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Duncan Johnson

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Posts posted by Duncan Johnson

  1. Hi Guys


    Well its been a while, apologies for the delay.


    I did send in a complaint letter to Natwest after my last post detailing all information and my greivances


    My account spiralled to -£1138.78 by the end of june 2012


    However i do have great news as my situation drew to an end shortly after when i recieved a letter from Natwest that the were willing to reimburse my account.


    Natwest paid the sum of £1138.78 which put my account into credit by £42, meaning i owed them nothing.


    So i thank you all for your advice and help with this matter

  2. Hi Guys


    Well the script gets better, allow me to explain...


    So in January i spoke to my Business manager who said that she was unable to and could not take off the charges that had accumulated on the account, however would waiver the charge for january if i made a payment and started to clear the debt.


    As above i made a payment of £500 on 13/01/12, however it took me to the start of Feb before i could attempt to try to pay off the agreed overdraft limit, although when i logged in to online banking the charges for January had been added to the account


    3 Jan 2012 INT 12DEC A/C ######## -£5.81 -£667.59

    3 Jan 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12DEC A/C ######## -£186.00 -£853.59

    13 Jan 2012 OTR CALL REF.NO. 0630 , FROM A/C ######## £500.00 -£353.59

    2 Feb 2012 INT 12JAN A/C ######## -£6.21 -£359.80

    2 Feb 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12JAN A/C ######## -£186.00 -£545.80

    2 Mar 2012 INT12FEB A/C ######## -£5.52 -£551.32

    2 Mar 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 10FEB A/C ######## -£54.00 -£605.32

    12 Mar 2012 cheque £1,500.00 £894.68

    15 Mar 2012 UNPD CHQ -£1,500.00 -£605.32

    2 Apr 2012 INT 12MAR A/C ######## -£5.26 -£610.58

    2 Apr 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12MAR A/C ######## -£168.00 -£778.58

    3 May 2012 INT 12APR A/C ######## -£5.99 -£784.57

    3 May 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12APR A/C ######## -£174.00 -£958.57


    After phone calls, text messages, visits to the branch trying to get hold of my business manager since February, i have finally spoken to her today and although she didn't have a choice to avoid my call as i was transferred through to her by customer services, she denies that she had agreed to waiving the charges in January.

    She also had a very short temper with me and was totally unprofessional and rude, i of course was polite although inquisitive to why she had not responded to my attempts of contacting her, for which she replied "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, if you want to make a complaint you need to put it in writing" - Charming !!!!!!!!!!!


    So i had been waiting to speak to her to resolve the issues over the January charge, i have received a letter from Natwest saying that they have been advised by my business manager to use their legal right of set off to clear the outstanding debt of -£958.57, which would be collected from my business account if funds are available.

    I called the number and have lodged a complaint so i am now waiting for a response in writing, the operator asked me what outcome i would expect, so i told them i would like all of the charges to be waivered and for the account to be closed.


    You will notice that a cheque was paid into the account by a member of staff at the branch, this was supposed to be paid into my business account not this account which is a personal current account, not sure how that happened as my wife had taken the cheque into the branch, however the customer did cancel the cheque and it was repaid into my business account


    Just not sure what the outcome will be but will keep you posted

  3. Another question (refer to the RBS claims link which I posted for you) - did they treat the charges as unauthorised? This means, were the charges themselves subject to an elevated rate of interest because they were considered to be unauthorised borrowing? - to they have a within limit interest rate and an over-limit rate?


    i'm not sure as it doesnt really give too much info online and to be honest i dont quite understand this !!


    I have just paid £500 into the account so balance is -£353.59 and it looks like the overdraft is still available as it now says £46.41 is available, i will pay more off in the week to get the account back to £0


    i am obviously not happy to pay these bank charges as you can imagine. so further advice would be appreciated in relation to getting back my money

  4. Hi Gez


    Yes is the answer


    Also another interesting issue i found is that as soon as a business account is opened then all correspondence for any of my natwest accounts is carried out through my business manager at the bank, which means i cannot be dis associated / seperated from personal / business accounts, which maybe not a bad thing i suppose unless you have a useless business account manager !!!! say no more !!!!


    I am finding it hard to understand why my bank did not freeze my account and stop all outgoings, when they can see from transactions that i am not using the account, instead it is them that are using my account to pay there own interest/charges that they are charging to my account for there own withdrawals.


    As you have highlighted because i have several accounts then the logical thing to do would be to inform me that they need to take the money to pay off a spiralling cost unless i address this, which brings me back to my totally brilliant business account manager that does have my phone number / email address on record !!!!!

  5. yes sorry ill try and explain


    INT = interest

    OTR = Online transaction


    OTR was me taking money to another account to meet bill payments in another account


    Yes it was below limit until 2nd sep when added interest took it over the limit


    The charges are

    02/11/11 - £60 = not sure from statement it just says unarranged O/D fee

    02/12/11 - £180 = £6 a day

    03/01/12 = £186 = £6 a day


    I have just checked but it looks like i have got rid of all statements but can get them resent online i think


    Like i said before i have had the account for approx ten years, never really had any financial problems with the bank and have a business account, a joint account, a personal loan and a credit card all with Natwest so seems a bit harsh that they have stuck on all these charges


    i have enough money to put the account back to within the overdraft limit immediately so should i do this???

  6. Hi


    Thanks for the quick reply, i do have statements and it appears that the bank has triggered originally by adding interest please see below copied from statement, you can see the dates, withdrawal amounts followed by balance at that time


    1 Jun 2011 OTR CALL REF.NO. 0000 , FROM A/C ####### -100.00 £28.99

    2 Jun 2011 INT 12MAY A/C ######## - 3.66 £25.33

    13 Jun 2011 OTR CALL REF.NO. 0561 , TO A/C ######## - 120.00 -£94.67

    1 Jul 2011 OTR CALL REF.NO. 0000 , TO A/C ######## - 300.00 -£394.67

    2 Aug 2011 INT 12JUL A/C ######## - 2.37 -£397.04

    2 Sep 2011 INT 14AUG A/C ######## - 6.54 -£403.58

    3 Oct 2011 INT 12SEP A/C ######## - 5.78 -£409.36

    2 Nov 2011 INT 12OCT A/C ######## - 6.01 -£415.37

    2 Nov 2011 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12OCT A/C #### - 60.00 -£475.37

    2 Dec 2011 INT 13NOV A/C ######## - 6.41 -£481.78

    2 Dec 2011 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 11NOV A/C #### - 180.00 -£661.78

    3 Jan 2012 INT 12DEC A/C ######## - 5.81 -£667.59

    3 Jan 2012 Charge UNARRANGED OD FEE , 12DEC A/C #### - 186.00 -£853.59

  7. Hi


    I have held a current account with Natwest for approx 10 years and have an overdraft limit of £400, i have always used the account for everyday accounts i.e wages, mortgage payments, D/D etc. until 3-4 years ago when i started my own business therefore opened business account and also opened joint account with my wife for everyday accounts.


    i had still used the current account until July 2011 when i had left the account at £390 overdrawn with no D/D or anything set to come out as things were tight moneywise and i needed the money at the time, however until jan 2012 i had not really looked at statements / letters regarding the account.


    After checking the account online i discovered that Natwest has charged me £180 per month in november & december running the account to approx £800 overdrawn.


    Is there anything i can do or do i need to pay:sad::sad:

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