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Posts posted by RyanEllis

  1. Hi there!


    Something similar happened with me and my mother a couple years back,

    they harassed and harassed us and you know what happened in the end? Nothing!


    They threatened us with court etc yada yada yada wanted us to pay a £247-ish fine,

    eventually lowering it to £40,

    and based on principle and their absurd behaviour we decided to burned their letters and ignore them.


    It wasn't in the Cardiff store, was it? Where yours happened? Sorry if you mentioned where it was and I missed the detail! :p


    What happened with you was a genuine mistake and RLP have no legal standing whatsoever,

    and even though we haven't focused much on this area of the law,

    as a Law student I know (albeit partially) what I'm taking about.


    Good luck with everything and don't lose sleep over it!


    Don't pay the fine, don't lose sleep over it,

    don't let it stress you out,

    I understand how stressful it can be but you just have to tell yourself that you didn't do anything wrong. AT ALL.


    They didn't lose their goods at all.


    If anything THEY owe YOU compensation for false imprisonment.


    What they did was illegal. As citizens they can only 'arrest' you for an indictable offence.


    No offence whatsoever was committed, you didn't even leave the store.


    What they did was false imprisonment.


    They pressurised you into signing those forms.


    It's a false confession.


    Anyway, just want to make sure your mind is at ease! You're gonna be fine. Don't roll over and don't worry about it. Their whole system is based on forced confessions from innocent victims and people being pressurized into giving over money when there is no legal obligation to do so. So don't you worry! :)


    EDIT: Sorry if this post is huge with loads of spaces, when I posted it it wasn't but if a mod has made it bigger then fair enough. :)

  2. Hi guys, like citizenB just asked what's with the 2x£10 fees. I'm all for getting this footage but we're on a seriously low income here and £20, whilst maybe not seeming like a lot of money is still wrong to be paying when we did nothing wrong. I don't want to whine, and I'll find a way to pay up but I've requested a DPA form and they've refused me point blank. Also I haven't received a letter detailing why they think they're right etc, just letters saying the same thing over and over again, that they've spoken to staff who have denied our allegations and that the CCTV footage shows us talking or 'scheming' before leaving the store etc. Their lack of communication is ridiculous, it's been four months and all they can say is that they're still investigating and cannot allow us access to the CCTV footage, if it hasn't been deleted which is what I suspect based on RLP's description which is severely lacking in any sort of coherent detail and pretty much seems like it was from the point of view of a security guard's statement and full of assumptions rather than pointing out that we tried to conceal it or whatever, which we didn't and it does not.

  3. I've e-mailed TK Maxx requesting copies of the CCTV footage and this is how they responded:


    Dear Ellis,


    Thank you for your email.


    I am afraid that we cannot release any details until a full investigate has been done. We ask for your patience and we will be in touch as soon as we have more information for you.


    Thank you for your continued patience.


    I doubt they even read the e-mail I sent requesting the DPA subject access request form for the CCTV footage. It looks like they probably don't even have the footage.


    I've responded:


    You have denied me access to something, as a member of the public, I know I have the full rights to. I am sick and tired of dealing with you and I want copies of the CCTV footage, otherwise I will just assume you have deleted them based on the fact that you found nothing to prove our guilt and say our story isn't the truth.


    I would like you to take into consideration how bad it will be if I decide to take you to the press for all this mistreatment, and to a cancer suffering stroke victim who's worked all her life at that.


    You will be getting a lot of bad publicity from this, and believe me, this isn't blackmail, blackmail is the endless letters I have received from RLP and if I receive one more I will hold you personally accountable.


    Furthermore, if I receive one more e-mail blanking me, telling me that it's still being investigated I am going straight to the press. It has been over four months, long enough to investigate the matter so clearly you're just stalling as a way to intimidate us into admitting something we didn't do. I want a full and proper investigation into the matter, I want a full and detailed explanation as to why you feel the need to continually harass us even though it was clearly an accident due to my mother's memory loss and brain damage as suffered by the stroke which left her in a daze.


