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Posts posted by djwillyk

  1. just to add i apllied for esa in march 2012, went to the medical assesment november 2012, won the reconsideration two weeks ish ago. I phoned them up and the lady said thats all the arrears, i said do they not pay from the 13th week she said no!,


    I am very confused about how this all works and just need someone to clear up that,

    a) because i won the reconsideration the support componant should be backdated to the 13th week.

    b) its not my fault the didnt arrange the assesment till november.

  2. Hi dj


    Just wanna say I'm really pleased you've managed to get sorted and well done for staying strong and getting confirmation of being in the support group.



    Thank you so much, this help from everyone saved me from giving up, To be honest the dwp have been very good just the atos part really messed up.

    Still going to carry on with the atos complaint i think.

  3. Ok panick over, my partner managed to get trough to a random jobcenter and was told to go to our local one, we explained this is not posible in my condition unless medication and travel is planned in advance to which the nice chap said he will call them for us. 10 minutes later we got a call and the lady apoligised and said as i have been put in the support group there system had an error and didnt pay so she will arrange an instant payment today horaa.

    I suppose thats good news that has confirmed ive been put in the support group which is such good news but also shows the utter incompetance of atos!

  4. Ive had no other letters yet, our phone has been cut off but our internet is still going (thank god but prob will go off any moment) my partner does have free minutes on her mobile but has never let us call the esa numbers for some reason just get the this is a sky talk announcement jargen.

    due a payment this week so will see if the amounts are different.

  5. :djwillyk:

    Your letter sounds like the invitation to voluntary work focused interviews for claimants of employment n support allowance with the support group component. 'ESA120' in the bottom left-hand corner?




    Yes this is it, do i take it they have made a descision?


    and to the other question i cant drive anymore and my partners car has been sat up since this happened as we cant afford the insurance so have no way of getting there at all.

  6. Well it sounds like you have been put in support group and so don't have to attend any work focussed interviews unless you want to, and if you don't want to then you don't. Support group well done, seems they decided in your favour.


    Thats what i thought but just worried as to why i have not had any other letters, it seems like this should have come later on?

    I really hope they have come to this decision as since the work caperbility thingy my life has been awful through worry.

  7. Update, i have a letter today that says "Important information for esa support group customers"? then it says "Our records show that as a result of your work capability assessment you have been allocated to the support group" then goes on to say about volentry work focused interviews. Its from the ESA Diary admin team? Do i take this as good news that the reconsideration has been done in my favor or could this just be a weird letter as ive had nothing else arrive about this?

    I really hope its good news as i can start a new chapter of trying to get better without the awful stress ive had the last few months.

  8. As if by magic now HB have decided we ow them £111 and are reducing our HB by £42 a month to pay it :( i dont know how they think we can afford this at the mo!!!


    Do they ust pick on the easy targets??? if i wasnt as ill as i am i would be in there office kicking up a fuss but alas, no stregnth :(

  9. Income based ESA is £111.45 for a couple during the assessment phase. Money for your child will be paid via child benefit and child tax credits.


    Ok thank you, what about main phase? my partner is trying to work it out as i cant with my head the way it is..


    On another note i this morning had the most sleep (4 hours) ive had in months, still need more though :(

  10. Had a phonecall from the decision maker today and she was very nice and asked me a few questions like "how long did it take you to walk from the waiting area to the assesment room" to which i told the truth "about five minutes" its only about 4 metres but thats how long it took as my partner could not help me. Hopefully she has all the information she needs there now and can see what i live like :(


    I had another letter saying how they will be backdating since i appealed and a months worth at £113?


    One question does anyone know the esa rates assesment and main phase for me i live with my partner and 2 year old child?


    This has perked me up a little because im sure they will see the errors of the hcp that did this assesment.

  11. Thanks for the replys, had a bad day yesterday so had to take copius amounts of medication and didnt know what day it was :(


    Anyway the council will not budge till they see a letter from the dwp which i recieved today so will have to get someone to take it down for me.


