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Posts posted by ghost_monkey

  1. Hi everyone have taken on Barclays Bank and Capital One and won in full the amounts owed.

    Now I have written to Barclay Card as I used to have one around 3 years ago but figure if they took money in unfair charges I want it back.

    So have made Data protection access request and have have acknowledged this and let me know they will send details within the required time.

    As they are linked to Barclays Bank who I took all the way, before they settled a week before court hearing, they must be aware that I will not give up or be but off by delaying tactics.

    So lets see how they play it.

  2. hi every one


    had to take bundle to court and local barclays the otherday. local branch didinot not what to do with it had to wait around while they called legel department etc.

    Then very next day got letter offering to settle in full, but they had figure wrong by £200.00 in their favour. Called the person dealing with and he has upped the figure to correct amount .

    Checked bank account today and money has been put in.

    They did put confidentuality clause in but crossed in out on signed returned form.

    I am going to arrange donation to this site for all its help, good luck every one else.

  3. Just received letter from Capital One dated 30th Jan saying" we think these fees are fair etc but as good will we will reduce fees to £12.00 each and refund this to your account now and this will show in February statement.

    So today I will be sending a letter to state only except money into my account as part payment and leting them know that I will start a claim online today.

  4. Hi just realized this is the one claim I have not started a thread on yet.


    Ok so far data access request letter sent, though this took extra time as they sent it back saying it needed to go to differant address, same company so just a stalling tactic by Capital One.

    Have now compiled charges and sent with demand letter about 4 day ago so waiting to here.

  5. help please

    Sent letter to Egg saying charges unfair etc and how much i expected to be refunded.

    Egg have sent a letter back offering to pay the £200.00 now however they have also included this paragraph at the end of the letter

    " it is our view that our relationship with you as a customer has broken down and we will be writing to you shortly to teminate your agreement. Any amounts due at this point will need to be paid to Egg, and you will need to make appropriate arrangements with us."

    So are they going to close my account whether I take the money or not?, is this legal?, and will it effect my credit rating?.

  6. AQ filled in today and sent to court

    asked for standard disclosure in part G used text below. Respect to Michael Browne who I have copy and pasted it from

    I am respectfully requesting that my claim be allocated to the small claims track. This issue is not a complicated one; it is an issue of fact and not of law. The issue is only whether the money levied by the Defendant in respect of its customer’s contractual breaches exceed their actual costs incurred. I am happy to pay their actual costs and I am surprised the Defendant did not counterclaim for these, because I would have paid them without argument.

    However, the continuing problem is, (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers), that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in utmost good faith.

    Accordingly, I would respectfully ask that the court in this case, not withstanding allocation to the small claims track, order standard disclosure. I understand that it is in the courts discretion to do so. This would bring a rapid end, not only to this litigation, but would also likely bring an end to much of the litigation in progress against other high-street banks.


  7. hi everyone


    Have worked out Egg own me £134.00 in charges for going over limit based on info online ( only gone over in last year so could get all info that way rather than data request).

    So i've sent them I letter outlining charges and requesting refund and they have replyed with standard no we are no paying letter.

    I am now a bit concerned as owe £4000 on credit card and looking at threads here looks like they will counterclaim and i cant afford to pay that all yet. Have claims with Barclays and Capital one going through and this is the smallest amount, so was wondering how much of a fight it will be

  8. hi me again

    cant stop me now

    does any one know if I can claim for charges that have happened since i filed the court claim, unfortuntly I cheque I put in bounced causing me to get 3 charges of £30. if these cant be included is it ok to claim these back after the first claim is settled orcan this cause problems.

  9. Hi Every one


    Sorry should have been posting earlier

    have gone through all the data protection request and following letters and have used the money claim online site

    claim number


    claiming £2566.75 in unfair charges and interest.


    Barclays have entering a defence so had a bit of panic as sort of expected them to not enter one and win that way. However looking at other threads on this site seems Barclays do this a lot and drag out to as long as possiable.

    Shame as i am a self employed carpenter and have no work till after Chirstma , was rather hoping for this money so cover Xmas. Show you should not count for eggs beofer they hatch!!.

    Will post everthing in this thread fron now on.

  10. hi just joined up am starting claims again barclays, capital one and egg have written to all there and received list of charges.

    Barclays already offered £950.00 as good will gesture but the total amount is £2560.00 so going to court if they do not settle in next fourteen days keep the site posted.

    good luck every one.

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