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Posts posted by bl4ckl4c3

  1. Very interesting read!


    My case is with a different retailer but I have a question maxx.


    You mention that TK used both video equipment and microphones to record detainment.


    When they do this, do they have to inform the accused of its operation and use as evidence?


    I'm just curious as I want to know if I would have been recorded; as I wasn't informed as such.

  2. Its just frickin ridiculous to question my capacity to understand them. Their patronising tone in their first letter would have gotten through to the most dumb of people! Their threat is essentially blackmail, because they think my parents are leverage :/ Should be interesting who they'll send a letter to.. they have my home address (my Mum's) but spoke to my Dad on the phone to confirm my id. Heard they like to assimilate info of the net, joyyyyyyyy!


    Cannot. Be. Arsed.

    Thanks all, keep you posted :)

  3. My advice would be to ignore them. Correspondence or calls, attempts to negotiate, it's all just encouragement to them. They will pin your 'strongly-worded letter' on the office wall and laugh at it. It can also be put before a court as evidence that you admit to some degree of guilt.


    So what you said about AV records of my 'admission' isn't an issue? Like I said I signed nothing and I wasn't informed of any cctv in operation to record my speech. This whole dishonesty register thing they have too seems interesting.. does anybody actually check this or what?

  4. i'd p'haps be inclined to fwd that letter to OFT/TS


    as its a threat they should NOT be making.






    Don't mean to seem dense but what is OFT/TS? And I couldn't believe it when I read it! Here's a little extract:


    As we have not heard from you or anyone on your behalf, we need to consider whether you fully understand our client's claim and the implications it may have. We are required to judge whether, given your age, you do not realise the potential consequence. As a result you may be classed as vulnerable under the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) which would require that we address future correspondence directly to an appropriate adult etc etc ... If you have not shown this letter to your parents we strongly recommend that you do so.


    So to me that sounds as though 'vulnerable' means a complete moron or someone who is too incapacitated to comprehend? I supposedly can't consciously make my own decisions so my parents must be involved!?




    Oh and get this, 'if we do not hear from you in 14 days of this letter, we will consider further your capacity to fully understand this claim'. The letter is dated 22nd, I received it 26th. So just 10 days then... :-D


    EDIT: is OFT the Office of Fair Trading? Google.... :)

  5. Update: received another letter today basically asking why I haven't responded. They also questioned my capacity to understand the ramifications of the case and debating whether to inform my parents? My parents are seperated and my mum remarried. My parents know but not my stepdad. Is it possible for him to be informed by them?




    I will have an enhanced CRB in the job I eventually want to end up in (midwifery). I signed no documentation whatsoever and offered no payment at the time. The police weren't called and by the security guard's words there was to be no sanction this time. I don't know if cctv was operational in the room; but they surely would have to tell me if it was for proof of admission otherwise they're guilty of deception, no? They also took no formal copy of i.d just my college i.d - is that even proof enough of identity?


    I know you're all essentially saying 'stiff upper lip' but I don't know whether to just reply with a strong worded letter and a check for like £60 or something? Just sick of the BS.


    Thankyou all at CAG! :hail:

  6. Hi Guys


    Just received my first letter from RLP today, when the event in question was on the 7th of Jan!

    On the day in question I had items in my bag admittedly, so was taken to their back office. I signed no forms and the police weren't called. My identity was confirmed via my college badge and phone call to my dad. Used cosmetic items of my own were also seized and I was accused of thieving other items in my bag. I was under duress so I let them keep said items. Their value was around £50-60 overall including the make-up of mine taken.


    The letter requests £244.92! There is no breakdown of the need for these costs as I have read in other posts. The average request is the very precise £137.50 so where has my total been conjured from? My mum is aware of the case and I am unsure what to do as she says just to pay them off.


    So, questions


    1. Should I pay RLP despite the fact I have signed no documents other than a scribble of my name and address to contact my dad?


    2. They mention in their 'Important Information' that they keep my data on some sort of database? Is this accessible to employers etc as I am looking to eventually end up in a healthcare career where check like CRB are commonplace.


    3. Do they have any legal authority? Is this letter a legal document?


    And any answers to my decidedly long essay above would be appreciated!


    Hope you can help me




    Confused 17 year old Girl!

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