    If you don't believe me, send me back another e-mail repeating the same thing over again and I'm phoning up The Sun. And I am serious.

  4. That was a deplorable way to treat anyone. I would look into the fact that the gloves were kept, and if you can get the reiept from your auntie, then I would look into taking the woman to court for theft.


    That's a very good point, we completely forgot about that! We never even asked my mother's sister but I'll find out from her next time I see her and see if she does have the receipt, if she doesn't I'm sure she'll still go up there and play holy hell with them. Thanks so much for reminding me, they were expensive leather ones as well!


    Hmm, so they actually advise people to go to CAB, then criticise CAB for supporting people against them ??


    Clearly there's a lack of communication going on at RLP HQ. I hope the fools are reading this now, scratching their heads and realising how hopeless they are. On a personal level the reason for my anger which I've found this forum a place to vent it all is because, like I've said above and no I'm not making a sob story, it was the first day in years she was not undergoing intense chemotherapy, or radiotherapy etc.


    Just over a year before she spent three solid months recovering in hospital from a massive stroke, and it took months for her to learn how to walk again and talk again and her mind is just not the same, she's often in a daze, often thinking about her chemo and radiotherapy etc which she went through intense treatments for most of 2011.


    When she finally was well enough to have the confidence to go to town this happened, which has scared her from ever going into town again. She's a strong, smart woman that does not need the stress of all this considering everything she's been through. I'm not saying they should drop this just because she suffers from cancer but at least have an ounce of sympathy, we have a valid explanation for everything that happened that day yet they continue to harass and badger us, but I'm sure I don't have to tell you how empathetic RLP are, as we all know they don't know the meaning of the word.

  6. Looks like rlp need to look at their own website, they clearly state that you should get legal advice.




    Thats what you have done isnt it?


    Then that's what I shall do. As you can imagine being a 16-year old carer with no-one else in the home except for my mother as well as the pressures of school and all the extra time I've had to dedicate to my studies it's difficult to be able to find the time for all of this (having said that I have found more than enough time to post on here). Most days including Saturday's I'm in school until around 5.30pm, which is always a worry leaving my mother to stay at home on her own, I don't want to create a sob story but I then usually cook her food and get on the laptop to complete homework etc and of course for the last two days post on here. My time's been paying off with A and A* predicted GCSE's and I plan to pursue a career in Law in the future (I'm sure I shall aim to represent some victims of RLP as well).


    Anyway, when I get a free day I'll try and get my cousin or someone to accompany me to the Citizens Advice Bureau. I'd possibly take my mother however it's difficult for her to get out of the house and sit around for long periods of time due to a back operation she had a few years ago which has resulted in her often walking with a cane which is yet another reason why I was appalled at the way they manhandled her on that day (the first day for months she was not on chemo, not on radiotherapy, not in hospital and well enough to be able to gather the confidence to go into town for some last minute Christmas shopping, and now this has completely ruined her enthusiasm for going to town etc).


    Anyway, I'll go to the CAB as soon as I have the security footage and I will take with me all the documents, the letters, my responses everything and we'll see what we can work with. My plan as of now is to wait to receive the security footage, get some advice from CAB as well as make this public, take it to the press etc.


    That's what I read yesterday. However all these cases seem to be from people who are clearly guilty. I'm pretty sure RLP wont take a disabled stroke victim and cancer sufferer to court with clear proof that it was all an accident etc, there was no intention of stealing. And only ten cases have been to court? I'm sure there's probably more, but RLP would never admit to losing cases. RLP is built on a foundation of scare and intimidate into a confession but even though I wish they would back off part of me is enjoying receiving further letters of them, helping us build a stronger case against them.

  8. Ryan, they have 40 calendar days in which to respond to your SAR request.


    Did they actually say that they had the CCTV footage when they started to harrass you ? If so, and as they have threatened litigation, then it might be a bit awkward for them if they have destroyed it - as it is obviously "evidence".


