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Posts posted by dingledo

  1. Hello Geogia,

    Sorry I didn't get back to you.I wasn't checking. I don't know of any other consumer protection groups in Greece. I hope you jhave managed to get somethimg sorted out. Luckily I got a refund from the bank as I paid by credit card.



    Hello all,


    Dingledo, thanks for the input. I also wrote to their Head Office in Markopoulo, and my letter had the same fate as yours. Have you had any further luck with the Greek Civil Aviation Authority? Is there another consumer protection agency / organisation we can contact here in Greece? Although I live abroad, I am Greek and am happy to call any Greek agencies that may help us.


    As mentioned in my last post, the bigger the force, the better the result, so I urge everyone who's been affected to step forward and leave their comments on this thread.



  2. Hello,

    I'll be watching this thread as I'm in the same position. I was due to fly out of Athens with Viking Hellas on 22nd December 2011 and back from Manchester on 6th January 2012. By chance I found out 10 days previously that the company had gone bankrupt. Since I live in Greece I contacted the passenger rigths people at tha Civil Aviation Authority here, but they were as much in the dark as me.

    Anyway, I wrote to Viking at Markopoulou in Athens quoting the European regs but the letter has come back unopened and marked " They left" by the Greek post office. So, good luck to you all!!


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