    Mp got back to my partner and says he cant help untill after its been through appeal?


    landlord has sent a letter saying that our rent is overdue :(


    its all stacking up and grinding me down but trying to take it bit by bit.


    I did have a call from dwp saying not to worry as the appeal rate esa was being paid and a decision maker will look at it again.


    a few questions,


    has a decision ever been overturned at this stage or will it be the long haul appeal?


    is the appeal rate the same as what its been since i claimed? (i first claimed in march 2012 and didnt have assesment till november 2012 so was always at assesment rate)


    I really appreciate all the help im getting here it really is keeping me going :)

  12. I was told they cant pay hb until i am recieving a benifit? I got a very fast letter from atos today saying my complaint is being investigated, hopefully not by the same sort of proffesional that to the assesment!


    On another note i found my partner crying in bed this morning (i have to sleep in the front room due to me not sleeping much and having to take medication all night) which was horrible and to be honest i dont know how she stays with me having to look after me 24/7, i wish she didnt have to go through this but on the other hand i would not be able to go on without her.

  13. Thanks for the reply, i have read most of this, im just drained already. now today the help we get with rent and council tax has been stopped.

    I really dont understand how or why they do this?


    I have written a letter with all the descriptors challenged (and i mean all of them) but surley this nurse should be held accountable for just writting codswallop or none of the above apply.

  14. Sounds like the useless nurse wasnt a one off then. I phoned them up to check they had recieved my appeal and the bloke had the gall to tell me im better off trying for jsa to which i told him

    "im sure they would love it if when i sign on they ask me what did you do this week to look for work and i replyed nothing due to the fact i soiled myself 6 out of the 7 days and i was in so much pain i had to use alot of morphine and other opioids that i thought a train was trying to get in the attic"

    His reply was "oh, ok maybe jsa is not right for you right now"



  15. Hello i dont know if im looking for help or just need to talk to people about this, i had a work assesment in november which was a nightmare but i thought it must ust be a formality. I recieved the dicision last week and o points! The nurse who conducted it has missed everythin out, contradicted herself and even lied.

    Im not going through a good time at the mo, my partner has to do everything for me (which im sure is pushing her to the point of leaving me and i dont blame her) and i really dont have the strength to deal with this.

    I have already written to the saying i want to appeal and sent them a copy of all there discritors and how they affect me.


    This nurse wrote things like "didnt rise from the chair" then a few lines later put "rose from chair then declined to get on the couch" how can she say i didnt rise from the chair then i did? I didnt decline to get on the couch i told her it was a bit high and it will really hurt me for days if i attempt it an somthing goes wrong to which she said "you dont have to do it if it will be painful"


    I could go on and on about these contardictions and lies, like she had all my painkillers infront of her with the dosage written on (which includes morphine i have to use every day) and saw how i have to spend everyday drugged up and sapced out but still put "takes a moderate amount of medication hat has no affect on conciousness or ability to do day to day tasks safly"


    Ive been in a state since i recieved this and really want to fight it but two days of writting a few letters has already made me need to double my dose of medication and has made me exhausted.


    Why cant they see what is right infront of them, anyone who is truley ill does not choose this and like me must hate every minute of it and wish there was and easy way out.

  16. Sorry been moving home just settling in, i have had a letter from the court saying the council are not accepting my oot stat dec as they sent a few letters first class but i have not herd anything since? Also not got keys or v5 back. Currently have another problem of getting a court letter saying i have a £3000 + fine due to me being summoned 5 times for no insurance???? i never even got pulled over let alone drove without insurance so somthing has gone wrong there.

  17. yuk, got a letter of newlyn today about my complaint, to cut a long story short it says they interviewed bailiff and hes given them a story like he is bailiff of the year. The also said everything ive said is "completly fictitios". It also says im lcuky he hasnt gone to the police with the damage to the clamp (what damage) looks like they dont give a whistle about my side of the story and what hes said is gospel. He said we handed over the keys and logbook (yea right) and said he didnt threaten to smash window but said the police will be called (he never said that)


    Looks like newlyn take care of there own and no full well what they get up too.

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