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Posts posted by Dahak

  1. Having been conned, lied to and bullied by a broker into signing up with BES Utilities for our gas and electric earlier this year and having had an almighty battle with them to escape a 5 year contract we were surprised to receive a phone call from Ben from BES Telecoms yesterday saying that as we were a customer of BES Utilities we were entitled to receive a really good deal on our internet and phone lines from BES Utilities. Take it from me they do not like hearing the truth about what an appalling company they are!

    Needless to say we declined Ben's offer and are now in the process of submitting a formal complaint to BES as we do have it in writing that they will not contact us by phone.




    Similar situation here, offered really low rates on calls and fibre optics compared to bt on two lines, also told no cancellation fees due to new government regulations.



    Ended up transferring from bt to bes, but discovered we now had no fibre optics just ADSL ! fibre optics were part of the deal, like for like service, I was furious we have all our security cameras working on fibre optic connections. bes informed me that service they could not provide , first a bill from bt for £1,800 pounds cancellation fees, I contacted bes, they said they were not responsible for what I was told by the canvassing company commercial telecom, loads of hassle for three weeks.



    The result I had was, went through the complaints procedure to stage three, had a copy cd sent to me of the conversation with it all edited, got a call saying if I moved back to bt they would drop the termination fees that bes would charge (£1900) so moved back to bt.



    Later had a bill from bes for £900 termination, called them and they said I had to be fair because they had cancelled one termination fee so I should pay the other.



    They denied that the termination fees were to be voided on both lines !



    Calls from their collection office very rude indeed might I add, and threatening.



    Moving back to bt cancelled their termination fees.


    Made a complaint to CISAS within a week bes contacted me to void all the fees.



    BES telecom are a complete sham. Managed to sort it out though not a nice experience .

  2. This is why I said earlier on in the thread that we need pics. The one posted by the OP dosn't really show the full picture (if you pardon the pun). We could do with one which shows the whole car in relation to the DYLs.


    The picture I posted shows the tyre on the unmarked road, yes it is very close to the DY the car is either on the yellow lines or not, on that score its very black and white the car is on the unmarked road , the overhang of the car is another point for the council to argue with, and thats why I have in my letter to the council asked for their policy on overhangs that presumibly they have in writing as guidelines for there staff, if they are going make a point of this and reject my appeal on the basis of a overhang then I want to see this .


    I have got nothing to loose making a appeal, if its accepted great if not if I havent got a plan B, I will have to pay

  3. What do you mean behind the yellow lines? Was the car on the road parallel to the kerb on a section with no yellow lines and the bonnet over the lines? If so, appeal, or even flatly refuse to pay. or was it off the road, ie in a drive perpendiculur to the kerb, with the bonnet overhanging the lines?


    The car on the road parallel to the kerb on a section with no yellow lines and the bonnet over the lines, the front tyres of the car were on a section of road that was unmarked inches away from the yellow lines.

  4. Hello people, I received a council parking ticket last night, my car was parked outside my house and around 8pm the traffic wardens appeared slapped a fine on the car.


    looking at the way my car was parked the front wheels were 2 inches behind the double yellow lines would the ticket have been issued because of the car overhanging ( bonnet) onto the yellow lines?


    is it worth apppealing or just pay ?

  5. I did have numerous succsessful claims with Belmont Thornton and was prepared to pay their eventual fee £4900 when I recieved the PPI settlement from the bank


    I sent Belmont a cheque for £4900 a few weeks later


    endless letters about no payment received,

    spoke to Belmont they claimed not to have received any payment

    I called the bank stopped the original £4900 cheque and issued a replacement.


    Noticed in my bank statment the second cheque had now cleared.


    Then suddenly a pile of letters from Belmont Thornton every odd day

    claiming that I had even more PPI settlements along with new demands for their commission and VAT amounting to £3900,


    I checked with my bank and they confirmed the claims were untrue,

    what I had previosly been paid which equated to the £4900 bill was it,


    all these new claims of new PPI payments were unfounded and rubbish.


    Then when my next bank statement arrived at the end of the month the bank had paid Belmont the stopped cheque too so belmont have now been paid £9800.


    Numerous calls, letters, formal complaints to the banks head office, and eventually a threat of legal action resulted in the bank responding

    as a resolution to the problem crediting me with £4900, it was not easy as they time and time again said it was their policy not to refund,


    I asked for the part in their policy that stated this ` not refunding when the bank makes a huge mistake`

    and the next week they re-embursed the money,


    I asked the bank if they were going to retrieve the £4900 cheque paid to Belmont paid without mandate they replied no, you chase it if you wish.


    Talking to Belmont it seems they are unsure if I owe them any more money so they just assume I do,

    at the moment they say they are keeping £3900 because of the new settlements ( except there are non),

    I do think this is something they do actually,

    its totally illegal.


    Wanting to get my £4900 overpayment back from Belmont

    I have sent Belmont my bank statements as they requested showing any PPI settlements,

    a statement from my bank outlining what settlements have been made and when

    (which is equal to the £4900 fee bill and no more it all adds up 100%),

    and each time I call Belmont I get a different story such as,

    yes there has been a error and a refund is due or there is no refund due,


    they will not allow you to speak to their finance department,

    nor speak to a manager

    all you speak with is a very calm idiot,


    they will promise each time to escalate the complaint

    and someone will call in 48 hours to resolve this never happens.


    I know that I am correct that my total debt to Belmont was £4900 and no more

    and now they have a extra payment of £4900 which they refuse to return,


    I have now applied and issued a county court small claims for the £4900 against them,


    is there anything else I can do?


    (and yes I know now I could have maed all the PPI claims myself but at the time 18 months ago I was unaware)

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