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Posts posted by greensaab

  1. Actually to tell the truth the only people that have been sympathetic has been the head of my school but for how long i dont know. A taxi has been arranged to take him in the morning with me as PA. However i have just been signed of sick for two weeks due to pneumonia and stress. He has being coming home in the evenings by the minibus. His normal Pa has been off sick this week so that hasnt helped however we have discovered a few things.

    On Friday 15/11 refused to get on bus in morning,so i took him to school in car. Friday evening normal Pa not on route, was a male Pa and he got on bus Ok no probs with harness.Mon & Tue not well so not in school. Normal Pa off for rest of week. Wed morning went to go to bus and refused to get on relief PA was a woman. went to school in car. Wed evening problems getting him on bus. class teacher had to help. Thursday morning they organised a Taxi. He got in no problems i went as escort. ABS fine got out other end no probs went into school happy. PA on way home was a man called Rodger looks like father Xmas we have had him before. No problems getting sam on bus, he completely ignored harness.Have now got to the stage when I feel my son just does not like women. i think he has seen me and his usual PA getting stressed by his behaviour and is reacting to it.

    Now all my problems is , Is to convince Passenger Transport this is the case. The tempoary PA has said he is willing on a temp basis to act as a PA untill a permanent one is found. We emailed re this but have no reply. They still have not advertised for a PA. There has to be some legal redress ????


    My Problem is not with my employer but with Passenger Transport. Who because my son is Statemented have a legal requirement to get him to school and they are not doing this.


    So Who do i go to, I am now signed off sick so should not be acting as a PA but I have no alternative and no one seems to care that my son is not going to school. Surely this is discrimination against a disabled child

  2. we have a car on motability for our son. Play savvy with the car companies cause they can reduce extra options and change Advance payments. My advice is to stay away from small local dealerships as their profits are not negotiable. We are changing our car at moment and are in negotiation with two large companies ford and volkswagen both who seem to be deaperate for our business. Ford have agreed to add extras free of charge, Volkswagen have reduced the advanced payment.

    And before anyone comments all extras and the reason for a higher advanced payment is for our son not to give us a "nicer" Car.

    i never try contacting them by email but always phone as i find this gets a better service

    We have had a motability car for 10 years and have found them and their service a godsend. In fact they are they only service that provides our son with a decent service

  3. i have a severley disabled 16 year old son.



    in september they changed his school bus and driver



    since then he has been very difficult in going on the minibus.



    he is refusing to put the shoulder straps of the harness on.



    this results in the passenger assistant refusing to transport him, so he was off loaded.



    At that time i was ill with pneumonia so that resulted in him not going to school as no other way to get him there.

    My husband works abroad.


    It was then agreed that they would get a Taxi this was decided before October half term(28/10/2013).

    The head of passenger transport said they would look into other harnesses.


    After half term my son was ill for a few days, when well he would go on the bus but refused the shoulder straps so was taken off the bus leaving me to take him to school in car.


    He is now refusing to get on the Bus. He is sevely autistic and going in car has now become ingrained.


    He needs to be in school by 8.45 but i need to be in work at 8.30. It is 16 miles each way to his school.


    my school head has allowed me to go to work an hour later ( I am loosing the money) but only to Xmas


    passenger transport have arranged a taxi but no PA so I am having to go instead.



    I am still ill with pnemonia and are due to be signed off again the Stress as this situation is really getting to me

    but no one seems to care or be bothered.



    i have no respite care or help and i am now at my wits end


    If i'm signed off i cannot be paid or claim for petrol.



    We dont have a huge income and this is now getting to the stage that my son will nor be going to school.


    Surely there is someone/somebody that can help

  4. My thoughts exactly. The problem with my Social worker was that she had no humour, No Humanity and no ability to deal with a Disabled child and family.


    She did not seem to have the ability to say Ok there might be a child recieving a bruise but what was the context. a family ,a mother who had reached crisis and instead of attacking me, She could have come put her arms around me said. look this wasnt right but you need help and that is what I'm here for and this is what we are going to do.


    Instead i was traeted like a child murderer. My health has suffered, my Job possibly too. And also if i am honest the relationship with my son as ever time I do anything say anything to him. I freeze and think should i be doing this or will someone say this is not OK !!!!


