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Posts posted by starfusion

  1. I received a letter recently stating the following :


    Welcome to cabot,


    The cabot financial group has recently bought the account you held with career development finance limited and we're now responsible for answering your queries and receiving payments.


    According to our records you currently owe £1592.94, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss the options available.



    I have now checked my up to date credit file and the debt shows settled which was actually with clydesdale finance.


    This debt was a webdesign course that was sold by skillstrain, i didn't complete the course as i knew everything they were teaching in the course. it was just basic crap.


    I've since then also found out that this course was mis-sold to many people via skills train and was actually on watchdog for being mis-sold.


    When i first signed up for the course i was told it was a goverement course and that i wasn't actually signing a loan (which it turned out to be) this was back in 2008, on my credit file i have it dated as settled on 2009.


    Now i didn't know this back in 2010 i had been paying career development finance a small monthly fee, as i thought they were the owner of the debt. (which should have been clydesdale finance)


    So where to start?


    Would sending a cca request be the first way about it?


    I haven't received any phone calls and only this one letter.


    Much appreciate the help.

  2. They can put whatever charges they like on but as you said you only owe them £2 that is all they can legaly claim for.

    Charges that do not cover their actual costs are not recoverable legaly. If they claim that they are their actual costs then they need to prove it before recovery. As they can not prove it then they will not go near a court. ( it does not cost £12 to send a letter ect).



    I understand, thanks for the help.


    At least i know where i stand!


    I'll write them a telephone harrassment letter later on tonight after football training.

  3. As for them saying that they will call you all day and night , that is harrasment.

    If you intend to follow it through all the way then you could send them the telephone harrasment letter from the letters library.

    Do not be intimidated by them they realy are not worth the worry. You pay them what you owe(£2) and nothing more.


    Sure i'd follow it through, i'm not easily intimidated by anything, will have a look at that! :)

  4. Have actually done that a few times, just getting annoying when settling down for tea and the phone rings again and again! No i haven't paid any charges at all, they just keep racking them up just as they have added a £12 charge on the account for sending me a letter to say i live at my own address and they have done investigations to see if i live here.


    Last week i recieved no phone calls but then this week "this morning" i've already received 3 calls, 2 automated calls, stating a matter of urgency please ring this number etc.. and one asking if i could be passed to my account manager.


    Can they keep adding these charges constantly? i'm not worried just further down the line i don't want a bill of charges for over £1,000 and then end up being in court over a couple of quid.

  5. Well reading the forum, i thought sending the cca request because i ordered online doesn't really do anything nowadays, so i haven't sent a cca request to them, i can remember them sending me a agreement for me to sign which i NEVER signed as i wern't intending to keep the account, was only a one time purchase which meant to be paid off within the month, which i thought i had.


    Already told them to not telephone me, but i keep getting the same response, "we can't stop phone calls, so we'll keep phoning you" one girl on the phone literally said to me, we'll phone you all day and night until you respond to us.


    Everytime they phone now i get a guy instantly saying i'm passing you to your account manager, which then i do get quite a few sarcastic remarks from the supposed account managers, from all the phone calls i must have over 100 different account managers, :)


    Would a claim charges be the way forward?

    not sure where to start with that though.

  6. Hello,


    I purchased something from the brilliant gift shop last year for something priced around £40 via online.

    I made payments towards this balance and then discarded the account as i thought i had paid the full amount of the balance off, i then didn't hear anything from the brilliant gift shop for around 8 months, i then get a letter saying i owe £100+ going back over the online account statements it seems i didn't pay £2+ for postage costs, my mistake fair enough.


    but now i currently owe £138.80 and reliable collections have been calling at least 5 times a day, i no from reading this forum a long time ago, never to deal on the phone, so every time they phone i say only deal in writing and put the phone down.


    Now, i'm looking on some advice on what to do, i just recieved this letter this morning


    reliable collections cut out.jpg



    The letter states


    "All attempts to communicate with you at this address have failed, as a result we have undertaken investigations to understand your whereabouts and sources have confirmed that you are still a resident"


    This debt will not go away!!


    Now fair enough i'll pay the £2+ that i owed or anything, but to charge me over £138 for this kind of debt is ridiculous


    what can i do to combat this?


    Your helps much appreaciated!

  7. My post has just been delivered and speak of the devil, i've just had a letter with a statement saying i now owe the sum of £143.76, this is literally all made up of £12 charges and something i'm not sure what it is but there is a credit charge of £2.20 and also a service charge of £0.98, a little confused on what these are.


    The letter states the account is now with reliable collections and that i should make a payment of £25.00 within 14 days or another £12 is added.


    I never signed anything, i never sent the agreement back which they asked me to sign. I've checked my credit record and can't see anything added by them on there.


    They keep ringing up it's 4th time today on a saturday, each time telling them i'm not answering there questions, and everytime something different is told i'm breaking certain rules. The guy who has just been on the phone has just told me that i have answered there security questions before therefore i should answer them again.


    I know for a fact i have never ever answered any security questions.


    Every time they phone up i get a guy asking for myself, then transferring me to a accounts manager of some kind.


    How to stop the phone calls?

  8. Hey all,


    Looking for some advice, i'm not sure where to start.


    The story short :


    I purchased a item from the brilliant gift shop for around £40 literally about 8 month ago, this was via online.


    I made a few small payments and then had completely forgot about the account as this is a place i don't really shop from, i orignally thought i had paid the full £40 off but i had only paid £38, which i then heard nothing from the brilliant gift shop for 6 months up til now.


    I'm recieving up to 10 calls a day from the brilliant gift shop/reliable collections, each phone call saying they are one of these places, everytime they phone i refuse to answer any security questions they ask, one has phoned me today saying that i am breaking the data protection act for not answering the questions, he spouted i've spoke to 100+ customers all giving there details.


    Now they have slapped charges on up to well over £100+, now i'm currently in financial trouble due to my business going bust as i was self employed. So i have not got the money to throw and pay £100+ charges over something that is so small.


    When i first bought from online they sent me a agreement which i had to sign, but i never signed this and sent it back.


    I'm constantly being harrassed at all times of the day via phone. i have verbally asked for them to stop the phone calls and deal everything in writing, but i am at lost on what to do next.


    What letter should i first write them? any help will be much appreaciated.

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