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Posts posted by imadeabooboo

  1. The wording of the letter is as follows, for your own ammusement (personal details ommited);


    Dear Mr.....


    We act on behalf of UK Parking Control LTD


    Our client has written to you previously explaining that your vehicle was parked in breach of the agreed terms and conditions regarding parking on their client's private land. As payment has not been received our client has instructed us to recover the above monies from you as the driver at the time the vehicle was parked.


    It is essential that payment is made to us within 7 days of the date of this letter. If you are having difficulty in making the payment then please contact our officer on (0844 number) to discuss your proposal for payment.


    We are a member of the British Parking Association (BPA) and its Approved Operator Scheme and we adhere to its code of practice. As the registered keeper it is important that you inform us immediately if you have sold/hired the car. If you were not the driver, please provide us with the name and address of the person who was driving the vehicle at the relevant time. This is important so that we can avoid pursuing the wrong person.


    The BPA code of practice states that "the courts do not look favourably on motorists or consumers who try to withhold information from operators when it has been asked for with genuine, reasonable and proper cause". Accordingly, if we do not receive full payment or contact from you with your proposal for payment, this matter may be passed to our solicitor to commend County Court proceedings.

  2. Well, as expected I've recieved a couple of letter from UKCPS, including all the red wording and final notice BS. Today, as predicted I recieved a letter from Debt Recovery Plus Ltd - and saying the outstanding payment has now gone up to £150.


    I just wanted to ask, as I have seen some conflicting advice on this forum. Some suggest contacting this Debt Recovery agent and deffering the alledged debt back to the PPC, as it is in dispute. Others advise to Keep Calm and Carry On Ignoring the little insects.


    Please advise the best course of action.



  3. Thanks for all the advice so far. Just to make it clear - I completely understand that this is not a "legit" parking "fine" - and I know it's a flimsy speculative business invoice. My concern was just that by appealing and confirming myself as the driver, I have put myself in a weaker position should it ever get to a civil court. But I'm happy for them to try and take me to one.

  4. I also find it very odd that the ticket wasn't on my window when we went back to the car. It's not as if we were away from it for more than 15 minutes after the ticket had been issued. And while it was a very wet and windy day, are these people beyond taking their photo as evidence, then removing the ticket, knowing it will cause you to default to the full amount (should you be dumb enough to pay?). I certainly didn't see a ticket anywhere near the car. And with the exception of the possibilty that a local scallywag took it off, I think it's a bit of a gimmick to try and get more money out of people.

  5. Hi there,


    I like most people am looking for some advice.


    Back in December, I parked, very breifly (about half an hour or so) in an off road carpark, so that my disabled mother could pop across to a restaurant over the road and use their toilet. (She's in her 70s, diabetic, has a replacement hip and takes loads of pills for various ailments).


    Anyway, besides the point - I wasn't familiar with the area I was in, so in her time of need I turned off the main road into a side street, and there were some parking spaces near some flats. There were some notices saying residents only, permit holders only - but I figured this was a quick emergency - no harm, no foul. I even checked the car when we returned - no ticket, no worries.


    However, a few days ago I recieved one of UKCPs "We want your money" letters. Apparently, they had given me a ticket, which had not been paid, and now as a result they want me to pay £90. Now there is a photo of my car on their website with a ticket on the window - and I appreciate all that proves is the ticket was there when the photo was taken.


    The problem is, that I was so flustered by this letter, and angry - that I failed to think straight. Instead of looking online and finding this place first, I foolishly followed their appeal proceedure to plead my case. Mainly that it was an emergency, in an empty car park, and there was no ticket when I returned to the car (to which I have a witness).


    The problem now, as I understand it, is by following their appeal proceedure, I have revealed myself as the driver, and have practically admitted that I know I wasn't supposed to park there.


    Where do I stand?


    As far as going to court (if it ever got that far) I'm currently unemployed due to being made redundant - and I'm an un-discharged bankrupt. Would they ever get a penny out of me?



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