    However if my Social worker had been asigned to baby P or that little Hamazah. They would still probaly be still alive because despite all her faults and behaviour towards me and her lack of understanding to my situation. I have to commend her in her throughness, tenacity and can only describe her as a " terrier" one attached she wont let go.


    Maybe she is not right for disabled children but for another child like baby p, hamazah and others she would be a god send.

  5. Dear All, you will be pleased to know that here Is a God !! and that good sense does prevail even in this wack world .


    The request for a children protection order was turned down by all agencies involved. Even Social Services had to back off.


    The chair was amazing, seemed like a stuffy old Guy but he knew what he was about. Went on attack to social workers immediately critisises length and appropriateness of report.


    Was very supportive as far as to wink at me, when i pulled social worker up on an issue.


    School were excellent. Doctors report basically said minor injury consistent with what said but no proof. Also very scathing of lack of support provided to us.


    Camhs team wounderful. In fact all but social worker but they had to back off.


    Chair frurious that my employer had been informed before this meeting and that a multiagency meeting had already taken place before needed. Hasadvisedme to take this further.


    in all a satisfactory outcome. can go back to my life now

  6. yes i know !!! (not sure you mean Suites LOL) but this makes me so mad that things can be said about you like that and you can have no defence.


    I show no remorse because i didnt hurt or injury my son. the only remorse i have is putting my family and friends through this.


    The only remorse i have is in thinking a social worker would make my life and my sons better.


    The press is full of Kids needing protection etc. These are supossed intlelligent people cannot they not see that this is not an abused child.


    Even doctor said no injury. All that was needed was a meeting with school, CAMHS ,transport etc to agree a way forward. Social Services to agree to funding for help in morning. no need for section 47 and this complete waste of everyone's time a resources.


    A chair, 2 social workers, school nurse and headmaster, GP, OT,DS from policy, Community nurse from CAMHS, County solicitor and Old Uncle Tom Cobbly and all.


    No bruising just a mark which was probaly his birth mark. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    And What is more annyoing is i have £729.00 of local authority money sitting in an account to pay for respite care during holidays !!!!!! but cannot use it to fund help in mornings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Luckily My sons school nurse will attend tomorrow and will be able to confirm Marks on back. Also I have seen School report which sates they have no concerns re CP. Says that in the 14 years the have known us there has never been and still is no concerns.


    Although i havnt seen it my GP has told me he has said the same thing. I have a photograph of my sons back and would show to GP who would confirm they were the same marks he saw nearly 3 weeks ago.


    I have highlighted points that are incorrect and where possible provided documentary evidence to back me up.


    My biggest point will be that they state i have shown no remorse. That is slander and now its written it is also libel. So next step is to get a solicitor involved


    They are not going to get away with this NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Thank you for this. Yes you are right my son matters more than anything including my Job.


    i got a copy of social workers report today and one glaring remark was that i showed no "remorse over the incident". Well i blew my top.


    No remorse, All i did was dispute that i had caused the injury. The whole report is full of inconsistenceies.


    Cant wait for tomorrows meeting , Got all guns blazing.


    However one thing that was not included was any witness statements. Surely I should be allowed to see them

  9. This is my problem without seeing the reports i dont know what has been said and by who. So I have no way of defending myself or providing counter evidence. i have taken photos of my sons back arms legs etc . also the bean bag, the steps i "dragged "him down. the pavement i" dragged "him across. his school cloths , the pavement,my drive way, where the bus parks, neighbours houses. Honest its like a crime scence !!. i cannot find anywhere that tells you what legislation there is to procedures and time scales. All i can find on internet is that this should have been treated as a section 17 not 47.


    And to and injury to insult with all my chest infections My heart murmur has now decided to play up. Might not even make this conference. Is a bed in ICU a good reason to not attend or pospone


    LOL if i didnt i'd cry, However there is worse i could be on the X Factor.... Now there's Child Abuse !!!!!

  10. I have spoken to Social Services who say they have a legal obligation to provide the Social Workers report a minimum of 24 hours before conference.


    This basically gives me no time to provide other witnesses who could rubbish this case.


    i have the doctors intial report on the examination. in which he states Marks on back unable to examine very detailed due to poor co operation. Not significantly swollen, not tender to palpitation, corroborates with history of trying to get in to wheelchair down steps, 10 to 12 longitudial lines 10 cm meters approx perpendicilar to spine


    in Fact what they are are stretch marks which have been on his back for years and birth marks. there was no cut no blood no abrasion which there would have been if i had dragged him along pavement as i apparenlty did. Also no damage to clothing or hands arms elbows etc. No tears and he was quite happy when he came in.


