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Posts posted by rck

  1. Based on recent personal experience; i think that it would be helpful if commercial vehicles which belong to sole traders and small limited companies who cannot carry out there occupation without the vehicle were added to the exempted items. Under the legal definition of extortion, it is illegal to ask for money in exchange for not carrying out a threat which will prohibit someone from carrying out their job... to clamp or remove such a vehicle until money is given is surely extortive behavior?


    My van which is sign written and clearly states that it is a works vehicle was clamped for a week outside my house, this was done by a bailif on behalf of the local council in relation to a matter which was under live written complaint. I had no choice but to rent a van to complete the work i was carrying out, meaning I had to work for the week for more or less nothing and I was financially vulnerable at the time!


    The whole industry is a disgrace and needs sensible and fair consumer protection and stringent regulation. I could talk for hours about the wrongs of this area of society... I hope the government listens for a change!

  2. ]I too am having problems with LBL/nine regions ltd... I have used them twice before, each time paying back in full well before the loan had ran its intended course ( IE,they have made a lot of money from me) I got into a spot of temporary financial difficulty, rather than giving me a little space to sort things out, they started hammering me with additional charges per letter, per call, per credit search etc. As it stands/has stood since I stopped paying them, I raised a complaint with the office of fair trading and also the Financial Services authority. I received two responses to my complaints in writing, both of which were just fob offs. I then received a rather vague letter from Nine regions Ltd, that I realized that they had went into liquidation. They have assigned (sold) my debt onto another company called CC Collections. I was enraged by this revelation.


    It had crossed my mind that the reason they were not interested in being reasonable and that they only seemed interested in adding additional costs and charges was that they were aware that they had lost their Office of Fair Trading cases and that their demise was imminent. It would appear that they have been levying as much as possible to make the debt more valuable, to then sell onto other unscrupulous companies.


    I called the telephone number on the "re-assignation letter" which still had 34 Deodar Rd as the address. I spoke to a girl there who when asked, informed me that she worked for a company called "Hermes Property Soloutions", she advised that CC collections had bought some of the loans. I asked her for the consumer credit license number for CC collections, she paused and then came back a few mins later with the number 612348, I called the consumer credit department of the OFT, they advised that this number is for a different company and that as far as they're aware, CC collections does not own a credit license, nor is it listed as a trading name as a company who does. Further to this, the company number for CC collections. quoted on the assignation letter, when searched at companies house, comes up with a different address than the one quoted on the letter next to the company number.


    I am 150% that something dodgy, if not actually illegal has and is going on. I contacted the office of fair trading at local level and was shocked and disgusted to be fobbed of by the staff there; they thanked me for making them aware of the potential lack of consumer credit license; however then went on to advise that it is a common misconception that they are there to protect individual consumers and that I would be best to either try to negotiate with CC collections or to seek legal advice.


    I am truely disgusted!!! Not only does our government bail out several banks using our money, they then allow them to shy away from lending, forcing desperate people to use "other sources", they are aware that some of these other sources are not fit and proper, so they gradually shut them down but they do nothing to help the individuals who have been ill-treated. Being poor, whether temporarily or otherwise is not a crime, what LBL and its owner have done... clearly is!


    This was last week, I am about to complete on selling my property, on completion, i will be instructing a solicitor to take this forward on my behalf. I wish anyone who has the unfortunate experience of dealing with Log book loans the best of luck and I will update you with how I get on. Ps: I was never trying to get my loan written off, I've paid back the original £1200 and an extra £200, I was just trying to get them to allow me to settle at reasonable cost! THEY ARE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!

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