    They've only recently told me that they have reviewed the CCTV footage, last week in fact, which took four months for them to do. They haven't even mentioned anything about the footage that was recorded in the holding room which I'm also interested in seeing. Their description of the CCTV footage has many holes in it, just stating that we were seen talking before briskly walking out etc, basically assuming we were talking about stealing it or whatever. They obviously have nothing on us, but are continuing to harass us as a way to scare us into admitting something we didn't do.


    I'm also pretty sure that they know that we are in the right but are hesitant to admit it because they know they're in the wrong. We know we're in the right, and they do too, they just don't know that we know they know. Well they do now if they're reading this. They're only pursuing this so they don't have to go through the embarassment of having to admit to their mistakes and the potential scandal in the press etc. They know they've gone too far and I know they're so moronic that they would never back down so I look forward to receiving more correspondence from them in order to build my case against them.

  9. Hi Ryan


    You've got serious concerns about your treatment by TKMaxx and subsequently RLP, this is your thread so carry on posting when every you want.


    Great and thanks for the support. I'm awaiting a response from TKMaxx about getting access to the CCTV footage, once I have all the footage I'm taking it to the press. I'll go to Watchdog as well as one of the big UK newspapers who I'm sure would eat up the story. I'm just waiting on this footage now. I honestly wouldn't have bothered hadn't RLP continued to harass us threatening court etc, and even though I know they can't do anything this is a matter of principle now.

  10. It is doubtful rlp actually have the footage in their posession. They never used to ask for it for normal cases, and only once did we ever send off a dvd, and that was a staff case.


    What they will of done, is called the store and asked for a 'walk through' of what happened.


    I'm still confused about your complaint to tk's. From my experience of working for the organisation, they were usually very prompt about investigating claims of wrongdoing, as well as providing a detailled explanation of what happened, and if things went wrong, they 'put it right'.


    I'm going to be blunt:


    Ranting on here about rlp, wont actually achieve anything. Why are you bothering to keep emailing them. They cant even take you to court, its tk's that (if it ever happened) would. If you are bothered about letters and calls etc, then the only person who will 'call them off' is tk's.


    Youve been told to get the footage. This is the only impartial evidence that you have of the events of that day. You dont seem to see the importance of the footage, it is important to have it, and to keep it, as it backs your side of the version of events of that day.


    You have a legal right to have a copy of the footage. Why havent you made a dpa request yet ?. email customer services, and ask for a dpa subject access request form. Do it NOW !.


    Every tk store has a mic in the holding room. Even though you might not of been told at the time, there will of been signs, and every word uttered in that room will of been recorded, by both parties.

    As you have said, it will clearly show the behaviour of everyone in that room.


    If you are going to the papers / watchdog etc, then, at the moment, its one side of a story. If you go with a dvd full of damming video footage, its a whole different story.


    I'm not sure you will get a lot of people wanting to go on tv - unlike your case here, a lot of the others have actually stolen something, on purpose, but dont want to pay the rlp charges (and rightly so). Nobody wants to go on tv and say 'yes, I stole something, but these charges are unenforcable'. The public dont have much time for thieves, nomatter if the principle of rlp is what the discussion is about.


    I've e-mailed TK Maxx multiple times and have only received a 'We apologize for the inconveniences caused but are investigating the matter further' etc, then I never hear from them again. I have requested a DPA subject access request form but haven't got a response as of yet. There was also a video camera in the holding room so I cannot wait to see that. Once I get the footage I fully intend to upload it so everyone can see the truth, as well as the letters I have received, like you said it is clear that RLP haven't seen the actual footage, as their description of what happened is a complete blatant lie.


    Whilst I understand that 'ranting' on here about RLP wont acheive anything the reason I came on this forum was to find out our rights etc, and without all the help of the people here we probably would have just given up, rolled over and payed the fine, which I'm glad we didn't.

  11. I have just read this and I am chomping at the bit.




    Are they sure about that?


    Does this company have a crystal ball?