    Yes i did loose my temper and shouted I even through his cuddle toy at him. I did shout at the Escort and told her to keep him. i was open and honest with Social worker i didnt hide anything. in fact i have been too open.


    This case boils down to vindictive neighbours and an inadequate social worker who did not do her job.


    We asked her for respite care and said we needed help with our son in mornings back in March 2013. This was refused and the only help we were given was 8 hours a week during holidays for someone to take him out. 2 hours a week was offered for morning care which is not available.


    Can I get this conference persponed untill we see reports and Seek advice ??? Does anyone know

  11. i have a 16 year old severly disabled son in a wheelchair, who on friday 13th decided he was not going to get in his wheelchair to get on the bus to go to school. despite numerous attempts woody and buzz fighting all sorts of games he still would not budge off his bean bag. So in my wisdom, i grasped him by the ankles and pulled him on his bean bag out of the house, on the way playing chugga chugga choo too.


    He was laughing the whole time. We bumpty bumpt down the two steps and across the dive still chugga choo chhoing to the front gate. Where i left him to get his wheelchair. on the way out he had decided to return up the drive wat so i again got hold of him by ankles and pulled him to his wheel chair. he was laughing all the time. i then threw his toys at him in an exaggerated manor. Heres woody,heres jessie.


    i then went to pick him up to put him in his wheelchair when he went all floppy and refused.My neighbour who had just arrived home came running across and tried to help me get him in his wheelchair. He refused and went ridgid. Eventually he relaxed so we could so his lap belt. then the PA on the bus said that they couldnt take him. Well to be honest I just lost it ,


    I have been off work with pnuemonia and felt ****. So i told her she could have him and went inside. She then made two phone calls to passenger transport. evebtually i calmed down 5 mins told her the door was on the latch and she brought him in and enery thing was fine. 4.30 in evening i find i have 2 social workers on my doorstep. They have recuieved 2 annomous phone calls that i have abused my son by dragging him along pavement.


    they came and intervied me i told them what had ahppened they thewn made me take my son to the doctor to be examined for what was a scratch.

    i am now faced with an initial child protection conference under section 47 enquiry.

    i work as a TA in my local secondary school they have had a multi agency meeting about me at my work.


    the annonomous reports were made by neighbours who have got a real grudge as we reported them to police for Traffic and drugs offences. We know it was them cause another neighbour tolds us.


    i am at my wits end and dont know what to do, passenger transport are refusing to take him to school, i have a severe chest infection and all Social Services seem to want to do is attack us. The meeting is on thursday and we have no reports or statements.


    I feel so helpless

  12. Writing this while waiting Hospital transport to take me back to hospital


    On the way to court yesterday morning i sufferred severee bleeding from the lower area and i mean severe bleding. i was taken immediatedly to A & E put on a drip and given drugs to slow/stop bleeding.


    Due to my sons condition and i am his prime carer are was alowed to return home late last night under the provision i supervised and did not move.


    My husband rang the court office and told them i was in A&E. He rang later to find out when it was ajourned to to discover a warrent has been issued for my arrest, apparrelt the message never got to court. So here i am awaiting an ambulance and a possible operation and have a warrent out for my arrest.


    Should have robbed a bank

  13. After all this , i.m in court tomorrow. I have no legal representation as i do not qualify for legal aid.

    i cannot afford a solitor.There was not one in our area that would allow a monthly payment. They wanted all fees up front. so it's me on my own.

    except now i have to take my disabled son as he is not well and husaband not around.

    Well Tally Ho !!!

  14. £20,000,


    I only a TA and my husband an Engineer. we only earn 30,000 a year between us, dont own our own house. I paying it back at £80.00 a month and this is a struggle. we are so far in debt and not for luxury items either. sam, our disabled son is doubly inconitnent, his feeding tube leakes frequently. my fuel bills are astranomical as i'm always washing. he needs a new matress every 3 months and quilts and sheets and clothes. the list is endless. but i would not be with out him. i dont have a bathroom big enough to bath him in so i sponge bath him every day and at weekends take him to local sports center for a shower. no body told us that DFG for children were not means tested so we never applied till this year when now we have a ramp to get him into the house and application has been made to get a downstairs washroom. Apparently i am entiled to direct payments for help. nobody told me !!!!


