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Posts posted by Jock82

  1. Thanks for your reply. I'm not exactly trying to commit fraud as I'm aware the overpayment will always be on my file, and I'll have to pay it off sometime. Also, I'm not looking to lie to them - was just looking for any suggestions about how I could get the payment stopped now and deal with the overpayment debt later. And no, I'm not signing on.


    You're right though, and I'll probably just have to bite the bullet and get in touch with them. I've hopefully got a new flat and part time job sorted, so I'm just worried they are going to demand some unmanagable repayment plan and knock my plans off track a bit.


    Still, it's my problem, and I'll have to deal with it. It's good to talk and all that, cheers man.

  2. Hi, okay, so I stopped getting hours at work last October, and received my P45 in December. However, since that time I have been receiving around £50 a week in working tax credits. I know I should have told them waaay earlier than this, but I've had alot on my plate (depression), and it hasn't been top priority until now.


    I know I should contact them ASAP, explain everything and start repaying it - and that is what I will do unless, if, and it's a big if -


    If there is any way I can get the payments to stop coming from Working Tax Credits without having to reveal that I've been receiving them whilst not working for the past 7 months? I'm aware in this scenario that I would still need to pay off the debt someday, but I just don't fancy paying it off today as I'm not working, and trying to get my life back on track.


    If anyone has any clever ideas, I'd love to hear them. At least that way I could stop myself getting any further into debt. I assume most answers will be along the lines of contact them and admit all though.


    Thanks anyway folks

  3. Hi all,


    Just back from holidays (where I've not been able to check my online bank account), been worrying about money and if I had enough to last, as I was sure there was around £250 missing from my account. Initially I chalked it up to spending too much, but when I checked my bank account, I realised [edit] and Co had taken a months rent payment that they were not due.


    I just finished my lease on 26th Feb, obviously paying rent in advance, so paid (what I thought) was my last months rent on the 23rd January.


    Now...other than the worry it caused me, and making me tighten my purse strings without need whilst on holiday, no bank charges or anything like that were created. So, What can I demand from them? Obviously I want the rent payment back, but would also like compensation of some sort. Am I likely (or liable) to get it from [edit] and Co, or would I have to go to the small claims court, and then what would I be likely to get?


    Thanks in advance. This is just yet another piece of unprofessionalism from these monkeys, dog hair in fridge/washing machine/EVERYWHERE (but not in the property report!) when we moved in, to unauthorised rent payments when we move out, plus everything else in between. Jokers.

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