    There may be some very qualified people on here that know much more than they do.


    I am pretty disgusted that they have treated this lady this way. I hope they are very ashamed of themselves.


    This, is not very good publicity for TK and they are not doing themselves any favours in perusing this matter.


    They should be tripping over themselves getting an apology out to you and your mother asap and offering some compensation for how they have treated you both.


    I certainly wont be shopping with them any more if this is how they treat disabled people as I am disabled myself.


    It is very easy for people with disabilities to get confused when out.


    I will be writing a letter to the CEO of TKMax out lining my disgust for the way they treat their disabled customers.


    Wish your mum well for me Ryan and tell her she has a lot of support. I hope you and your mum get an apology as that is the least you both deserve.


    Thank you so much for your support, we both very much appreciate it. We've given TK Maxx more than enough opportunities to apologize and we've received none. The way they wrote the letter was in a way to tell my mother to tell me off for talking to you guys, and they have blatantly lied by calling you unqualified etc. It's all scare tactics of course. I've made it clear to TK Maxx I'm taking this to the press and hopefully many more people, particularly those disabled, decide to shop elsewhere in future, rather than funding a store which treats people this way. Again thanks for all the support. :)

  12. So, tk maxx customer services / loss prevention have said nothing to you then, in response to your complaint ?


    No cctv disk ?


    No subject access request ?


    No explanation at all ?


    As we all know, rlp dont bother taking people to court (well, bar their 3 'test' cases back in the 90's), so why are you even bothering with them.


    I do find it strange though, that you aren't pushing the apology and compensation route with tk's. After all, your account of your treatment will be verified by the cctv, and the holding room audio - and I'd be much more concerned with my treatment by the staff, rather than rlp sending me threats every couple of months.


    Dont forget there are time limits on the cctv being supplied under dpa, they have 40 days to produce it. Every day you delay asking for it, is another day when it could be overwritten by the system.


    There is CCTV and RLP has a copy but all they keep saying is stuff like 'it is clear that you are discussing stealing the items etc' and then 'there was no evidence of hysteria on the tape' etc. It'll be more clear when I upload the letters along with my responses etc. I'd like to see the footage myself, they're basically convicting us because we were talking on camera, or 'scheming' as they'd put it, and then we walk out before my mother is grabbed and dragged through the store by a security guard. I have pushed at TK Maxx customer serviced but they've been forwarding my e-mails to RLP telling me they're nothing to do with it etc. There was no mention of the holding room audio or video in the letters received and I'm sure they wouldn't want that to get out.


    I've also sent an e-mail to TK Maxx making it clear that I intend to take this to the press. If they actually respond rather than passing the buck to RLP I'll copy and paste it onto here.


    I'm going to request the CCTV footage myself and I'm thinking about what I'm going to write to perhaps The Mirror or The Sun, even Watchdog. Another thing of course is if we had enough innocents on this forum, which we clearly do, I know it sounds childish but if we all grouped together and wrote to Watchdog I'm pretty sure we'd get at least a response and maybe they could even be exposed on national television, along with TK Maxx and other stores employing RLP.


    This is something I feel strongly about now, based on the continued harassment of my mother and the outright mistreatment. There is the 'ignore it' route, which I have done, and believe me they will not get a penny, but me and my mother both agree that it's time to get them back, it sounds a bit ambitious but I've had enough of them, and I hope they're reading our intentions now and realising that we're going to stop at nothing to take them down. This is a matter of principle now more than anything. I want them to learn they can't just push innocent people around like this. I want them to pay for every single victim they've ever scammed the money out of. I'm taking them down.

  13. Monitoring this forum? What did they say in the letter?


    Now we know that Frogboy is an RLP sympathiser but there are more?!


    I guess it might have been naive to hunk they might not read here!


    Here's what they wrote, word for word quoted from the letter:


    We do not know if you are aware, but your son has published your claim on the internet and appears to be taking advice from unqualified, unsuitable sources, which have an alternate agenda, which is certainly not in your interest. Given the position your son and his "advisers" put you in, our client considers it is fair to give you the opportunity to respond appropriately to our correspondence.