    What really gets to me is that they are really good at taking things off you that you are not allowed BUT DONT TELLL YOU WHAT YOU ARE !!!!!!!!


    Even though davis cameron had a disabled son, I can guarantee his life was nothing like mine.!!!!!!!!

  15. My advice and i will be shouted down. Is not to go to the interview.!"!!!!!!. if you do go make sure you take a solicitor who is CLUED UP. You are not breaking the law if you refuse to go but if you do say nothing.

    that has been my misatake. in 2010 i recieved a letter asking me to go for an IUC. same as your wife i have a disabled son and work as a TA in a school. Off i went as happy as larry!!. Wow was i mistaken. interview was great, guys really jovial and kind, sympahised with me etc. i admitted to being stupid and not knowing carers allowance was linked to earnings, said how silly i was not to have read letters properly. they laughed and agreed. i discovered how much i owed a stagering £20,000 i was gobbed smacked but have being paid it back. well thats it i thought but no i was wrong i recieved a letter from DWP telling me that they were prosecuting me for "dishonestly failed to give aprompt notification....contary to section111a (1a) .... i wrote numerous letters to every one even to david cameron in the hope someone would see sense but no. so to cut a long story short i am in court tomorrow for benefit fraud. i have no legal representative as i do not qualify for legal aid. my husbands hours at work have been cut do we can just about afford to live, everything is up to the max so i cannot afford a solicitor. my son has been ill all week so i'm going to have to take him,and to top it all i have the period from hell. Some times i wonder if there is a god . Any way here goes for tomorrow my life cant gate any worse. and please dont ask me how i have to bath my Son. disabled facility grants Well thats another matter. Some one pass the GIN BOTTLE. please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. What ever you do is make sure they know you are working no matter what hours no matter what you are paid. email them every week,write to them every month. then you will not be in my position of being in court on wed 17/10/2012 for a fradulent benefit claim. I have a seveley disabled son who i have being caring for for nearly 16 years. I did not realise carer allweance was linked to income just thought it was weekly 35 hours. i cant affords legal help. So just me on my own once again !!!!!!!

  17. What do you mean by welfare rights Officer. I have tried to get an appointment to see CAB but nearest is 20th Feb and I need to see them to get a referral to Bar Bono free legal aid. Which appears to be just barrister who I dont think work in a magistrates court.

    And How abou this one for a con. A Girl I worked with has been on Long term sick came back for three weeks to get full pay and yes you guessed it is now off sick again. However manages to go to pub every weekend. Where's the Bloody justices. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. only problem is i wont qualify for legal aid and i cant afford a solicitor. i am now considering a change in plea to guilty even though i think i'm not ,because i cant afford any more fees etc. it's hard enough loosing allowance and having to pay it all back. Which i know i have too. because of my sons disabillities i cannot work full time and i am already working as many Hours as i can get. A trial will cost alot and i cant afford this. So i think i will change my plea and except whatever. i also cant take anymore stress and worry. i have a enlarged heart and a leaky valve and all this stress is not good. So i feel pleading guilty and getting it out of the way will be better. although it angers me to do so i can see no altenative. the longer i prolong this the more harm to my health and therefore my ability to care for my son and he must be my first priority.

  19. i know but there is an earnings limit and even though both my husband and i are not brilliantly paid we might be over. also they only take into account certain out goings like rent, council tax and utilities, they dont take into account car insurance ,life insurance ,credit cards debits,clothing,food,telephone bills, petrol to get to work, food etc


    The worst thing is that it would be better for both my husband and i to give up work. we would actually probaly qualify for disability allowance, then we would get carers allowance,have all rent etc paid AND I would qualify for legal Aid. Also we could get a car on motability. Plus get all the adaptions we need to the house for our son.


    Unbelievable isn't it !!!!

  20. I spoke to the duty solicitor, who at first said plead guilty but when He read the charge that said i had dishonestly claimed Carers and when i explained my self. He said i had no alternative but to plead not Guilty. which i have. So it has all been adjourned till march for trial. In the meantime i need to find a good solicitor but one that does not cost alot. I'm going to try and apply for legal aid but i feel that i'm just over the limit. So here we go again

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