kind of extreme and silly accusation on the eventual letter I get from HR.


    In the meantime I found a page on CAB about stress at work which has a relevance to the situation. The stress levels that were deliberately imposed on me by the Trainer, on top of the stress from the 13 hours days, 60+ hour weeks could be applicable here. I have ended up on Citralopram anti-depressant from ny doctor to try and cope with the situation :(

  16. Hello everybody. Thanks for being here. I'm at my wits end at the moment. [edit: sorry this has turned out abit long, but i think it's relevant information.]


    After nearly a year out fo work, i finally managed to gain employment as a projectionist and supervisor at my local cinema. It was the place that I did want to work ideally, and after so long with worry, was so glad I got a job there of all places.


    A week after I started, the manager announced he was leaving for another job, and left myself and the other supervisor in charge. The Operations Manager who oversees all the sites decided we weren't going to get another 'official' manager as it cost too much, and we had the responsibilites of running the place.


    Needless to say there were a few problems as neither of us were clued up on all the protocols, proceedures and duties that the managerial role entailed. All things considered,, we were doing a very good job, and I started making some headway with getting a number of small improvements made to the site. I got on with all the staff, did my job well and was generally liking it, other than the often excesively long work weeks, which could clock up in region of 60+ hours, with 13hr days, due to us being understaffed.


    The operations manager popped in one day on his occasional visits and decided that we weren't doing good enough and was 'very disappointed' with us. He decided to bring a manager in from another branch to train us up in what we didn't know. That was where the probelms started.


    AT first things were going very well, we were filling in our training gaps, but as it wnet on, the Trainer got progressively unpleasant. He seemed to think that we should somehow, presumably by some kind of magical psychic powers or something, know absolutely everything already. He got a lot worse with me for some reason, and it got to a point where he seemd to be sifting through everything to nitpick problems and always blame me for it without even checking into see if I was even working that day. It also got to a point where he progressively overstepped the mark and started taking over running the place as he saw fit. He came from a considerably larger cinema, with more staff and facilites, and what he tried to apply to us (bringing usher/till/cleaning staff in later than we did etc) just didn't work. We were opening too late, projectors wer'ent up and running on time, we weren;t getting relevant jobs done becuase he was hogging the office PC in his endless search for things to cause trouble about and he was continually abrupt and rude with me.


    By this time I have been working there for 3 months. Things came to a head on Monday when he walked into the kiosk area wile we were setting up, and picked up the food hygeine diary and accused me of not filling in for the day before. I told him that I had, to which he threw it to me and asked where it was then. I flicked it over th the relavant page, and he saw it, got in a huff, then decided to say it was on the wrong page, and point out another page for me, which would have thrown the entire thing out of it's progressive chronological order, and made a total mess of it. He seemed more annoyed that I had actually done it right, than that I'd got it wrong. There were other things along this vein prior to this. But on this occassion I got rather noticeably angry myself at the constant badering and sifting to casue me trouble. There had been 4 weeks of this by now. By this time my stress and anxiety levels were going through the roof every time he was there.


    One of the other problems we were all having with him was his attitude towards the staff rota as well. Firstly he never should have touched it in the first place. ut he went straight in with no discussion with anybody, and expected his choices to 'be law'. Unfortunately for me, I am somehwat ill at the moment, with a recurring painful problem that I have finally got correctly diagnosed. I am going to need an operation. He put me in for a day to work when I have to be at the hospital. The other supervisor and myself had already sorted out about me doing this, and there were no problems. He would do that day, I would do the next. But the Trainer got really aggrivated about this, as it went against what he did.


    I didn't work Tuesday. On Wednesday we were both scheduled in at 1.30. He did not arrive, so I went up to projection to get a few things done. he finally turned up just after 2. Shortly after we opened too late at 3.30 (and with him messing up the tills as part of it) he called me into the office. Then told me that he had discussed thigns with the Operations manager, and that I was being 'let go' with 1 weeks' notice. Also that I did not need to work the extra week. He took my keys off me and threw me out there and then. I was not given any reason for it.

    I made a call to somebody else in the company I trusted a bit more, in total confusion and shock, and found something out. It turned out that there was a new manager due after all. A man who'd run a big cinema for another chain. It had apparently been planned for weeks that he was starting on Friday this week, but for some reason it had been kept from all of us at the Cinema. I get thrown out on the my last dya's work before he is due to come. Co-incidence?


    I've been dragged through the mud here. I've been singled out and blamed for anything that goes wrong, made a scapegoat, and found myself wihtout any income.


    Surely this can't be legal, doing this? If I was doing anything seriously wrong, surely I should have had a written warnning or something beforehand? As I've only been there for 3 months, I don't think I have many rights for unfair dismissal, but was hoping that somebody here would have some knowledge of some course of action I could take.


    Thanks very much for any help.

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