    I LOVE the way they've worded it. They probably copied and pasted my e-mails into google and found this page in a similar way that verifiers might check someone hasn't copied a piece of work from elsewhere etc. But I'm sure they've found this forum years ago and have been monitoring it to catch people out and that. Anyway, I shall put the scans up removing name address etc, then we'll see how they react to that! :D

  14. Tomorrow I'll set up my printer/scanner so I can scan in all the letters I've received so you can all see word for word what they're accusing us of in relation to my responses if you guys are interested. And in the last letter we've received RLP have made it clear that they are monitoring my activities on this forum so if anyone has any messages they would like them to read now's your chance because they're watching us! And I never even thought about paying for the Doctor's Note. There was something like that before that was an issue with our doctor requesting £20 for a letter! It's ridiculous but I in no way blame the doctor.


    I also want to make it clear to them that I DON'T make empty threats, and I WILL go to the media once I've received yet another letter from them. I'm not scaring them into sending us a "we'll leave you alone" letter, I'm 100% serious and I can't wait to hear from them again, hopefully based on this forum, probably in the form of "oh, your son is a naughty boy, he's been talking to nasty people online!"

  15. Like you guys have said it would be commercial suicide to be harrassing a cancer sufferer as they are now doing, and actually I want to take this to the media, have they ever been exposed on anything like watchdog? I would be more than happy to sell this story to one of the big newspapers and I'm sure I'd find one who would be interested in it. Let's expose RLP for the greedy scumbags they are. There are many stories of their victims on this forum that the newspapers would be interested in.


    My plan of action as of now is to await a further response from RLP. As we have absolutely nothing to hide I will try and get a doctor's note from my mother outlining her disabilities etc, it's just embarrassing for her to have to ask her doctor for one. Once we get this I am more than happy to send it to RLP, but if we get one more speculative invoice, threat or anything from them I will come down on them like a tonne of bricks and I will not stop until they are exposed and I sincerely hope they read this so they know what's coming for them. Too many people have become victims of them and it's time to stop talking about it and take action, I know I sound like a huge cliche, like a speech in a movie or something but I am absolutely serious about ensuring this kind of treatment happens to no-one else in similar circumstances to ours.


    Another reason to send the doctor's note is to see if they continue to harrass us, that would just make an even better story for the press, that they continued to harrass us after proof of her illness.


    Another thing that angers me is the fact that they've decided to monitor my posts on this forum which I wouldn't have even bothered posting were we guilty of anything which obviously goes to prove our innocence. It just goes to show what morons they are, they were probably excited to see if I was admitting to us stealing the item or something on this forum and then disappointed when they discovered actually we were telling the truth, but no matter, pursue the matter further anyway. And I just love their response to my last e-mail! I hope I've shaken them up because they aren't getting a single penny and hopefully they've realised we've got them on charges of imprisonment, assault, harassment, defamation of character and more!

  16. Thanks for the reassurance, I shall have a read through some of the posts but did they pay the 'damages' or did they just ignore them? But yeah, basically I want to make it clear to them (if they're reading this) that they will not be receiving any further response from us, and that I look forward to shredding the letters we will no doubt receive from them in the future!

  17. I think we will just ignore them in future. But I just want to guarantee that they have absolutely no legal precedent to take us to court etc as we cannot be dealing with that at all. They're probably reading these posts as we speak, if that is the case I would like to directly address them and say that whatever threats you make in future letters and claims against this forum you're not going to scare us.

  18. The thing is we basically just want it all to go away, with my mother's cancer we don't want to spend many months that could be the last of her life dealing with this RLP business. We most likely will seek advice now but this is getting ridiculous, their constant harassment, blackmail when they're the ones in the wrong. It's just a nightmare we want to go away. I think we're just gonna get a doctor's note explaining everything and hopefully then RLP will stop harassing us.

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